QUESTION #67: Please clarify in detail 4 on A101A that the desired depth of crushed stone is four(4”) to six(6”) inches and not four feet, six inches (4’-6”) as called out in the plans.

QUESTION #67: It is 4” to 6”.

QUESTION #68: In detail #1 on A506 it indicates that the basement slab is to rest on undisturbed “Native Soil” or engineered fill. Please clarify that we are not responsible to bring in engineered fill as a component of the base bid?

RESPONSE #68: For the base bid, you should assume that there will be no need for engineered fill.

QUESTION #69: Please provide depth and width of planting soil medium desired in details 1 and 2 on A101A?

RESPONSE # 69: The native soil at the basement elevation is anticipated to be satisfactory for the subgrade of the slab. The reference to engineered fill is included should there be unanticipated "soft spots" that need to be undercut and replaced.

QUESTION #70: Please clarify that we are to install sleeves in the concrete and other walls for the ground loop geothermal and the high velocity HVAC system as a component of the base bid? If we are what is to happen to the sleeves if the option is not selected?

RESPONSE #70: Donotinstall the sleeves associated with a particular option unless that option is awarded.

QUESTION #71: We are not clear on what is desired for conduit and other utility penetrations in the concrete foundation walls. Please clarify that it will be acceptable to pour these sleeves in the wall as it is constructed versus core drilled after the fact?

RESPONSE #71: Conduit penetrations (i.e. sleeves) are cast into the concrete foundation wall; refer to detail 5/A-506. It isnotacceptable to core drill any penetrations.

QUESTION #72: As the specified window well is manufactured from Polyethylene what is to be the construction and attachment of the ladder shown to be installed in the window well?

RESPONSE #72: Per Section 107446 – 2 Provide integral ladder constructions for emergency egress; construction and attachments will be determined by an approved submittal.

QUESTION #73: On A104, please clarify what the joists are on either side of the stairwell?

RESPONSE #73: The joists on either side of the stairwell are the same as the other joists in that section -- 14” deep open web floor truss type “B”.

QUESTION #74: In the garage at the concrete stair and landing will a rail system be required?


QUESTION #75: Please provide dimension for the painted wood cap shown on section 3 on A402?

RESPONSE #75: Providea ½” X 7 – 7 1/2” cap with bull nose or eased edge treatment.

QUESTION #76: On details 1 and 2 on A507 please provide the size and desired materials for the trim and corner pieces indicated?

RESPONSE #76: The exterior trim materials are cellular PVC per Section 062010. The size of the exterior corner board pieces should 1” thick and the finished widths should be as shown in detail 1/A-507. The interior corner piece in detail 2/ A-507 is shown as 1-1/2” X 1-1/2”

QUESTION #77: In Specification Section 064020 paragraph 1.4.D.1, it states that we are to, “Provide AWI Quality Certification Program labels and certifications indicating that woodwork, including installation complies with grades specified.” Please clarify that this means that all millwork will need to be fabricated and installed by and AWI certified Millworker?

RESPONSE #77: Thereference to AWI applies to the quality control of the materials and fabrication. The requirement that the labeling, fabrication and installation be provided by a certified AWI participant of the AWI Quality Certification Program should not have been included in the specifications and isnotrequired for this project.

QUESTION #78: In general all the interior and exterior porch trim is not clearly detailed with sizes and profiles. Please clarify?

RESPONSE #78: The interior and exterior porch trim is provided to the bidder to show design intent and to provide the bidder with enough information for estimating purposes. Where not fully specified, further detail will be provided via shop drawings in the submittals process.

QUESTION #79: Please clarify that all trim is to be paint grade and painted not stain grade and stained?

RESPONSE #79: All exterior trim is to be cellular PVC and painted. All interior trim (baseboard, door and window trim, crown molding and built-ins but not kitchen and bath cabinets) is paint grade and painted.

QUESTION #80: Please clarify that where key note G-2 is indicated you desire WB-1 base and where there is keyed not G-9 you desire WB2 base as spelled out on A602?

RESPONSE #80: Keynote G2 is either WB-1 or WB-3 (refer to INTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE on A-602). Keynote G9 is always WB-2.

QUESTION #81: Please provide the desired millwork profile for Keyed Note G4 on A204? When we look at A601 there is no indication of what is desired and the window details on A503 show flat panel trim. Please clarify?

QUESTION #81: Keyed Note G4 on A-204 - A-207 corresponds to W&DC-1 in 1/A-602.The window and door construction installation details on A-503 and A-504 are not intended to reflect the size or profile of the trim details for either the interior or the exterior.

QUESTION #82: Please provide the dimension and profiles for G14 on A204?

RESPONSE #82: G14 is a 10” base trim. Interior elevation #10/A-204 shows the design intent for the appearance of the base trim. Further detail will be provided via shop drawings in the submittals process.

QUESTION #83: Please provide the sizes of columns tagged Key Note G13 on A204?

RESPONSE #83: The columns are square. An exterior dimension of 15” should provide sufficient interior clearance to accommodate the ductwork and registers/grilles within the columns as shown in the mechanical design. The base of the columns, below the wood cap, is 1’-6” square. Due to the amount of ductwork inside the columns, the columns will not be tapered. Further detail will be provided via shop drawings in the submittals process.

QUESTION #84: Please provide the finish material and desired size of support bracket tagged Key Note K4 on A204?

RESPONSE #84: The bracket is to be black metal, L-shaped bracket, with approximately 12” long legs. The actual product will need to be selected based on the countertop supplier’s specification and the need to support an 18” overhang. Provide product data and/or shop drawings during the submittals process.

QUESTION #85: Please provide the dimensions for the raised panels and cabinets on elevations 6/7 on A-205?

RESPONSE #85: Elevation 6: The depth of the cabinets is 15”; the section under the mantle also has a depth of 15”. The profile of the trim at the mantle is MT-1 on A-602. Elevation 7: The top of the window seat is 2’-0” deep. All panels shown are recessed. Note thatthe interior elevations of the custom casework in the Living Room are given to provide the bidder with enough information for estimating purposes. Further detail will be provided via shop drawings in the submittals process.

QUESTION #86: Please provide dimensions and the profiles of the materials used at the rails, balusters and pickets for the stairs? Will these materials be used in both sets of stairs basement to first floor and first floor to second floor?

RESPONSE #86: Refer to Specification Section 64020-2.8; provide shop drawings for stairs & handrails.

QUESTION #87: Please provide the diameter of the porch columns denoted as Sheet Note #19 on A201 and A202?

RESPONSE #87: The columns denoted by Sheet Keynote #19 on A-201 and A-202 are 10” diameter with entasis.

QUESTION #88: Please provide the limits of where the waterproofing on the ceramic tile walls is to be installed. Also please clarify what test method will be expected to verify that the waterproofing on the walls will not leak as called out in the specs?

RESPONSE #88: Waterproofing is to be provided on all tile walls. All tile walls are shown in A-204 – A-207 except for the following: Bath #1 – both sides of the wall between the shower and the toilet to a height of 7’-0”; Master Bathroom: both sides of the wall between the tub and the shower to a height of 7’-0”. Verification of the waterproofing installation is to be by visual inspection for lapped seams, continuous coverage and no imperfections or gaps in the waterproofing surface.

QUESTION #89: Please provide specification or more indication of what is desired where it calls out Cladding Vent in numerous locations on the plans?

RESPONSE #89: The cladding vent is specified in Section 074600 - 2.2C. The cladding vent protects the bottom of the ventilation cavity behind the siding from insects or debris while still allowing air and water to pass through.

QUESTION #90: Step #7 and #11 for the sequence of construction appear to conflict with these details provided in the wall sections at the eaves on A401 and A402. Please clarify?

RESPONSE #90: In step #7, the ½” plywood soffit referred to is applied to the underside of the lookout framing (shown in 4/A-401) where it extends beyond the wall framing. This provides a base for installing the exterior insulating sheathing on the roof at the overhang in Step 8. This should not interfere with the installation of the exterior insulating sheathing on the full extent of the walls called for in Step #11.

QUESTION #91: On P101 it notes new domestic and sprinkler service as a two (2”) inch line in the garage but on the riser diagram on F601 it call out a three (3”) inch incoming line. Please clarify?

RESPONSE #91: A 3” incoming line is shown in both locations; refer to the updated drawings.

QUESTION #92: Please clarify if the instrumentation conduits, drawing note 3 on M101 is base contract or alternate work?

RESPONSE #92: These are part of the geothermal option.

QUESTION #93: Please clarify if the Ground Loop Geothermal Alternate should include the fan coil units listed as future on the “M” drawings?

RESPONSE #93: No, FCU-1 and FCU-2 are not part of this contract.

QUESTION #94: The route for the communications conduits takes us directly in the drip line and very close to the tree trunk of several mature trees. Given this routing it will be very difficult to preserve these trees. Would it not make more sense to approach the existing communications conduits we are to tie into from the parking lot? Please advise?

RESPONSE #94: A different approach to the communication manhole would be appropriate, if it could avoid the tree roots, and all other utilities in the area.

QUESTION #95: At the job walk-thru it was noted that the communications wiring would be performed by NIST. In reviewing the answers to the previous bid questions it notes that from the garage into the new building all communication wiring is by the Contractor. Please clarify if we have any responsibility for communication wiring?

QUESTION #95: Data cable from 226 to the garage is furnished and installed by NIST once the conduit has been installed by the Contractor. All cable and conduit from the garage onward is supplied and installed by the Contractor. All conduit duct banks from the point of connection to the garage is supplied and installed by the Contractor.

QUESTION #96: On C-201 Plan Notes 20 and 21 reference us to architectural drawing LA-102 which does not exist. Please clarify?

RESPONSE #96: Refer to Response #14 in Attachment A003 - #13 Questions and Responses.

QUESTION #97: On C-502 Note #14 calls out for seed and sod. Please clarify if sod will be a job requirement and if so where will it be required?

RESPONSE #97: Note #14 states "Seed or sod bare areas as directed by Owner. . .". From the designer's perspective either one is acceptable. The note was written in such a manner as to allow the Owner the option to use sod if they desire to do so for any reason.

QUESTION #98: Please provide copies of the soils report for reference. Given the notes on the drawings and in the specifications we cannot accurately bid this project without the soils report?

RESPONSE #98: A digital copy of the geotechnical report will be provided in the next amendment.

QUESTION #99: Given the size of the site can we anticipate loosing all excess spoils on site or will they need to be hauled from the site? We ask this as a LEED project and with the desire to divert materials from the landfill it would make sense and save dollars too.

RESPONSE #99: All excess materials must be removed from site, or used in accordance with other projects on campus. There is a Child Care Center that is scheduled to start construction in the very near future, directly across the street from the NET ZERO facility that will be looking for several thousand cubic yards of suitable fill.

QUESTION #100: Are the interior walls that do not have wall type designations 2 x 4 framing with ½” sheetrock?

RESPONSE #100: See General Sheet Notes #3 and #4 on A-105 and A-109 for interior wall framing size. All framing is to be 24” o.c. All interior walls have ½” gypsum wall board or ½” tile backer board depending on the wall finish indicated in Interior Finish Schedule on A-602.

QUESTION #101: Are all the exterior and interior bearing walls 2 x 6 framing?

RESPONSE #101: See General Sheet Notes #4 on A-105 and A-109 for interior bearing wall framing sizes. All exterior wall framing is 2 X 6 (e.g. see building and exterior wall sections, A-301 – A-305, A-401 – A-402).

QUESTION #102: What is the significance of the letter designations beneath the vertical members of the wall framing elevations?

RESPONSE #102: KT = king trimmer, T = trimmer, S = Stud, C= Cripple, E= End Stud (Refer to drawings A-106, A-107, A-110)

QUESTION #103: What is the significance of the hatched designation within the “s” and “c” vertical wall members? Not all of these pieces have that designation.

RESPONSE #103: There are Window Type and Door Type designators provided in the rough opening on the wall framing elevations for reference (in drawings A-106, A-107, A-110). The Window Type designators are hatched in the same way that they appear on the Exterior Elevation drawings.

QUESTION #104: C-401 E & S Plan shows two Super Silt Fences at the south side of the site. Would one super silt fence on the south side of the water line be sufficient along the south side of the project site?

RESPONSE #104: C-401 is under a permitting process w/ MDE, no revisions to the ESC & SWM can be made.

QUESTION #105: Given the nature of a competitive bid process would it be possible to name our subs and provide their reference materials the day after the formal bid is turned in? We would be able to provide accurate and reliable information by no later than 9:00 AM the day after the bid. By the nature of a competitive bid it is not uncommon to still be receiving bids up until one minute prior to bid time. Please advise?

RESPONSE #105:No all items for your proposal must be submitted at the response time and date specified.

QUESTION #106: This is in reference to the Net zero test facility, regarding RE: voice and data cabling, security systems,cctv, is the low voltage portion of this project separate?

RESPONSE #106: Voice/Data wiring will be brought into the Garage to a distribution point on the South of the Garage interior, refer to Sheet E-103.