Do Not Simply Type in Questions Into Google Such As What Is an Animal of the Tundra? RESEARCH

Do Not Simply Type in Questions Into Google Such As What Is an Animal of the Tundra? RESEARCH

Description of Biome / 100
Definition of your biome / 10
Where can your biome be found? (What countries, what degrees of latitude?) / 20
Average Temperatures of biome (lows and highs) / 10
Average Precipitation of biome (snowfall or rain) / 10
Write a paragraph, at least 5 sentences, describing your biome in detail as an introduction / 50
Animals of Biome (4) / 100
Name of animal, description of animal, their diet, and one adaptation of the animal (picture of animal) / 25
Name of animal, description of animal, their diet, and one adaptation of the animal (picture of animal) / 25
Name of animal, description of animal, their diet, and one adaptation of the animal (picture of animal) / 25
Name of animal, description of animal, their diet, and one adaptation of the animal (picture of animal) / 25
Plants of Biomes (3) / 60
Name of plant, description of plant, picture of plant / 20
Name of plant, description of plant, picture of plant / 20
Name of plant, description of plant, picture of plant / 20
Poster / 100
Neat and easy to read (choose size and color carefully) / 20
Organized (have all your information on the poster) / 20
Food chain – give at least 4 layers of the food chain in your biome / 40
Free of misspelled words and grammatical mistakes
Start sentences with capital letters; end with punctuation, spaces after commas. / 20
Presentation / 40
Practiced – does not just read the poster but faces the class and gives information / 20
Everyone participates in presenting the project poster / 20
TOTAL / 400

Final Notes:

Do not simply type in questions into Google such as “What is an animal of the tundra?” RESEARCH your project. You will have to find websites and information in paragraphs. Don’t be afraid to read them carefully to find your information, it is there if you look.

Lastly, have fun and make it your own. Put first things first and get your information together, you poster made and polished, and your presentation practiced.

Everyone works; you will be given an opportunity to grade each other at the end. If your partners score you low, you will lose points.