Audit Resolution Meeting
Friday, February 6th, 2015
District HR Conference Room
Meeting convened at 3:05 pm.
Attendees:Adela Esquivel- Swinson, Amany Elmasry, Calvin Madlock, Charlotte Smith, Dave Nguyen, Dominique Benavides, Eric Gravenberg, Karen Croley, Michael Orkin, Ranell Holmes, Roderick Fajarda, Susan Rinee, Thomas Wong.
Proposal of the formation of an A&R/Financial AID Audit Findings Work team.
Dr. Gravenberg asked the committee to review the draft of the proposal and to provide feedback.
The document includes information aboutthe working group’s members, goals, objectives and expected outcomes from this group. The working group will determine how often they will be meeting. Roderick Fajarda and Theresa Chan will be added to the working group list. Joyce will convene the working group meeting for next week and the group will decide who will be the group’s leader.
Update on the three outstanding footprint tickets- addressed by Karen.
Karen, Joyce and Kyu worked together on the fixes for the three tickets.
Ticket 2264- Cleanup of the W and F grade errors. The process ran in a test environment last night. The report just showed 64 errors that need to be cleaned up manually. The process consisted on removing the incorrect W or F grades, dropping the student and then placing the correct outcome. The drops did not happen for many of those 64 errors because the classes had a co-requisite. Karen will discuss with Charlotte how can this be addressed since a class cannot be added/dropped without the co-requisite being added/dropped.
There were two causes of this issue:
1)There was a drop process previously initiated by Sheryl Queen’s. Nobody else was aware or familiar with this drop process so it hadn’t been running.
2)When an instructor drops a student on their rosters and if it is the student’s last class, it automatically places them into term withdrawal. However, the drops do not post until the drop process runs at night. If the student was put into term withdrawal at the point where the instructor submitted the roster, they did not get dropped with that night process. Part of the fix was to have the drops process immediately instead of a nightly drop process.
Ticket 1442- Have the census and attendance rosters available 7 days prior to the due date. Frank already has the fix for this issue. However, the fix won’t be moved into production until after the census for this period is over. Census rosters are due on 02/09 and they do not want this fix to affect the current process. The rosters will be available 7 days prior to the attendance verification and going forward. A helpdesk ticket will be created after census to clean up this spring term enrollments, as the fixed was effective only up to fall 2014.
Ticket 794- The ticket was for the correct dates to populate in the Drop Date column on both the attendance and census roster. This has been fixed and it will be moved to production after the spring census period has ended.
Outstanding issue: If an instructor drops a student from the roster, and it is the student’s last classthey go into term withdrawal. If the student is also on a waitlist for a class, they get dropped from all their waitlisted classes. At this point, until some business decisions are made, a query would have to be run and for students who wereon a waitlist and their last class was dropped on a census roster.Those students would have to be manually put into term withdrawal. The analyst would have to run the query. There might be something in the set up that is causing students to be dropped from the waitlist when they are put into term withdrawal. Someone who wasinvolved in the set up for the term withdrawal process should be able to make that determination before a business decisionis made.
All customizations should be documented. There should be functional and technical documentation.
It was suggested to have a list of processes that are run at each unit, the description, and the date(s) that theyare scheduled to run. This would include, Student Financials, A&R, ED Services and IT. Many processes can be accessed on the VPN/Peralta Custom site but the documentation is outdated. Ranell will query all of the processes that are in PeopleSoft, and the work group can identify which processes are currently running. This should be posted in a place accessible for all committee members.
Update on reporting files to the NSLDS.
Dominique submitted the NSC report for fall 2014 on Sunday, February 1st. However, this report included bad data. Dominique asked NSC if that would be the last report we could submit for the fall 2014. Since the report was submitted late, NSC might say that they won’t accept another report for fall 2014. TheNSLDS does not get the report until NSC has verified it. If the NSC agrees to accept an additional report forfall 2014, the fixes can be moved into production and Dominique canrun the report again and submit it with the good data. The report for the spring 2015 term is due at the end of next week. Dominique will work with Karen to validate the data.
It was recommendedthat a consultantis hired to assist withthe resolution of functional issues. The group may discover additional problems as they address the current issues. The functional consultantneeds to understand the academic structure and be familiar with financial aid nuances. Adela has contacted CSU East Bay and Los Rios District. Los Rios sent her information about ERP; Adela has sent them an email request and she is just waiting for their response.
Dave asked if they could get a list of the students that were updated from the W/F cleanup so they can check if they were financial aid recipients or not. Some students may no longer be eligible for financial aid if their GPA or number of units changes.
Additional issue: Students dropped dynamically dated classes some weeks after the class began or even after the class ended and they did not get a W or a letter grade. It looks as if the student added and dropped the class that same day. Amany asked the schedulers to do an override to prevent this to happen, but the issue still is happening. Amany is working with IT on the dynamically dated custom process to populate the correct census and roster dates in PeopleSoft. This also affects financial aid because if the student received financial aid and they dropped the class(s) there won’t be record that the student was even enrolled in the class and it will be questioned why the student received a grant or loan when it was not even enrolled in classes. This issue will be addressed by the working group next week.
•The accreditation team is expected to visit the colleges in mid-March.
•Census will close February 9th.
•The job titles for Dominique, Joyce, and Amany will be corrected in the agenda. Should read as follows:
Dominique- Financial Aid Systems Analyst
Joyce- System Analyst - Student Financial Applications
Amany- Curriculum and System Technology Analyst
Next meeting TBD.
Meeting adjourned at 4:10 pm.
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