Absent:A.C. Flynn, Verneita Madden, New Constituent Members

Absent:A.C. Flynn, Verneita Madden, New Constituent Members

Minnesota Literacy Council

Board Meeting

January 28, 2013

Present: Rudy Brynolfson, Jewelie Grape, Tracy Tracy, Carla Engstrom, Sean Sweat, Laura Cohen (via phone), Brian Cooper, Dina Simon, Chap Milis

Absent:A.C. Flynn, Verneita Madden, new constituent members

Staff:Eric Nesheim, Kathie Martin, Cathy Grady, Bharti Wahi, Susan Godon, Paul Kirst

Meeting called to order at 5:04

Reviewed November board minutes. Rudy mentioned that he corrected an incomplete sentence with Lynette (who took minutes). Change was noted in saved minutes.

Motion to approve last meeting’s minutes with saved changes passed unanimously.

Welcoming New Members: Sean and Chap introduced themselves.

Executive Director Report

(Please see more detailed information in the board packet).

Eric reviewed the directions for accessing board materials online on our Intranet under Important Board Documents.

The legislative session has started and Eric is meeting with all new legislators to go over ABE platform. Adult Basic Education (ABE) is asking for the reinstatement of 1% funding lost two years ago and approval of an alternative high school diploma (the GED test is changing January 2014 and will be solely computer-based and more difficult).

John Schaidler, consultant, presented on Open Door Learning Center re-branding project.

Finance Committee

Auditors reviewed form 990 tax documents– they explained that the 990 form is highly visible (it’s available to the public online) and should be considered a strategic document.

Motion to approve the form 990 and Attorney General’s Report passed unanimously.

Recent financials: Paul provided a report in the board packet. Rudy reported that revenues are down a little and expenses are down a little more so everything is going well now. It looks like MLC will meet the budget this year.

Paul put the financial narrative report together – Brian complimented the narrative.

HR Committee

Jewelie needs new members for the committee – next HR committee meeting is Feb 13 at 4:00 at main office. Kathie Martin, Jewelie, and Bob Cocker are current members. They will be discussing HR metrics and 2012 restructuring at the next meeting. This committee oversees compensation, performance reviews, and benefits. This committee also approves the specific salary of ED and AD. MN Council of Nonprofits salary survey just came out and will be used as a guide.

Tracy asked if we are aligned with what other groups are paying their employees. Balance needed is to be able to pay competitively to attract talent but not too much so we go overbudget. Eric said we use flexibility in salaries when needed but we make sure we’re in an appropriate range.

Please consider helping out on this committee.

Development Committee

Laura Cohen is chair of development committee. Susan reported for Laura who was on the phone and not feeling well.

Susan reported on grant and development activities so far this year, including the 40th anniversary event.

Discussed having a raffle vs. silent auction for 2013. Brian Cooper thanked the board for working on this issue and reviewing the raffle process and expenses. The recommendation is to continue with the current raffle process for 2013 and then perhaps examine alternatives for 2014.

Plan to create 3 raffle ticket opportunities – i.e. book worms, sports nuts, and foodies.

Tracy thanked Brian and the team for doing this work and mentioned that we should revisit if a silent auction seems like a good option for later (2014 and beyond).

New Business

Electronically elected A.C. Flynn and Verneita Madden for their first terms.

Motion to re-elect Dina and Melissa for first three-year terms passed unanimously.

Motion passed unanimously to re-elect Tracy, Jewelie, and Laura for their 2nd three-year terms.

Annual board resolutions:

Resolution #7 – Tracy’s motion to approve a 3% salary increase for ED and AD passed unanimously.

Resolution #11 – if line of credit needed to be used, Eric will consult with Board Chair or Treasurer.

Motion to approve 14 Annual Board Resolutions passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m. Orientation began after a short break.

Next meeting: Monday,March 18, 5:00 p.m., literacy council training room.

Minutes submitted by Cathy Grady.