Discussion Director

Name: ______
Date: ______

Assigned Chapters: ______

Your job is...

to develop a list of questions that your group might want to discuss about this part of the book and direct the discussion by asking each member for their input based on their current role. Don't worry about the small details; your task is to help people talk over the "big ideas" in the reading and share their reactions. Usually the best discussion questions come from your own thoughts, feelings and concerns as you read, which you can list below, during or after your reading.

What to consider when formulating questions:

What was going through your mind while you read this section?

What questions did you have when you finished this section?

Did anything in this section surprise you?

What might happen next?

Possible discussion questions or topics for today:

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______


Passage Picker

Name: ______

Date: ______

Assigned Chapters: ______

Your job is…

to choose passages from the book to discuss with your group. Your purpose is to help other students by spotlighting something interesting, powerful, funny, puzzling, important/significant, etc. from the text.

For each entry, write down the page number(s) of the passage, identify why you picked it (ex. is it interesting, funny, puzzling, important or significant, etc.), and briefly explain (ex. if you chose it because it was interesting, explain WHY it seemed interesting to you).

1. Page(s): ______Why picked: ______

Explanation: ______



2. Page(s): ______Why picked: ______

Explanation: ______



3. Page(s): ______Why picked: ______

Explanation: ______



4. Page(s): ______Why picked: ______

Explanation: ______



Literary Luminary

Name: ______

Date: ______

Assigned Chapters: ______

Your job is…

to identify figurative language. Suggested elements to look for are:

For each entry, write down the page number(s) of the example, identify the type of figurative language, and explain why the figurative language is important/significant to the novel or what purpose does that figurative language serve in the novel.

1. Page(s): ______Element of Lit: ______

Explanation: ______



2. Page(s): ______Element of Lit: ______

Explanation: ______



3. Page(s): ______Element of Lit: ______

Explanation: ______



4. Page(s): ______Element of Lit: ______

Explanation: ______



Vocabulary Enricher

Name: ______

Date: ______

Assigned Pages: ______

Your job is…

to look for unknown or important/significant academic vocabulary. Since you only have to pick a minimal amount and there are many examples in each section, mark all that you find during annotating and THEN go back and decide which would be most relevant to share with the group. It will not be as affective for you or your peers if you are picking them without careful consideration.

Fill in a chart below for each word.

Word: / Citation:
Word: / Citation:
Word: / Citation:
Word: / Citation:
Word: / Citation:
Word: / Citation:



Date: ______

Assigned Chapters:

Your job is...

to draw some kind of picture/visual related to the reading. This illustration will be most effective if it’s a collage incorporating significant/important parts of the reading section – you can even label things with words if that helps. Make your drawing on this paper in the space provided. This illustration SHOULD NOT be just a summary drawing or a one-instance from the reading drawing – please show DEPTH of thought, otherwise you will only receive ½ credit. If you feel it’s necessary, write an explanation for your illustration on the back.

Presentation Plan: When the Discussion Director invites your participation, you may show your picture without comment to the others in the group. One at a time, they get to speculate what your picture means, to connect the drawing to their own ideas about the reading. After everyone has had a say, you get the final word: tell them what your picture means, where it came from, or what it represents to you.


Name: ______

Date: ______

Assigned Chapters: ______

Your job is..

to prepare a summary of the reading. Don’t tell the whole story, just focus on the important parts. The other members of your group will be counting on you to give them a quick statement that tells about the story (the summary), and the key points.

Key Points (just bullet point and cite each):














Travel Tracer

Name: __

Date: ______

Assigned Chapters: ______

Your job is...

to track the movements of the main characters. Where did the action begin? Where did the key events happen and what caused them to get where they are now? Where do you think they may go from here? Consider what the milestones for those characters may be as the novel continues.

Use the space below to track the movement of the characters. You may create point form notes, a flow chart, or use pictures or a method you feel describes their movement best. Be sure to cite!



Date: _____

Assigned Chapters: _____

Your job is...

to connect the contents of the reading selection to current or past real-world events and experiences. You will also connect the reading to other literature, music, art and/or media. Please be specific with connections and NOT general. Specifically cite when appropriate.

Real World Connections: Relate current reading to real situations – situations can be historical or current events.



Experiences: Relate current reading to real experiences you or others you know have had.



Literature and Media Connections: Relate current reading to other books, movies, art, television, music and other media.

