Political Science 451 - Modern and Contemporary Political Theory
Study Sheet for Midterm
Midterm: March 9, 2017
Short Answer. The following terms are some of the key concepts and themes we have discussed up to this point. This list is to assist you in studying for the short answer section of the test. There will be 10 short answer questions, of which you are to answer 8 (5 points each).
Filmer’s monarchism Locke’s critique of Filmer
Political power state of nature/state of war
Limits to punishment restrictions to property (proviso)
Prerogative powers dissolution of government
Slavery for Locke political societies
Politics as science liberty of thought
Importance of institutions tyranny of majority
Factions vs. laws limits to liberty
Individualism other/self-regarding actions
Wage labor rent
Capital alienation
Money forms of communism
Essay Questions. Two of the following three essay questions will be on the exam. You are to write on one of the two (60 points):
1. Locke’s 2nd Treatise is often pointed to as providing the philosophical justification of revolution, such as the American Revolution. Based on the discussions we had in class and your reading of the text, how was Locke’s arguments for the social contract and the justification of revolution applicable to the causes of the American Revolution (and as best found in Thomas Jefferson’s authorship of the Declaration of Independence)?
2. A central issue of Locke’s Two Treatises is to examine political power. What is political power, according to Locke, and how does Locke’s approach to understanding its nature and legitimation differ from the more prevalent views of his time? Compare and contrast Locke’s understanding of political power with Mill’s, in particular with respect to their understanding of liberty. Be specific and give examples.
3. Marx argues that the economic processes associated with capitalism are both alienating to the average person and lead to increasing inequalities of wealth and power in society. Detail the arguments Marx makes for both these points. And finally, discuss the relevance, if any, of Marx’s arguments for contemporary society. Be sure to give specific examples and details to back up your claims.