The British Council Myanmar
Fourteenth Annual Conference for Teachers of English
From Inspiration to Implementation: Emerging Opportunities in the ELT Classroom
Keynote addressLiz Hocking, Author of English course books, United Kingdom
'Developing communication in the young learners' classroom: from inspiration to implementation’
Workshops facilitated by:
Anna Britton, British Council, Singapore / Easy English through PoetryAmy Kaufman, Cetana Education Foundation / Using Role Play to Promote English Communication Skills
Andrea Phillip, Pride International School Myanmar (PISM) / Vocabulary, Biography via Comedy
Aye Mar Thet & Lynn Lynn Htaik, WAVE Myanmar / Non-stop Fun Activities for Young Learners
Caroline Mutch, British Council, Sri Lanka / Memorable and meaningful: enriching your learners’ vocabulary
Claire Elizabeth Duly, British Council, Sudan / Demand High ELT: To Boundaries and Beyond
Dave Kees, AIB – BTEC Centre / Making lessons thrilling, fun and effective
David Channon, British Council, Yangon / Implementing the lexical approach
David Persey, National Geographic Learning / Motivating Young Learners through the Power of the Image
Daw Ohn Mar Lwin & Daw Hla Hla Lwin, Freelance Teachers/Trainers, Yangon / Effective Classroom Activities for Teaching Grammar
Diana Kyaing, Freelance Teacher/Trainer, Yangon / Energizing Students’Attention to Motivation
Douglas Justin Brazil, British Council, Singapore / Pop Songs in the EFL Classroom
Dr. Akkarapon Nuemaihom, Buriram Rajabhat University, Thailand / Practice packages of English Pronunciation
Dr. Jorge Nelson, Myanmar International School / The Five Core Competencies needed for all learners to thrive
Eric Verspecht, McGraw Hill Education / Effective teaching at primary level
Eunice Victoria Marsh, British Council, Sri Lanka / Practical Critical Thinking activities to create a meaningful classroom environment
Fiachra McCleary, British Council, China / Funology: Making Phonology come alive in the classroom
Georgina Middleton, British Council, Sri Lanka / Making it real: creating authentic tasks to engage young learners
Hannah Jane Ciborowska, British Council, Malaysia / Assessment for Learning: Practical Classroom Ideas
Haymar Maung, Freelance Teacher/Trainer, Yangon / Poetry moment : just as fun to share as it is to create
Iris Thiri Su, Freelance Teacher/Trainer, Yangon / Creativity and Iterations
Jill Crawshaw, EF English First, China / Promoting Autonomy by giving specific praise,
Joseph MacDonald, British Council, China / L1 in the Language Learning Classroom
Julian Burnley, British Council, Vietnam / Alternatives to Whole Class Feedback – Making Feedback Fun
Kathleen Thein, Phan Tee Eain (Creative Home) / Way to Teach ESL through games and activities
Katie Julian & Kaung Hla Zan, Mote Oo Education / Tips and Techniques for Teaching Content
Khaing Khaing Tin, British Council, Yangon / Using Films in the EFL classroom
Khin Myo Htaik @ Eindray Htaik, Indra Educare / Designing Good Assessment Tasks for Writing
Ko Ko Aung, Success Language Academy / Teaching Listening Skills through Songs
Laraine Bamrah, British Council, Singapore / Coaching, Counselling, Buddying or Mentoring
Laura Hirsch, British Council, Yangon / Using Drama in the YL Classroom
May May Win, Freelance Teacher/Trainer, Yangon / ELT in Myanmar: Where are we now?
Merin Waite & John Eyles, Mahidol University and Eon / Teaching without technology
Myat Thinzar Tun, Freelance Teacher/Trainer, Yangon / ELT Projects with Arts and Crafts Activities
Myo Than Tun, ZID Institute / Infographics for English Language Teaching
Nang Kyi Phyu Aung Cho, Kant Kaw Education Centre / Product versus Process Writing
Ni Ni Aye, Myanmar Institute of Theology / Creating Story Board Game
Nicholas Kolentse, International School of Myanmar / Engaging Reading Strategies for all Learners
Nicola Edwards, British Council, Sri Lanka / Fun, interactive, resource-light activities for teaching reading and literacy
Paul Blake, British Council, Yangon / Corpus linguistics: observing the unobservable
Paul Culligan, British Council, Singapore / Effective writing in the Secondary Classroom
Paul Murphy, British Council, Bangkok / Facilitating interaction in the classroom – Back to basics
Rebecca Rawnson, British Council, Sudan / Increasing learner autonomy through raising awareness of language patterns
Rory McLaughlin, Mote Oo Education / English for Active Citizenship
Sanda Than Pe, Piti Education / Zero Prep
Sarah Paterson and Helen Crawley, British Council, Malaysia / Motivating learners through the use of online tools
Stuart Vinnie, Cambridge University Press / Who do we think they are? Identifying with adolescent learners
Win Myint Naing, Freelance Teacher/Trainer / ZPD and Scaffolding
Zin Win Phyo, University of Foreign Languages & SEAMEO CHAT / How to Communicate through Reading and Writing
Zoe Dajani Matthews, Mote Oo Education / Reading to write: Inspiration to Implementation
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