Portfolio Evaluation
General Instructional Technology Masters Degree Program
Please refer to the Evaluation Criteria handout for a detailed set of rubrics, describing the instructor’s reaction to your portfolio for ratings A,B, C & D, for each of the seven categories used to evaluate each of the five National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for Teachers. A set of five additional “general” items are included at the end of this form (with rubrics for them also provided on the Evaluation Criteria handout). There are also sections for “Comments” about each set of projects submitted to address a standard, as well for general remarks about the portfolio itself. The evaluation for each letter grade can be generally summarized as: A = excellent, B = good, C = weak, D = poor.
Standard 1: Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.
1. Quantity of Work ?
2. Quality of Work ?
3. Annotations ?
4. Technology Skills Development ?
5. Instructional Effectiveness ?
6. Reflective statement ?
7. Addressing the Standards ?
Standard 2: Design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments.
1. Quantity of Work ?
2. Quality of Work ?
3. Annotations ?
4. Technology Skills Development ?
5. Instructional Effectiveness ?
6. Reflective statement ?
7. Addressing the Standards ?
Standard 3: Model digital-age work and learning.
1. Quantity of Work ?
2. Quality of Work ?
3. Annotations ?
4. Technology Skills Development ?
5. Instructional Effectiveness ?
6. Reflective statement ?
7. Addressing the Standards ?
Standard 4: Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility.
1. Quantity of Work ?
2. Quality of Work ?
3. Annotations ?
4. Technology Skills Development ?
5. Instructional Effectiveness ?
6. Reflective statement ?
7. Addressing the Standards ?
Standard 5: Engage in professional growth and leadership.
1. Quantity of Work ?
2. Quality of Work ?
3. Annotations ?
4. Technology Skills Development ?
5. Instructional Effectiveness ?
6. Reflective statement ?
7. Addressing the Standards ?
General Issues
Resume ?
Final Reflection ?
Appearance ?
Functionality ?
Overall Assessment ?