June 20, 1966
Orem City Council met in regular session Monday, June 20, 1966, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor James E. Mangum, chairman; Councilmen Harley Gillman, Dixon Larson, James Paramore, Stanley Leavitt and Paul Washburn; City Manager Earl Wengreen, Attorney H. Vern Wentz, City Engineer George Adamson, Assistant Engineer Chester Kocherhans, Planning Consultant Dale Despain, and Recorder Anne Cooper.
Others present were as listed:
Virgil Johansen 198 South 400 West
Donald Rawlings 1115 West 400 South
Clyde E. Weeks 383 East 100 North
Aaron C. Dickey 99 North 800 West Protest Compulsory Garbage Ord.
Dave Greenwood Utah County Commissioner
Meeting opened with prayer by James Paramore.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to accept minutes as read and corrected of June 24, 1965, July 8, 1963, July 15, 1963, and July 22, 1963. Motion was seconded by James Paramore and passed.
The advisory ballot was discussed. Harley Gillman stated that he felt that the ballot is one-sided. James Paramore asked if the reference to the $1.80 should not be taken off the ballot. No direction given to the committee.
Mayor Mangum reported that Burroughs, Smith and Company gave a summary of water bonds based on $1,000,000 on a fifteen year basis at four per cent interest. If we ear-marked sales tax for this purpose, it would pay the bond issue off. This is a possible avenue without touching the $1.80 as planned from the water and sewer fund. He asked what the feeling of the Council is on this proposal.
James Paramore and Dixon Larson agreed that this would be feasible. No action was taken.
Donald Rawlings, 115 West 400 South, stated he felt the City should be doing maintenance work on streets, etc. and he is wondering if the Council is trying to discourage people from moving into our area.
Dixon Larson stated that he felt the ballot is all right.
Virgil Johansen stated that he felt the taxes are too high and asked the Council to consider the farmers' situation.
The B and C Road Program as recommended by the City Manager were presented to the Council for discussion. Motion was made by Stanley Leavitt to turn the program to the committee for recommendation. Motion was seconded by Dixon Larson and passed unanimously.
The Alta water contract was discussed by Dixon Larson. Mr. Larson stated that the City cannot afford to postpone signing of the contract as we do not have sufficient water to take the chance with a power failure. Dixon Larson had talked to John Gillman and Merrill Crandall who had stated they would accept 1100 acre feet and $5,000 per year on a twelve year contract. Stanley Leavitt stated that he would agree to this contract if it could be terminated in five years should a water treatment plant be built. After further discussion, motion was made by Stanley Leavitt to authorize Attorney Wentz to draw up a twelve year contract with the Alta farmers guarantying 1100 acre feet of Deer Creek water in exchange for the farmers' share of Alta water with a clause that provides for the contract to be terminated within five years if a treatment plant is approved. Motion was seconded by James Paramore and passed.
Dave Greenwood, County Commissioner, and Dale Despain, planning consultant, met with the Council to discuss extension of East Center Street. Mr. Greenwood stated that he has a proposal for a subdivision on the east end of Center Street. While it is located in the county, he has no authority to insist that a right-of-way be provided unless the City and county work it out together. He asked that the Mayor write a letter indicating that the City desires to have this right-of-way held. Motion was made by James Paramore to authorize the Mayor to write a letter to the County Commission regarding the East Center Street right-of-way. Motion was seconded by Dixon Larson and passed unanimously.
City Manager Wengreen reported that the Water and Sewer Department had budgeted $16,000 for equipment for 1965-66. There is a balance of $13,000 in the fund due to the fact that a decision had been made not to replace the loader this budget period. However, a street sweeper is needed and asked to transfer this amount to the General Fund to purchase the sweeper. After discussion, motion was made by James Paramore to authorize transfer of $13,369 from the Water and Sewer Fund to the General Fund in order to purchase a street sweeper. The motion was seconded by Dixon Larson and passed unanimously.
City Manager reported that the Council should establish garbage rates. He also recommended that the section of the ordinance requiring a permit for those who wish to haul their own garbage be deleted from the ordinance. The people feel they are exempt from paying the $1.00 per month sanitation fee if they have this permit. The present law provides restrictions to keep the people who haul the trash from littering the streets.
James Paramore stated that he felt that obtaining this permit is imposing a hardship.
Aaron Dickey stated that he does not like the compulsory garbage ordinance as he feels it is a violation of his constitutional rights.
After further discussion, motion was made by James Paramore to rescind the motion made June 13, 1966, to accept the new garbage ordinance as read including modification and authorize the Mayor and Council to sign, seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously. Motion was made by James Paramore, seconded by Dixon Larson, to approve the garbage ordinance after deletion of Section 23 providing that those who haul their own garbage must have a permit. Voting aye: Dixon Larson, James Paramore, and Paul Washburn. Voting nay: Stanley Leavitt. Motion passed by majority vote.
Motion was made by Paul Washburn to adopt the resolution establishing garbage rates and authorize the Mayor to sign, seconded by Dixon Larson and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Stanley Leavitt to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.