D.S.A.I Term 1
(Do Something About It!)
GOALS: Think about what you wish to achieve during the first term. What do you do well? What are some of your weaknesses? Think about how you can improve. Select one or two of the goals below that you would like to achieve before the end of the term.
_____ I will improve my academic performance from 5th Grade.
_____ I will achieve a high level of academic achievement.
_____ I will be actively involved in all class activities.
_____ I will improve my organizational skills.
_____ I will behave positively in class.
_____ I will become more responsible and independent.
STRATEGIES: Based on the goal(s) you have chosen check off 3-5 behavioral strategies that you will follow in order to achieve you goal(s). Do not choose any behaviors that are already part of you normal routine. All behaviors should be new for you.
□ I will review my notes or text 10 minutes every night.
□ I will attend Working Lunch once each week AND/OR I will attend Study Session each Wed.
□ I will number, date, and put my full name on all of my papers.
□ I will organize my notebook every Sunday night.
□ I will place any loose papers in the proper section every night.
□ I will raise my hand to get called on in class at least twice each class period?
□ I will ask questions when I don’t understand something.
□ I will see the teacher for each REDO paper I receive.
□ I will complete extra credit activities.
□ I will do independent research to find out mare about topics discussed in class.
□ I will make sure to have all necessary materials each day.
□ I will copy my homework word for word in my Agenda each class.
□ I will proofread my work for careless mistakes before turning it in.
□ I will start class each day in the proper manner without being reminded.
□ I will try to support/justify my answers whenever necessary.
□ I will properly calculate my percent score on all assessments.
□ I will not call out or interrupt any speaker during class.
□ I will pay attention in class and focus on all classroom instruction (I will not doodle on my papers.)
□ I will not disrupt other students around me.
□ I will make up my work promptly if I am absent.
□ I will make use of all available resources including the class/school websites and the online texts.
□ I will highlight the directions on all of my papers.
□ I will ______.