Monday 28 April 2014 - Agenda
12.30-14.30 : Maternity Meeting Room, Ground Floor, RBH
1. Welcome and Apologies (CW)
2. Minutes of last meeting & note reports attached to agenda (all)
3. RBH VBAC Project (Christine Harding, Emma Maycock)
4. Parent reps: evidence-based topic: Breastfeeding – the first hour (NC)
5. Feedback & questions – parent reps
a. ‘Walking the patch’ today…summary of feedback
b. Henley feedback (CW)
c. Earley feedback (EL) (tbc)
d. Summary of online feedback (Jan – April 14) (CW)
e. ‘Any questions?’
6. Annual Report & Recommendations & work plan ideas 2014/15 (CW/all)
7. Standing items (please all look at the attached sheet before the meeting – I won’t ask Gill to present it all) – comments and questions
a. Diversions & home birth service availability
(ie capacity; also discuss any staffing news)
b. Complaints
c. Birth statistics – normal birth, C-birth etc. (GV/all)
8. RBH projects/news (GV & team)
a. Home birth project
b. ‘Friends & Family Test’
c. Rushey Birth Centre – update on room availability
d. Normal birth on Delivery Suite
e. High dependency unit project
f. Any other news
9. Any other business.
Next meeting: Monday 21 July 2014 (Maternity Meeting Room RBH)
REPORTS – April Agenda
Maternity Clinical Governance
(MSLC rep. Catherine Williams)
These monthly RBH meetings are about risk management and good practice. The formal business includes discussion and approval of new and revised guidelines, protocols and maternity information leaflets (CW receives the leaflets before each meeting to review and comment); review of particular cases where practices might need to be reviewed; complaints; staffing and capacity; and making arrangements to share NHS-wide alerts about clinical matters and new policy guidance e.g. NICE guidelines.
Topics discussed in recent meetings have included: Care Quality Commission visit to RBH including maternity; room closures – Rushey Birth Centre; proposed ‘Q’ code sticker pilot for Maternity Forum/MSLC
Maternity information leaflets reviewed and updated have included: High BMI: why do I need to see an anaesthetist?; Caring for your body in pregnancy; Spinal or epidural?; Propess for induction of labour; Wound care after caesarean section; Perineal trauma; Infant feeding when mother has a high BMI.
Parent Forum met in early April in a community café (Tilehurst) and discussed topics including: collecting feedback, recruiting more parent supporters/potential reps and developing the Facebook page.
RBH Storks’ Fund
(charitable fund to help with maternity services projects)
(MSLC rep. Lisa Ramsey) Lisa will report at our meeting.
Attach: Jan 2014 minutes, Feedback reports (Henley, Earley, online), draft Annual report, Standing items sheet + Complaints Report
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