BALTIMORE: 410-391-4200 FAX: 410-574-7582 TOLL FREE: 800-835-7617 AVAILABILITY & ORDER FORM WEEK OF: 3/11/2015
The greenhouses are full of beautiful plant material
for your first retail sales or upcoming flower shows:
1 Quart Perennials and Grasses:
Acorus gramineus & Minimus Aureus *Nice & full foliage*
Ajuga Caitlin’s Giant *Nice & full foliage*
Artemisia Powers Castle *Nice & full foliage*
Asarum splendens *Nice & full, will start to flower soon!*
Carex Evergold *Nice & full, starting to flower*
Cyclamen heteriofolium *Nice foliage, starting to bud/ flower*
Galium odoratum *Nice & full foliage*
Geranium sanguineum *Nice & full with buds, flowers*
Geum borsii *Starting to bud/ flower*
Heuchera Coral Petite *Nice & full, starting to bud*
Heuchera Dale’s Strain *Nice & full*
Hypericum calycinum *Nice & full*
Iberis Purity *Loaded with flowers*
Lamium Beacon Silver, Shell Pink, White Nancy & Purple Dragon *Nice & full foliage*
Mazus reptans & Albus *Nice & full, loaded with flowers*
Phlox ‘Sherwood Purple’ *Buds/ flowers*
Rubus calcynoides *Nice & full foliage*
Sagina subulata *Nice & full*
Salvia lyrata ‘Purple Knockout’ *Nice & full foliage, starting to bud! Native!
Scabiosa Butterfly Blue & Pink Mist *Starting to bud/ flower*
Sedum Ogon and Blue Carpet *Nice & full*
Sedum ternatum *Nice & full*
Senecio aureus *Nice & full, with buds & flowers*
Viola Etain *Starting to bud/ flower*
1 Gallon Perennials and Grasses:
Ajuga Caitlin’s Giant *Nice & full, starting to bud/flower*
Brunnera Jack Frost *Nice clean foliage, starting to bud/ flower*
Carex pendula *Nice & full foliage*
Deschampsia flexiosa *Nice & full foliage*
Geranium Berggarten, Biokovo & sanguineum *Nice & full with buds/ flowers*
Helleborus foetidus & Brandywine *Starting to bud/ flower*
Helleborus Royal Heritage, niger Potters Wheel & Ivory Prince *Buds/ flowers*
Heuchera Southern Comfort, Stainless Steele, Obsidian, Lime Marmalade, Melting Fire & Dale’s Strain *Nice & full foliage*
Pulmonaria Trevi Fountain *Nice & full, starting to bud/ flower*
Senecio Aureus *Nice & full, starting to bud*
Sisyrinchium Suwannee *Nice & full with buds*
Tiarella cordifolia *Nice & full, LOADED with flowers*
Viola Silver Gem *In bud/ flower*
BALTIMORE: 410-391-4200 FAX: 410-574-7582 TOLL FREE: 800-835-7617 AVAILABILITY & ORDER FORM WEEK OF: 3/11/2015
|PERENNIALS | | | | |Blue Ice |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|ACANTHUS | | | | |Blue Ice |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|hungaricus | |1G| |Wintered Outside|hubrichtii |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|mollis | |1G| |Few Left |hubrichtii |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|ACHILLEA | | | | |tabernaemontana |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Coronation Gold | |1G| |Few Left |ANEMONE | | | | |
|Coronation Gold | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|canadensis |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Moonshine | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Honorine Jobert | |1G| |G.House Grown |
|Moonshine | |1G| |Wintered Outside|Honorine Jobert | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Oertel`s Rose | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Max Vogel | |1G| |Lmtd Quantities |
|Paprika | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Pamina | |1G| |Lmtd Quantities |
|Strawberry Seduction | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Pamina | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|ACONITUM | | | | |Queen Charlotte | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Arendsii | |1G| |Just planted |Robustissima | |1G| |G.House Grown |
|ACTAEA | | | | |Robustissima | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Brunette | |1G| |Just planted |September Charm | |1G| |G.House Grown |
|racemosa |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|September Charm | |1Q| |Lmtd Quantities |
|White Pearl | |1G| |Wintered Outside|Serenade | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|AGASTACHE | | | | |sylvestris | |1Q| |Lmtd Quantities |
|Black Adder | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Whirlwind | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Black Adder | |1G| |Wintered Outside|ANGELICA | | | | |
|Blue Fortune | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|gigas | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Golden Jubilee |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|AQUILEGIA | | | | |
|Heat Wave | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Biedermeier | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Purple Haze | |1G| |Wintered Outside|canadensis |N |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|Tango | |1Q| |G.House Grown |canadensis |N |1G| |G.House Grown |
|AJANIA | | | | |Corbett |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|pacifica | |1Q| |Few Left |Little Lanterns |S |1Q| |Lmtd Quantities |
|AJUGA | | | | |Nana Alba | |1Q| |Lmtd Quantities |
|Black Scallop | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Nora Barlow | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Bronze Beauty | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Pink Lanterns |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Burgundy Glow | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Pumila Selection | |1Q| |Few Left |
|Caitlin`s Giant | |1G| |G.House Grown |Ruby Port | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Caitlin`s Giant | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |ARMERIA | | | | |
|Chocolate Chip | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |Splendens | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|ALCEA | | | | |ARTEMISIA | | | | |
|Nigra | |1Q| |G.House Grown |PowisCastle | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|rugosa | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Silver Mound | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Simplex | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Silver Mound | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|ALCHEMILLA | | | | |ARUM | | | | |
|erythropoda | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|ita. Pictum | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|mollis | |1G| |G.House Grown |ARUNCUS | | | | |
|mollis | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |aethusifolius | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|ALLIUM | | | | |Misty Lace |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Drumstick | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|ASARUM | | | | |
|karataviense | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|canadense |N |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|AMSONIA | | | | |splendens | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
Code: N = Native S = Native Selection
|ASCLEPIAS | | | | |Winter Glow | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|inc. Ice Ballet |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|BOLTONIA | | | | |
|incarnata |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|asteroides |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|incarnata |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Pink Beauty |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|tub. Gay Butterflies |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Snowbank |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|tuberosa |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|BRUNNERA | | | | |
|ASTER | | | | |Jack Frost | |1G| |G.House Grown |
|Bluebird |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|Looking Glass | |1G| |Lmtd Quantities |
|divaricatus |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|macrophylla | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|eri. Snow Flurry |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|macrophylla | |1G| |Outside & G.H. |
|novae-angliae |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Sea Heart | |1G| |G.House Grown |
|October Skies |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Silver Heart | |1G| |Outside & G.H. |
|October Skies |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|CALAMINTHA | | | | |
|Purple Dome |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|nepatoides | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Purple Dome |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|CALLISIA | | | | |
|Raydon`s Favorite |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|Morning Grace |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Raydon`s Favorite |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|CAMASSIA | | | | |
|Woods Light Blue |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |cusickii |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Woods Pink |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |quamash |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Woods Purple |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |CAMPANULA | | | | |
|ASTILBE | | | | |Blue Waterfalls | |1G| |G.House Grown |
|Bremen | |1G| |Few Left |per. Alba | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Bridal Veil | |1G| |Wintered Outside|per. Telham Beauty | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Erika | |1G| |Wintered Outside|CARYOPTERIS | | | | |
|Henny Graafland | |1G| |Wintered Outside|Longwood Blue | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Henny Graafland | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|CASSIA | | | | |
|Inshriach Pink | |1Q| |Few Left |marilandica |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Ostrich Plume | |1G| |Wintered Outside|CERASTIUM | | | | |
|PeachBlossom | |1G| |late Spring avai|tomentosum | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|Pumila | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|CERATOSTIGMA | | | | |
|Pumila | |1G| |Wintered Outside|plumbaginoides | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Purple Candles | |1G| |Wintered Outside|CHELONE | | | | |
|Red Sentinel | |1G| |Few Left |glabra |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Snow Drift | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|glabra |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Snow Drift | |1G| |Wintered Outside|Hot Lips |S |1Q| |Lmtd Quantities |
|Sprite | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Tiny Tortuga |S |1G| |G.House Grown |
|Superba | |1G| |Wintered Outside|CHRYSOGONUM | | | | |
|Vision in Red | |1G| |Wintered Outside|Allen Bush |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Visions | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|australe |S |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|Visions in Pink | |1G| |Wintered Outside|Superstar |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Visions in White | |1G| |Wintered Outside|virginianum |N |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Younique Carmine | |1G| |Wintered Outside|COREOPSIS | | | | |
|BAPTISIA | | | | |American Dream |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|alba |N |1G| |Lmtd Quantities |Creme Brulee |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|australis |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|Early Sunrise |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Purple Smoke |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|Full Moon Big Bang™ |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|ScreamingYellow |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|Full Moon Big Bang™ |S |1G| |Lmtd Quantities |
|sphaerocarpa |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|Jethro Tull |S |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|BEGONIA | | | | |Mayo Clinic Flower ...|S |1G| |G.House Grown |
|grandis | |1G| |Wintered Outside|Moonbeam |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|grandis Alba | |1G| |Wintered Outside|Moonbeam |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|BELAMCANDA | | | | |Redshift Big Bang™ |S |1G| |Lmtd Quantities |
|chinensis | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Route 66 |S |1G| |Lmtd Quantities |
|BERGENIA | | | | |Route 66 |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|cordifolia | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Sienna Sunset |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|cordifolia | |1G| |G.House Grown |Sunray |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Rotblum | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Tequilla Sunrise |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Rotblum | |1G| |G.House Grown |Zagreb |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Winter Glow | |1G| |G.House Grown |Zagreb |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
Code: N = Native S = Native Selection
|CROCOSMIA | | | | |yuccifolium |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|George Davidson | |1G| |Wintered Outside|EUPATORIUM | | | | |
|Lucifer | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Baby Joe |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Lucifer | |1G| |Wintered Outside|Chocolate |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|CYCLAMEN | | | | |fistulosum |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|hederifolium | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Gateway |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|DELOSPERMA | | | | |Gateway |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Basutoland | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|EUPHORBIA | | | | |
|cooperi | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Ascot Rainbow | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|dyeri | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Blackbird | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Fire Spinner | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |martinii | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Mesa Verde® | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|robbiae | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|DELPHINIUM | | | | |robbiae | |1G| |G.House Grown |
|exaltatum |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|FARFUGIUM | | | | |
|DENDRANTHEMA | | | | |Aureomaculata | |1G| |G.House Grown |
|Clara Curtis | |1Q| |Lmtd Quantities |Crispatum | |1G| |G.House Grown |
|Sheffield | |1G| |Wintered Outside|FILIPENDULA | | | | |
|DIANTHUS | | | | |Elegans | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Bath`s Pink | |1Q| |G.House Grown |rub. Ven. Magnifica |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Bath`s Pink | |1G| |G.House Grown |FRAGARIA | | | | |
|Firewitch | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Lipstick | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Frosty | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|GAILLARDIA | | | | |
|Frosty Fire | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |Arizona Apricot |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Tiny Rubies | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Arizona Red Shades |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|DICENTRA | | | | |Arizona Sun |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Luxuriant | |1G| |Wintered Outside|GALIUM | | | | |
|DIGITALIS | | | | |odoratum | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Alba | |1G| |G.House Grown |GAURA | | | | |
|Alba | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Siskiyou Pink |S |1G| |Outside & G.H. |
|Excelsior | |1G| |G.House Grown |Whirling Butterfly |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Excelsior | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Whirling Butterfly |S |1G| |Outside & G.H. |
|Foxy | |1Q| |G.House Grown |GERANIUM | | | | |
|Foxy | |1G| |G.House Grown |Ann Folkard | |1G| |Just planted |
|grandiflora | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Berggarten | |1G| |G.House Grown |
|mertonensis | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Berggarten | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Snow Thimble | |1G| |G.House Grown |Biokovo | |1G| |G.House Grown |
|DORONICUM | | | | |Biokovo | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Little Leo | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Brookside | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Magnificum | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Espresso |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|ECHINACEA | | | | |Karmina | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Cheyenne Spirit |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|Karmina | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Cheyenne Spirit |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|maculatum |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Hot Summer |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|maculatum |N |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|Magnus |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|Max Frei | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|Magnus |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Max Frei | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|PowWow Wild Berry |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Rozanne | |1G| |G.House Grown |
|Rocky Top |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|san. Album | |1G| |Spring avail. |
|Rubinstern |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|sanguineum | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Rubinstern |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|sanguineum | |1G| |G.House Grown |
|White Swan |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|GEUM | | | | |
|ECHINOPS | | | | |Blazing Sunset | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Blue Glow | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Borisii | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|EPIMEDIUM | | | | |HELENIUM | | | | |
|Lilafee | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Mardi Gras |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Orange Queen | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Mariachi™ ‘Fuego’ |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|rubrum | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|HELIANTHUS | | | | |
|warleyense | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|First Light |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|ERYNGIUM | | | | |HELIOPSIS | | | | |
|Blaukappe | |1Q| |G.House Grown |hel. Summer Nights |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
Code: N = Native S = Native Selection
|Summer Sun |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Lady Baltimore |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|HELLEBORUS | | | | |Lord Baltimore |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|argutifolius | |1G| |Outside & G.H. |moscheutos |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Blue Metallic Lady | |1G| |G.House Grown |Sweet Caroline |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Brandywine | |1G| |G.House Grown |HOSTA | | | | |
|foetidus | |1G| |Outside & G.H. |Blue Angel | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|hyb. White Selection | |1G| |Wintered Outside|Blue Cadet | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Ivory Prince | |1G| |G.House Grown |Diamond Tiara | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|niger Praecox Hybrid | |1G| |Wintered Outside|Elegans | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Picotee Lady | |1G| |G.House Grown |Francee | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Pine Knot Select | |1G| |Outside & G.H. |FrancesWilliams | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Pine Knot Select | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |Gold Standard | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Pink Lady | |1G| |G.House Grown |Golden Tiara | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Potter`s Wheel | |1G| |Outside & G.H. |Guacamole | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Red Lady | |1G| |G.House Grown |Halcyon | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Royal Heritage™ | |1G| |G.House Grown |June | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|White Lady | |1G| |G.House Grown |Paul`s Glory | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Yellow Lady | |1G| |G.House Grown |Sum and Substance | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|HEMEROCALLIS | | | | |Zounds | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Coming up Roses | |1G| |Lmtd Quantities |HYPERICUM | | | | |
|Gentle Sheperd | |1G| |Wintered Outside|Briggadoon | |1G| |G.House Grown |
|Golden Chimes | |1G| |Lmtd Quantities |Briggadoon | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Happy Returns | |1G| |Wintered Outside|calycinum | |1G| |G.House Grown |
|Happy Returns | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|calycinum | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|Hyperion | |1G| |Wintered Outside|IBERIS | | | | |
|Mini Pearl | |1G| |Wintered Outside|Purity | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Pardon Me | |1G| |Wintered Outside|IRIS | | | | |
|Purple de Oro | |1G| |Wintered Outside|Caesar`s Brother | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Stella de Oro | |1G| |Wintered Outside|cri. Tennessee White |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Stella de Oro | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|cristata |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Strawberry Candy | |1G| |Wintered Outside|ensata | |1G| |Just planted |
|HEUCHERA | | | | |versicolor |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|americana |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|versicolor |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|americana |N |1Q| |G.House Grown |White Swirl | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Autumn Bride |S |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |ISOTOMA | | | | |
|Autumn Bride |S |1G| |Outside & G.H. |Blue Star Creeper | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Caramel |S |1G| |G.House Grown |KALIMERIS | | | | |
|Coral Petite |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |Blue Star | |1Q| |Lmtd Quantities |
|Dale`s Strain |S |1G| |G.House Grown |Daisy Mae | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Dale`s Strain |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |KIRENGESHOMA | | | | |
|Frosted Violet |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|palmata | |1G| |Lmtd Quantities |
|Lime Marmalade |S |1G| |G.House Grown |KNAUTIA | | | | |
|Melting Fire |S |1G| |G.House Grown |Mars Midget | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Montrose Ruby |S |1Q| |Lmtd Quantities |LAMIASTRUM | | | | |
|Obsidian |S |1G| |Outside & G.H. |galeobdolon | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Palace Purple |S |1G| |G.House Grown |Herman`s Pride | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|Palace Purple |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |LAMIUM | | | | |
|Plum Pudding |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|Beacon Silver | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Raspberry Regal |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|Purple Dragon | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Silver Scrolls |S |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |Shell Pink | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Snow Angel |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |White Nancy | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Southern Comfort |S |1G| |Outside & G.H. |LAVANDULA | | | | |
|Stainless Steele |S |1G| |G.House Grown |Grosso | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|HEUCHERELLA | | | | |Hidcote | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Sweet Tea |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|Munstead | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|HIBISCUS | | | | |Phenomenal | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Blue River II |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|Provence | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Fantasia |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|LEPTINELLA | | | | |
|Kopper King |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|Platt`s Black | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
Code: N = Native S = Native Selection
|LEUCANTHEMUM | | | | |M.Jules Elie*PINK | |2G| |Wintered Outside|
|Becky | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Sarah Bernhardt*PINK | |2G| |Wintered Outside|
|Becky | |1G| |Outside & G.H. |Shirley Temple*WHITE | |2G| |Wintered Outside|
|Crazy Daisy | |1G| |G.House Grown |PAPAVER | | | | |
|Snow Lady | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Allegro | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Snowcap | |1G| |G.House Grown |Beauty of Livermore | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|Snowcap | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|Brilliant | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|LIATRIS | | | | |Victoria Luise | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|microcephala |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|PATRINIA | | | | |
|microcephala |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|gibbosa | |1G| |Few Left |
|LIGULARIA | | | | |PENSTEMON | | | | |
|The Rocket | |1G| |Wintered Outside|digitalis |N |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|LIRIOPE | | | | |Husker Red |S |1G| |Outside & G.H. |
|Big Blue | |4I| |Cut back |Husker Red |S |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|Monroe White | |4I| |Cut back |smallii |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Royal Purple | |4I| |Cut back |smallii |N |1G| |G.House Grown |
|Silver Dragon | |4I| |Cut back |PERSICARIA | | | | |
|spicata | |4I| |Cut back |polymorpha | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Variegata | |4I| |Cut back |PHLOMIS | | | | |
|LOBELIA | | | | |fruiticosa | |1Q| |Few Left |
|cardinalis |N |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |tuberosa | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|cardinalis |N |1G| |G.House Grown |PHLOX | | | | |
|siphilitica |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|div. Blue Moon |S |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|siphilitica |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|div. London Grove Blue|S |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|LYSIMACHIA | | | | |div. May Breeze |S |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|Minutissima | |1Q| |G.House Grown |divaricata |N |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|num. Aurea | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|pan. David |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|MACLEAYA | | | | |pan. David |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|cordata | |1G| |Wintered Outside|pan. Eva Cullum |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|MAZUS | | | | |pan. Jeana |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Albus | |1Q| |G.House Grown |pan. Laura |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|reptans | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |pan. Nora Leigh |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|MEEHANIA | | | | |sto. Home Fires |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|cordata |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|sto. Sherwood Purple |S |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|MERTENSIA | | | | |stolonifera |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|virginica |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|sub. Candy Stripe |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|MONARDA | | | | |sub. Emerald Blue |S |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|fistulosa |N |1Q| |Wintered Outside|sub. Emerald Pink |S |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|fistulosa |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|sub. Purple Beauty |S |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|Jacob Cline |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|sub. Snowflake |S |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|punctata |N |1Q| |G.House Grown |PHYSOSTEGIA | | | | |
|Raspberry Wine |S |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |Miss Manners |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|NEPETA | | | | |Pink Manners |S |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|Junior Walker | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Vivid |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Junior Walker | |1G| |Wintered Outside|PLATYCODON | | | | |
|Walker`s Low | |1G| |Outside & G.H. |Sentimental Blue | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Walker`s Low | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |POLEMONIUM | | | | |
|OENOTHERA | | | | |Blue Pearl |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Fireworks |S |1Q| |G.House Grown |reptans |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|fruticosa |N |1Q| |Lmtd Quantities |POLYGONATUM | | | | |
|Siskiyou |S |1Q| |Wintered Outside|commutatum |N |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|ORIGANUM | | | | |humile | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Kent Beauty | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Variegatum | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|PACHYSANDRA | | | | |Variegatum | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|procumbens |N |1G| |Few Left |POTENTILLA | | | | |
|PAEONIA | | | | |Gibson`s Scarlet | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Alex Fleming*SAL.PINK | |2G| |Few Left |PRIMULA | | | | |
|Festiva Maxima*WHITE | |2G| |Wintered Outside|japonica | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|Karl Rosenf.*DK.RED | |2G| |Wintered Outside|japonica | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
Code: N = Native S = Native Selection
|PULMONARIA | | | | |Autumn Fire | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Diana Clare | |1Q| |G.House Grown |AutumnJoy | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|Trevi Fountain | |1G| |G.House Grown |AutumnJoy | |1G| |Wintered Outside|
|PYCNANTHEMUM | | | | |Blue Carpet | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|muticum |N |1G| |Few Left |dasyphyllum | |1Q| |Lmtd Quantities |
|muticum |N |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |Fuldaglut | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|RODGERSIA | | | | |John Creech | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|aesculifolia | |1Q| |Few Left |kamtschaticum | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|sambucifolia | |1Q| |Few Left |Lidakense | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|ROHDEA | | | | |Ogon | |1Q| |G.House Grown |
|japonica | |1G| |Wintered Outside|Red Carpet | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|japonica | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|sexangulare | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|ROSMARINUS | | | | |sieboldii | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|officinalis Arp | |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |ternatum |N |1Q| |Outside & G.H. |
|prostratus | |1Q| |G.House Grown |Tricolor | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|
|RUBUS | | | | |Weihenstephaner Gold | |1Q| |Wintered Outside|