Do you want to contribute to a growing arts scene in Blandford Forum?
The Fording Point isnow at a crucial development phasewith fundraising and grant application writing for the capital project about to start.We are seeking volunteer members to form a committee that will help steer the building project and first two years of artistic programme.
- The Fording Point will be a fantastic new arts venue in the heart of Blandford Forum.
- A contemporary venue for the 21st century
- A destination venue and meeting place in its own right.
- A theatre that speaks for Dorset and represents its rich culture.
- Part of a cultural hub that includes: Cinema, Theatre, Gallery, Victorian Garden, Town Museum, Bar and Terrace.
- A place that creates educational and health opportunities for both young and old.
We are interested in applicants who have expertise in finance, fundraising, business development, capital projects or are part of the network that supports region’s arts infrastructure.
We also particularly welcome applications from young people who have a passion for developing the town’s arts scene.
The committee will meet regularly to input ideas and approve plans for the new building and the programme of activity. We expect to meet every two months in 2017, with less frequent meetings from 2018 onwards.
To apply please fill in the form below and return to by 5pm on 10th January 2017. If you would like more information before applying, please email Trish Wheatley to arrange a convenient time to speak.
Telephone number:
Preferred method of communication:
What skills you would bring to the committee:
Why you want to be part of the committee:
Diversity Monitoring Form
We are gathering diversity information to ensure that the committee is representative of the community the arts centre will serve.
We will be applying for public funding that encourages people from a diverse range of backgrounds to undertake leadership roles. The information provided will be anonymised and only used for statistical purposes in these applications.
If you do not know some of the information or you would prefer not to provide it, you can fill in the 'Not known/Prefer not to answer' box.
(Place ‘X’ in appropriate box)
Gypsy or Irish traveller
Any other white background
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background
Asian/Asian British:
Any other Asian background
Black/Black British:
Any other Black/African/Caribbean background
Prefer not to say
65 and over
Prefer not to say
*Disability status:
DisabledNot disabled
Prefer not to say
*Gender identity:
Male (including female-to-male trans men)Female (including male-to-female trans women)
Non-binary (for example, androgyne people)
Prefer not to say
*Gender assumed to be at birth:
Prefer not to say
*Sexual Orientation:
Prefer not to sayHeterosexual/straight
Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual
Finally, please can you tell us where you found out about this opportunity?