Working with Shop Orders – from creation to closing
To Create a Shop Order:
Shop Order Shop Order New
Enter the part number, lot size, need date save
- Need date = ship date
- Both the structure and the routings must be buildable or you will get an error when you try to save.
- The product structure and operations will automatically pull into the shop order.
To check availability of parts:
Operations (in the top menu) Component Availability…
(see image at left)
Check the Query Condition toOnly Show Shortages
Highlight the part row, right-click to the left of the part Component Availability Planning
(see image below)
Updating Shop Orders with Changes to Product Structure or Routing
If changes to the structure or routing have been made prior to any material being issued or labor recorded, you can update the shop order to match.
right click anywhere in the background of the shop order Update Allocations and/or Operation choose to update from either the structure or the routing.
Shop order state:
When most or all parts are available and the shop order is ready to release to manufacturing/assembly, set the shop order state to Released.
right click anywhere in the background Release (see image of menu )
As soon as a shop order has material listed, parts will start being purchased, whether it is released or not. A planned state means the shop order is planned for manufacture. If you are merely planning the items to add to the shop order, you should be working on the product structure. If a shop order is started andthe project gets put on hold, the shop order should be parked so that additional parts are not ordered.
To reserve and issue parts:
When parts are available in inventory you need to reserve them for the shop order by:
right click Material Actions Reserve (see )
Run a pick list to take parts from Inventory by:
right click Reports Pick List (see )
make sure the 2nd and 4th check boxes are empty (as pictured ) OK
The pick list will only include items available and reserved at the time the pick list is run. If you run pick lists before all the material is available, you will need to run multiple pick lists to include all the material.
To check the current cost of a shop order:
During manufacture, you can check the current cost of the shop order, including labor by:
Operations Costing Shop Order Costs… WIP Status tab
If you think the shop order is complete and ready to close, compare the cost to previously sold parts. If the cost varies greatly from the standard this indicates a likely problem. Review the shop order carefully to verify accuracy of the shop order.
To check the labor reported against Routings:
If you would like to see the individual labor entries, go to :
Info Services Quick Report Navigator Labor Labor Entry by Order, enter the shop order number
To close a shop order:
*Before you can close a shop order, all material must be issued and all time reported*
From the shop order, right-click Report. Scroll right to the last column called Labor to Report. Change whatever number is in that field to zero for all rows and save. Because we currently do not track quantity completed, reported labor does not deduct from estimated labor. Zeroing out the labor to report manually removes the estimate and will close the operations.
Receive the finished part into inventory:
right click Material Actions Manual Receive
Qty = Lot size
Location No = Machine - for equipment or parts for an order, or for inventory locations
DO NOT check the box Auto Report of Operations
The FIFO/LIFO cost will appear.
Once you hit OK, the part hits inventory and the costs are set.
Check to be sure there is a demand in the system for the part
Right-click on the shop order header Availability Planning… (toward the bottom*)
Verify that there is a line with a demand that consumes the supply listed next to your shop order line. If there is only one line with your shop order, there is no demand in the system. If there is no demand listed, or the demand is not for the full quantity, it is your responsibility to either add the part to a customer notify the project manager
*note: this is a custom menu option and you must have the shop order properties set to include custom menu items.
Queries on shop orders:
It is a good idea to have a saved search for all open shop orders for which you are the planner. This will allow you to easily find all open shop orders that you are in charge of. To do this:
Query (binocular icon) fill out the state field as shown in the image below, and the planner to match your planner code.
Click on Save… name the query something like “my open shop orders”
Another query that would be good to save is one that will check the need by dates to find open shop orders with past need by dates. When ship dates change the shop order should always be updated to reflect this. This is done exactly as the query above, but with an added item;
Need Date <=SYSDATE
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