Table S4 – For the considered PCB congeners, the following information are reported: substitution pattern, molar mass (M.W.), vapour pressure of the sub-cooled liquid (Pl), aqueous solubility (Sw), Henry’s law constant (H), octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow) octanol-air partition coefficient (Koa), internal energy of phase transfer between octanol and air (DUoa), time to reach 25% of the saturation amount in PUF dick as reported by Shoeib and Harner (2002) (Literature T25 22°C), time to reach 25% of the saturation amount in PUF dick calculated by the exponential equation T25 (day) = 0.000218 . e(1.5062 . Log Koa) (n=9; R2=0.96) using T25 data of Shoeib and Harner (2002) and calculated Koa values at 22°C (Calculated T25 22°C) and calculated time to reach 25% of the saturation amount in PUF dick at the temperature of the experimental area (minimum and maximum interval).
PCB / Substitution / M.W. / Pl / Sw / H / Kow / Koa / Uoa / Literature / Calculated / Calculatedcongener / pattern / 25 °C / 25 °C / 25 °C / 25 °C / 25 °C / T25
22 °C / T25
22 °C / T25
T° exp
g mol-1 / Pa / mol m-3 / Pa m3 mol-1 / kJ mol-1 / day / day / day
18 b, c, d, e, f / 2,2’,5-tri-CB / 257.54 / 3.52 . 10-2 / 1.16 . 10-3 / 32.4 / 1.74 . 105 / 1.37 . 107 / -75.9 / 14 / 11 / 23-60
28 a / 2,4,4’-tri-CB / 257.54 / 2.70 . 10-2 / 8.85 . 10-4 / 30.5 / 4.61 . 105 / 7.05 . 107 / -78.5 / 27 / 33 / 70-185
31 a / 2,4’,5-tri-CB / 257.54 / 2.58 . 10-2 / 7.54 . 10-4 / 34.2 / 6.08 . 105 / 8.67 . 107 / -78.7 / 26 / 38 / 80-210
52 a / 2,2’,5,5’-tetra-CB / 291.99 / 1.20 . 10-2 / 4.78 . 10-4 / 25.1 / 8.81 . 105 / 1.65 . 108 / -81.4 / 43 / 58 / 125-345
44 b, c, d, e, f / 2,2’,3,3’-tetra-CB / 291.99 / 6.40 . 10-3 / 3.43 . 10-4 / 23.3 / 5.62 . 105 / 7.87 . 107 / -79.9 / 56 / 36 / 75-205
101 a / 2,2’,4,5,5’-penta-CB / 326.43 / 2.46 . 10-3 / 1.02 . 10-4 / 24.1 / 2.16 . 106 / 5.38 . 108 / -83.5 / 130 / 127 / 280-780
149 d, e, f / 2,2’,3,4’,5’,6-hexa-CB / 360.88 / 4.96 . 10-4 / 3.37 . 10-5 / 24.0 / 4.68 . 106 / 1.85 . 109 / -87.0 / 280 / 288 / 650-1920
118 a / 2,3’,4,4’,5-penta-CB / 326.43 / 9.91 . 10-4 / 6.83 . 10-5 / 14.5 / 4.78 . 106 / 2.30 . 109 / -89.0 / 400 / 332 / 770-2300
153 a / 2,2’,4,4’,5,5’-hexa-CB / 360.88 / 6.06 . 10-4 / 3.07 . 10-5 / 19.8 / 7.44 . 106 / 2.76 . 109 / -93.9 / 370 / 375 / 840-2450
138 a / 2,2’,3,4,4’,5’-hexa-CB / 360.88 / 5.63 . 10-4 / 1.87 . 10-5 / 30.1 / 1.64 . 107 / 4.54 . 109 / -86.3 / - / 520 / 1260-4050
180 a / 2,2’,3,4,4’,5,5’-hepta-CB / 395.32 / 1.08 . 10-4 / 1.32 . 10-5 / 8.13 / 1.45 . 107 / 1.46 . 1010 / -92.8 / - / 1125 / 2680-8480
170 b, c, d, e, f / 2,2’,3,3’,4,4’,5-hepta-CB / 395.32 / 1.32 . 10-5 / 8.78 . 10-6 / 8.85 / 1.86 . 107 / 1.44 . 1010 / -91.6 / - / 1117 / 2600-8170
194 a / 2,2’,3,3’,4,4’,5,5’-octa-CB / 429.77 / 2.46 . 10-5 / 5.59 . 10-6 / 4.4 / 5.78 . 107 / 1.34 . 1011 / -93.9 / - / 4866 / 11600-37000
209 c, d, e, f / deca-CB / 498.63 / - / - / 11.4 / 1.51. 108 / 3.27 . 1011 / -98.6 / - / 8764 / 21800-74000
a data were taken from Li et al. (2003);
b vapor pressure data of CB-18, 44, 170 and 209 and aqueous solubility data of CB-18, 44, 149 and 170 were taken from Murphy et al., (1987);
c Henry’s law constant data of CB-18, 44, 149, 170 and 209 were taken from Dunnivant et al. (1992);
d Kow data of CB-18, 44, 149, 170 and 209 were taken from Hawker and Connell (1988);
e Koa data of CB-18, 44, 149, 170 and 209 were calculated from by the linear regression Log Koa = 1.4894 . Log Kow -0.6677 (n=9; R2=0.97) using just consistent Koa and Kow data from Li et al. (2003).
f Hoa data of CB-18, 44, 149, 170 and 209 were calculated from by the linear regression Hoa = -5.1924 . Log Koa -38.856 (n=9; R2=0.91) using just consistent Hoa and Koa data from Li et al. (2003).