Appendix 4: Model FOIP Request Charts
Appendix 4
Model FOIP Request Charts
Chart 1: Model FOIP Request (Time limit not extended)
Key Tasks / Time Lines(Calendar Days) / Manual References / FOIP Tips
Request received by FOIP office.
Decision: Routine access to information or FOIP request. / Day of Receipt / 2.4Routine disclosure and active dissemination of information
3.2Receiving a FOIP request
Duty to assist applicant
Clarifying requests / Provide information through routine channels if possible.
Thirty-day clock starts / 30 calendar days to respond
Request for access to general records or for the applicant’s own personal information? Continuing request?
If general access request – initial fee paid?
Clarify request with applicant.
Decide whether request should be transferred.
Send acknowledgement to applicant. Notify applicant if request transferred. / Day 1 - first working day after receipt / 1.4Custody or control
3.2Receiving a FOIP request
Form of the request
Acknowledging receipt
Continuing requests
Clarifying requests
Transferring a request / Clarify what is wanted with applicant if not clear.
Always be helpful and keep applicant informed. Do not probe motives.
Send letter to applicant if initial fee was not received for a general access request.
Consult with other public body before transfer.
Set up request file.
Ask program areas to search for records.
Log receipt of request on paper or electronic tracking system. / Day 2 / 3.2Receiving a FOIP request
Documenting and tracking requests
3.4Processing a FOIP request – Search and retrieval
Receipt of the request
Locating, retrieving and
copying records / Information about applicant is only shared on “need to know” basis.
Ensure all program areas that may have records are asked to search.
Search for all relevant records, including working and electronic files.
Program areas retrieve records and forward originals to FOIP Coordinator.
Consider need for time extension if extensive records to be searched.
Copy retrieved records. / Days 2 – 7 / 3.3Response time limits
Time limit extensions
3.4Processing a FOIP request – Search and retrieval
Locating, retrieving and
copying records / Keep accurate and complete documentation of search.
Make three copies of each record and number all documents.
Consider fees and send estimate if applicable with request for deposit.
Consider need for consultations within public body and with other public bodies.
Consider need for third party consultation.
Consider creation of a record.
If applicable, send notices to third party – see Chart 2 for process. / Days 7 – 10 / 3.2Receiving a FOIP request
3.4Processing a FOIP request – Search and retrieval
Preliminary assessment
3.5Assessing fees
3.7Processing a FOIP request –Reviewing and preparing records for disclosure
Creating a new record
5Third Party Notice / Determine whether all relevant records have been located.
Stop request processing until deposit is received.
Consider fee waiver and/or narrowing request.
Executive Council or Treasury Board must be consulted regarding Cabinet confidences.
Internal consultations.
External consultations.
Consider whether time extension is needed to complete consultations.
Preliminary assessment complete, consultations in process. / End of Day 10 / 3.2Receiving a FOIP requestConsultation
3.3Response time limits
Time limit extensions / Consult with program areas for context and sensitivity.
Consult externally, i.e. key government departments or
local public bodies.
Detailed line-by-line review.
Incorporate results of consultations into review (ongoing).
Apply exceptions. / Days 10 – 17 / 3.7Processing a FOIP request – Reviewing and preparing records for disclosure
Line-by-line review of records
Severing information
4Exceptions to the Right of Access / Continue consultation with program areas.
Keep accurate and complete record of reasons for each exception.
Keep accurate records of time spent severing records if fee estimate was issued.
Last day for transferring request. / Day 15 / 3.2Receiving a FOIP request
Transferring a request / Notify applicant.
FOIP Coordinator reviews recommendations and incorporates results of consultations.
Consider whether time extension is needed to deal with outstanding external consultations. / Day 17 – 21 / 3.3Response time limits
Time limit extensions
3.7Processing a FOIP request – Reviewing and preparing records for disclosure / Advise senior management and communications on significant issues.
Encourage pubic bodies to respond immediately to avoid
time extension.
Final consultations, internal and external completed. / End of Day 23
Final analysis of review and recommendations. FOIP Coordinator makes final recommendations to decision-maker or makes final decisions. / End of Day 25 / Discuss any sensitive or major issue with Head or senior management.
Make any changes required by Head or final decision-maker.
Prepare records for delivery to applicant. / Days 25 – 27 / 3.7Processing a FOIP request – Reviewing and preparing records for disclosure
Severing information
Finalize fee if necessary, and inform applicant in writing of balance owing. / Day 27 / 3.5Assessing fees
Final response letter to applicant, enclosing records or stating how they may be obtained or examined.
Close file. / Day 30, or next working day if Day 30 falls on weekend or holiday. / 3.8Responding to an applicant
3.9 Completion of request and closure of request file / Ensure all correspondence and documentation is on file.
Chart 2: Model FOIP Request (Time limit extended for third party notice)
Key Tasks / Time Lines(Calendar Days) / Manual References / FOIP Tips
Request received by FOIP office.
Decision: Routine access to information or FOIP request. / Day of Receipt / 2.4Routine disclosure and active dissemination of information
3.2Receiving a FOIP request
Duty to assist applicant
Clarifying requests / Provide information through routine channels if possible.
Thirty Day Clock Starts
/ 30 calendar days to respondRequest for access to general records or for the applicant’s own personal information? Continuing request?
If general access request – initial fee paid?
Clarify request with applicant.
Decide whether request should be transferred.
Send acknowledgement to applicant. Notify applicant if request transferred. / Day 1 - first working day after receipt / 1.4Custody or control
3.2Receiving a FOIP request
Form of the request Acknowledging receipt
Continuing requests
Clarifying requests
Transferring a request / Clarify what is wanted with applicant if not clear.
Always be helpful and keep applicant informed. Do not probe motives.
Send letter to applicant if initial fee was not received for a general access request.
Consult with other public body before transfer.
Set up request file.
Ask program areas to search for records.
Log receipt of request on paper or electronic tracking system. / Day 2 / 3.2Receiving a FOIP request
Documenting and tracking requests
3.4Processing a FOIP request – Search and retrieval
Receipt of the request
Locating, retrieving and
copying records / Information about applicant is only shared on “need to know” basis.
Ensure all program areas that may have records are asked to search.
Search for all relevant records, including working and electronic files.
Key Tasks / Time Lines
(Calendar Days) / Manual References / FOIP Tips
Program areas retrieve records and forward originals to FOIP Coordinator.
Copy retrieved records. / Days 2 – 7 / 3.3Response time limits
3.4Processing a FOIP request – Search and retrieval
Locating, retrieving and
copying records / Keep accurate and complete documentation of search.
Make 3 copies of each record and number all documents.
Consider fees and send estimate if applicable with request for deposit.
Consider need for consultations within public body and with other public bodies.
Consider need for third party consultation.
Send notices to third party and applicant.
Consider creation of a record. / Days 7 – 10 / 3.2Receiving a FOIP request
3.4Processing a FOIP request – Search and retrieval
Preliminary assessment
3.5Assessing fees
3.7Processing a FOIP request –Reviewing and preparing records for disclosure
Creating a new record
5Third Party Notice / Determine whether all relevant records have been located.
Stop request processing until deposit is received.
Consider fee waiver and/or narrowing request.
Send third party notices as early as possible.
Notify applicant of third party consultations and date by which release decision will be made.
Executive Council or Treasury Board must be consulted regarding Cabinet confidences.
Decision on release of third party records made after response received from third party or 21 days after notice was given.
Internal consultations.
External consultations.
Consider whether time extension is needed to complete consultations.
Preliminary assessment complete, consultations in process. / End of Day 10 / 3.2Receiving a FOIP requestConsultation
3.3Response time limits
Time limit extensions / Consult with program areas for context and sensitivity.
Consult externally, i.e. key government departments or
local public bodies.
Detailed line-by-line review.
Incorporate results of consultations into review (ongoing).
Apply exceptions. / Days 10 – 17 / 3.7Processing a FOIP request – Reviewing and preparing records for disclosure
Line-by-line review of records
Severing information
4Exceptions to the Right of Access / Continue consultation with program areas.
Keep accurate and complete record of reasons for each exception.
Keep accurate records of time spent serving records if fee estimate was issued.
Last day for transferring request. / Day 15 / 3.2Receiving a FOIP request
Transferring a request / Notify applicant.
FOIP Coordinator reviews recommendations and incorporates results of consultations
Consider whether time extension is needed to deal with outstanding external consultations. / Day 28-31 / 3.3Response time limits
Time limit extensions
3.7Processing a FOIP request – Reviewing and preparing records for disclosure / Advise senior management and communications of significant issues.
Encourage pubic bodies to respond immediately to avoid
time extension.
Key Tasks
/ Time Lines(Calendar Days) / Manual References / FOIP Tips
Consider response from third party. Make decision on release of record/severing and send letter to third party and applicant. / Day 32-41 / 5.6Response from third party
5.7Decision by public body and notice of decision / Processing of records not subject to third party notice can continue.
Public body has 10 days to make decision regarding disclosusre of third party records.
Once the decision is made, third party has 20 days to ask for review.
Final consultations, internal and external completed. / Days 42-57
Final analysis of review and recommendations. FOIP Coordinator makes final recommendations to decision- maker or makes final decisions. / End of Day 57 / Discuss any sensitive or major issue with Head or senior management.
Make any changes required by Head or final decision-maker.
Prepare records for delivery to applicant. / Days 57-59 / 3.7Processing a FOIP request – Reviewing and preparing records for disclosure
Severing information
Finalize fee if necessary, and inform applicant in writing of balance owing. / Day 59 / 3.5Assessing fees
Final response letter to applicant, enclosing records or stating how they may be obtained or examined.
Close file. / Day 61, or next working day if Day 61 falls on weekend or holiday. / 3.8Responding to applicant
3.9 Completion of request and closure of request file / Ensure all correspondence and documentation is on file.
FOIP Guidelines and Practices (2009)Page 1