SSSTC Program Call for Proposals
Student and Faculty Exchange
SSSTC refers to Sino‐Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation. It is a governmental framework program between China and Switzerland. It aims to encourage and strengthen individual contacts by building multi‐level research cooperation between institutions, research groups as well as individuals of the two countries. Funding instruments include Joint Research Project (JRP), Institutional Partnership (IP), Faculty Exchange (FE) and Student Exchange (SE).
Supported by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology as well as the ChineseAcademy of Sciences, the SSSTC program has been carried out successfully in China and in Switzerland. Since April 2008, there have been 1 JRP, 2 IP and 3 FE /SE calls made. 25 out of 76 JRP, 18 out of 34 IP and 33 out of 53 FE/SE have been awarded the SSSTC grant.
We are happy to announce the 4thcall for proposals for FE & SE,deadline March 15, 2010
What it is about
The Faculty Exchange (FE) and Student Exchange (SE) Grants are designed to facilitate the first contact between scholars of both countries. It is expected that through exchange of students and faculties, there will be more understanding and mutual interest to engage in more substantial collaborative projects.
Applicable areas
All discipline, including social sciences
Beneficiaries of the SSSTC grant
- Faculty exchange: faculty members with Ph.D. degree, either Swiss/Chinese citizen or permanent resident in Switzerland / China
- Student exchange: Ph.D. or Master students
Funding principle and financial guideline
- The SSSTC Exchange Grant will cover the living expanses of the incoming Chinese scholar in Switzerland as well as his related laboratory consumables, see detailed financial guideline at The incoming Chinese scholar is supposed to cover his international travel expanses.
- The SSSTC Exchange Grant will cover the international travel expenses to China for faculties and students in Switzerland willing to spend sometimes in China. Although it is expected that the hosting parties in China take care of the related living cost of scholars from Switzerland, it is accepted if a Swiss scholar decides to support himself.
Duration of the SSSTC grant
- up to 12 months for Chinese incoming visiting students
- up to 3 month for Chinese incoming visiting faculties
- No limitation for Swiss outgoing faculties and students
Who should submit the application[1]
Permanent Faculty members in Swiss universities or research institutes who will be sending / hosting a guess faculty /student to / from China
About swissnex Shanghai, the SSSTC local coordinator in China
swissnex Shanghai is initiated by the SwissState Secretariat for Education and Research (SER). It aims to connect Switzerland and China by bridging the knowledge in science, technology, innovation, higher education and culture. It establishes and strengthens relationships between science communities, facilitate and initiate the bilateral scientific cooperation. For more information, please refer to
About ETH Zurich, the SSSTC Leading House in Switzerland
ETH Zurich is the study, research and workplace of 20,000 people from 80 nations. About 370 professors in 16 departments teach mainly in the engineering sciences and architecture, system-oriented sciences, mathematics and natural sciences areas and carry out research that is highly valued worldwide.
Twenty-one Nobel Laureates are connected with ETH Zurich. Maintaining and developing its top standing in the international competition among top universities is an important task of ETH Zurich, see
Celebrating 60 years of Switzerland – China diplomatic relation 1950 - 2010
[1]Any Chinese faculty or student interested in spending some times at a Swiss laboratories are kindly invited to contact an eligible faculty member working in Switzerland, to prepare the application with him in order to submit in Switzerland.