Do You Know Anybody Who Is Looking for a Place to Live

Do You Know Anybody Who Is Looking for a Place to Live

Do You Know Anybody Who is Looking for a Place to Live

Walk around the class and ask other students if they know anybody who is looking for a place to live and then write down the details. Your teacher will also give you a card with some details of a friend who is looking for a room.

Friend’s Name / Good Personality Traits / Bad Personality Traits / Added Information / Interests
Jack / funny
creative / messy / artistic / photography

Who would you choose as your roommate? ______

© 2007 Lanternfish ESL

Friends Looking For Roommates

Friend: Heidi (she)
Good Points:thoughtful, warmhearted
Bad Points:shy
Interests: She’s athletic. She plays hockey and volleyball. / Friend:JiYoung (she)
Good Points:outgoing, warmhearted
Bad Points:talkative
Interests: She’s artistic.She’s into photography.
Friend:Fred (he)
Good Points:intelligent, well-educated
Bad Points:moody
Interests: He’s intellectual. He writes for the school newspaper. / Friend: Alexis (she)
Good Points:polite, clever
Bad Points:stubborn
Interests: She’s cool.She’s really into music.
Friend:Austin (he)
Good Points:hardworking, outgoing
Bad Points:narrow-minded
Interests: He’s athletic. He plays soccer and basketball on the school team. / Friend: Minsu (he)
Good Points:smart, funny
Bad Points:stingy
Interests: He’s romantic. He writes poetry and plays the guitar.
Good Points:Kind, generous
Bad Points:impatient
Interests: He’s adventurous. He’s into scuba diving and mountain biking. / Friend: Ivanna
Good Points:easygoing, sociable
Bad Points:rude
Interests: She’s artistic. She paints pictures and plays the violin.

Friends Looking For Roommates

Friend: Sue (he)
Good Points: thoughtful, warmhearted
Bad Points: shy
Interests: He’s artistic.He’s into photography. / Friend: JinHee (she)
Good Points: outgoing, sociable
Bad Points: talkative
Interests: She’s athletic. She’s into skating and skiing.
Friend: Mike (he)
Good Points: intelligent, well-traveled
Bad Points: arrogant
Interests: He’s athletic. He trains for triathlons. . / Friend: Rebecca (she)
Good Points: polite, clever
Bad Points: stubborn
Interests: She’s romantic. She writes poetry and plays the piano.
Friend: Larry (he)
Good Points: neat, outgoing
Bad Points: narrow-minded
Interests: He’s fashionable. He’s into clothes and shopping. / Friend: Gurjot (he)
Good Points: smart, creative
Bad Points: messy
Interests: He’s cool.He’s really into music.
Friend: Abdul (he)
Good Points:easygoing, clever
Bad Points:rude
Interests: He’s a gamer. He’s into all sorts of computer games. / Friend: Rose (she)
Good Points: easygoing, thoughtful
Bad Points: lazy
Interests: She’s adventurous. She’s into sky diving and mountain biking.