Participation on any Black Dog Legacy Lacrosse team is a privilege it is not a right. Even though BDL is a “Pay to Play” lacrosse club, behavior deemed to be unacceptable (by either a player or a spectator) WILL result in the player’s immediate removal from the team for the remainder of the tournament and possibly from the BDL program entirely. If a player is asked to leave a tournament or the BDL program, due to a breech of this Code of Conduct, no refunds will be made.

As a member of the BDL program (both players and spectators) you will be required to support and encourage behavior that honors the game of lacrosse. The principles of honesty, integrity, and sportsmanship are the core values of our program and the BDL Lacrosse Code of Conduct.

Since we are an independent club the BDL Board of Directors and the team coaches will govern this policy and their decisions are final. The BDL Lacrosse Code of Conduct is an additional condition for participating on the Black Dog Legacy Teams and all players agree to abide by this Code of Conduct.

All BDL players shall:

·  Arrive at practice prepared to listen, learn and work

·  Respect coaches, referees, and opponents

·  Be supportive of teammates in a positive manner

·  Display good sportsmanship on and off the field

·  Refrain from obscene or vulgar language

·  Refrain from the possession or use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products

·  Wear the required equipment at all practices and games

·  Never engage in taunting or arguing with referees or opponents

·  Always win with character or lose with dignity

BDL Sportsmanship Keys to Success

This may sound a little odd, but once we commit to the idea that we will cheer for our team and not root against our opponents all of the players will start having a lot more fun and enjoying THEIR experience.

Parents, our youth sports days are over, please allow the players, coaches and officials to control and enjoythe game. Sit back, relax and enjoy watching them play lacrosse.

·  We will take the field to compete with our opponents, not against them.

·  The only way to truly win is to make a commitment to self-improvement and by contributing our best effort to the team.

·  Not every win shows up on the scoreboard. Recognize improvement and effort as a victory.

Please remember that Run, Shoot, Cut and Pass are tactical advice and/or directions that should only be given by the coaching staff. It is extremely frustrating as a coach when a player comes off the field after taking a horrible shot and when questioned about the shot, the response is"Everyone was yelling SHOOT!"

Nice Shot! Great Clear! Good Save! and Good Hustle! are the kinds of things we should hear fromour spectators. Please refrain from “coaching” your child from the sideline.

I have read, understand and willingly consent to the above BDL Code of Conduct and BDL Sportsmanship Keys to Success and agree to adhere to the rules as set forth.

Players Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent or Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______