Kiwanis Club of St. Charles
Weekly meeting wrap-up from 7/21/15
St. CharlesIL60174
- The bell rang at 12:05 with Stu Ainsworthleading us in“God Bless America! Paul Conterato led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, Kiwanis Pledgeand w/blessing of our food.
- Thanks to our greeterMark Powell. Our Greeter on 7/28/15 is Lori Hewitt.
- The report from Kim Lescelius who underwent a 4.5 hour surgery as we met last week is very positive. She is gaining strength and hopes to be back next week.
- The Kiwanis summer picnic/KaneCounty Cougars event is set for 7/29/15. The $31.00 ticket price includes the food. TAKE NOTE, DR. DOHAN HAS ONE TICKET AVAILABLE DUE TO A MEMBER WITH A CONFLICT. Call Dr. Dohan ASAP.
- “Day in the Park” was a resounding success! Between our club, Golden K, family members, etc., we provided 57 volunteers to work with over 700 youngsters on 7/15/15. Our club grant made the day possible for youngsters with special needs and day campers.
- Club directory: Lori Hewitt passed around our 2014-2015 club directory. We need everyone to provide changes and updates as we prepare to print for 2016 soon.
- Connie Kurr announced our fund raising study committee has arranged a trial mini fund raiser with “Kimmer’s Kares” for 8/1/15 from 7 – 11 PM at Kimmer’s Ice Cream in downtown STC. Our foundation will get 10% of proceeds generated by our club. Event ID tickets will be provided. Tom Anderson let Connie know Colonial will do 20%. Yes!!
- Kiwanis Club of STC annual meeting and installation of officers has been set for Thursday, October 1st at the Dunham Riding Club w/social hour beginning at 5:30 PM. Please save the date. It will replace our Tuesday meeting on 9/29/15.
- Peanut Days Update: Committee chair Tony Savarese reports peanut days are set for 9/24/15-9/26/15. Peanuts are ordered and prime sites are set. There will be heavy emphasis on peanuts for the troops. Peanut Week starts with participation in Anderson Animal Shelter’s Pets-A-Palooza from 11:00-4:00 PM on Sunday, September 20th.
- Program: (1) Club Grant Process: John Radman announced plans for the club grant program for 2015-2016. He explained the application, saying past recipients received it via email. The form will be available on our Website and must be submitted via email by 8/7/15. Mike Linkimer will serve as co-chair of the Finance Committee this coming year. Thanks Mike! (2) Club election:Nomination/election committee chair, Joe Cucci, announced the committee slate for the election scheduled on 8/4/15: Lori Linkimer, President; Connie Kurr, President-Elect; John Rabchuk, Vice President and Terry Andrew, Treasurer. The club secretary is elected by the club board. Rett Humke is the named candidate. Three members have been nominated for the board: Lisa Blackmore, Andy Hanses and Charlie Kyle. Congratulations and thank you. Nominations will be accepted from the floor up to 8/4/15. (3) Liaisons: Harrison Schneider discussed the important role of liaisons in helping meet incoming President Lori Linkimer’s goal to increase club membership involvement in personally working with the children we serve.
- Summer trivia: Diane DeWitte and Dr. Mike Dohan stumped most w/Sox/Cubs trivia!!
- Raffle: Again, no winner. Terry Andrew indicates big $$ in the offing…
- Happy Bucks: Bill Cox handled Happy Bucks - Bell rang at 1:03 PM….
- Attendance: Down to 37 from 44.. - Next Week: The club awards three more grants…