1. Donor X

2. The Domistani Sisters

3. The National Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies and IFRC


5. FOOD - International NGO

6. Pacific States Oversea Aid Office

7. Children First - NGO

8. Red Roof - Regional shelter NGO

9. Salt Island Administrator

10. Domistani Leader

11. Domistani People

12. International Overseas Contracting

13. Farhad International

1. Donor X (field team)

Known as a “major power” in international circles, you are under increasing public and political pressure at home. A shift to the right of the political spectrum has meant that the public and a cynical media have been asking for clearer results from the countries’ large but shrinking foreign aid budget. In Domistan you have just created a nutritional monitoring unit for IDPs which has been very highly regarded. Your field team would like to build on that success and continue working in the nutrition sector where possible.

Members of the Powerful “Friends of Domistan” lobby group in Country X are pushing you for more spending for relief of the suffering in Domistan and for Domistani refugees wherever they may be. The current Administration is willing to pursue more direct activities in support of refugees, however, insists on a high level of monitoring and control of all funds used, as it wishes to avoid any charges of misuse of taxpayer money. While the senior programme officials in the Capitol City of Country X approve all of your program expenditures, you - the field staff of the newly designed nutritional team are all young technical experts with very little experience in governmental or foreign service. You must make a written request to the sim. referee in order to receive the initial emergency grant of $50,000.

WAT/SAN / 0 / 0 / No one on team with experience in this area / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
NUTRITION / Skilled team, / Knowledge of assessment techniques / Lack of info / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
LOGISTICS / 0 / 0 / Lack of info / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
SHELTER / 0 / 0 / No one on team with experience in this area / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
HEALTH / Team members with health exp. / Knowledge of health programs / Lack of info / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
EDUCATION / 0 / 0 / No one on team with experience in this area / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
CASH / $ 50,000 grant upon written request / Accounting skills / $50,000 per project request / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded

2. The Domistani Sisters

Originally started as the charitable wing of a religious order, the Domistani Sisters are a local non-governmental organisation that provides relief to victims of conflict and calamity in their country. Working in any sectoral area that is needed, your group has a strong emphasis on charity, and courageously operates in the volatile and insecure areas of the Domistan Low lands. You often run soup kitchens, and have through circumstance developed a good technical capacity in rehabilitation of water systems. Recently you have joined an international alliance of non-governmental organisations and have formed a special partnership with one in particular - Children First. This international NGO has seconded several water experts to the Domistani Sisters to build capacity in the water sector. Your mandate for the emergency developing on Salt Island is to provide adequate water and sanitation facilities to enable the population to live with dignity.

WAT/SAN / 3 water distribution modules (1Water Tank, 1 pump, 3 tap stands, piping kits for 1,500 people each) / Installation and management of water systems / No one on team with experience or info about Salt Island / More kits may be bought from international dealers.
NUTRITION / 0 / 0 / Lack of info / 0
LOGISTICS / You have 1 Boat for tankering water (costs $5,000/week to operate - pay Sim Referee each month) / Water systems / Boat capacity 100 tons, trip time = 2 trips per week. International firms can load water for a standard fee. / Additional boat(s) may be available for charter - contact international sales representatives for cost and availability
SHELTER / 0 / 0 / No one on team with experience in this area / 0
HEALTH / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
EDUCATION / Domistani ed. volunteers available / Teaching skills / No current budget for this activity / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
CASH / Donations only / Accounting skills / $10,000 in hand for Salt Island response / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded

3. The P. S. National Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies and IFRC

The National Red Cross society of the Pacific States has been working in the health sector for many years throughout the country, providing clinics and other public health services for refugees and disaster victims. You have a wide network of volunteers from the country, most of which are considered peaceful moderates, willing to help fellow citizens as well as refugees irrespective of ethnic identity.

Due to the civil war in Domistan, IFRC has had a presence there, and good support infrastructure in Domistan. They have supported the National Red Crescent Society in Domistan for many years. IFRC is also operational in other Pacific States, and has worked to strengthen National Red Cross Societies there as well, often with delegates from the Pacific States Red Cross..

Your mandate for the developing emergency at Salt Island is to provide sufficient preventive and curative health facilities to enable the population to live with dignity.

WAT/SAN / International experts - on stand-by roster / 0 / Lack of info. / Can call on engineering expertise in water systems if requested
NUTRITION / 0 / 0 / Lack of info / 0
LOGISTICS / No info / No info / No info / No info
SHELTER / 0 / 0 / No one on team with experience in this area / 0
HEALTH / Doctors, nurses, volunteers / Health systems expertise / No info on Salt Island facilities / Can use funds and staff immediately for health screening, immunization, and curative care
CASH / Dedicated $50,000 for immediate use in Salt Island / Can raise funds quickly / $50,000 immediately available / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded


UNHCR in Domistan has been struggling with the refugee protection issue for years. Refugees from neighboring countries had automatic refugee status upon arrival in Domistan thanks to the good negotiation skills of the Representative at the time. Now the crisis situation in Domistan has caused refugees to flee for their survival. Among those fleeing are people who had previously been refugees from Neighbor Country in Domistan.

Frustrated with the low interest of your donors in Domistan, your activities largely center around small economic generation projects to help the refugees attain a level of self-sufficiency that they can be independent of foreign assistance. Your organization will retain a presence in Domistan until the refugees return home, and you have stocks of shelter and repatriation kits in the Capital City awaiting a repatriation programme.

UNHCR now must advocate for the rights of those people landed at Salt Island, and push for their recognition as refugees, as well as press for conditions to improve enough for their return to Domistan. You believe that there are currently some 10,000 refugees on Salt Island.

NUTRITION / 0 / 0 / Lack of info / 0
LOGISTICS / No info / No info / No info / No info
SHELTER / 200 large tents (4m x 6m each) already deployed to South of Salt Island / Skilled site planners and programme officers / Small operational budget / Can use funds and staff immediately for emergency shelter program in Salt Island
HEALTH / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
EDUCATION / Special education unit support / Experience with education programs in refugee camps in Domistan / Small operational budget / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
CASH / Dedicated $50,000 for immediate use in Salt Island shelter program / Can raise funds quickly / $50,000 immediately available / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded

5. FOOD - International NGO

FOOD is a large and well-established, confederated, multi-sectoral international NGO. For many years it has been working in the food security area in Domistan and throughout the Pacific Region and prides itself in forming partnerships at the international and at the local level.

In Domistan you are the main implementing partner of WFP and the two organisations have a long-standing MOU. WFP has a small presence in Domistan, concerned with representation and logistics. The MOU between the two organisations states that the responsibility for the food commodities transfers from WFP to the NGO at the exit door of the main WFP warehouse in the Capital City port. You have been distributing rice in Domistan for th3e last several years under this system.

Based on the developing emergency at Salt Island, Food and WFP have agreed to immediately extend your program support to the growing refugee population at Salt Island.

WAT/SAN / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
NUTRITION / Food Stocks in Domistan and elsewhere - 65 tons already delivered to Salt Island by International Overseas Contracting / Food Logistics / Lack of info on Salt Island Infrastructure / Any clear and well-supported future request may be funded
LOGISTICS / Food Logistics system,
3 planes,
1 boat,
10 trucks / Skilled logisticians / Big Boat can carry anything - 1 wk / trip @$5,000 / wk
Plane carries up to 2 T - one day / trip @ $5,000/trip
Trucks carry 10 T -operating cost/day- $500 / Complete system of food support to Salt Island population. You operate vehicles at cost. Operating costs must be covered from program budget and paid to Sim Referee each week.
SHELTER / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
HEALTH / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
EDUCATION / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
CASH / Dedicated $100,000 for immediate use in Salt Island food program / Can raise funds quickly / $100,000 immediately available / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded - food can be purchased on the international market.

6. Pacific States Oversea Aid Office

The Pacific States Oversea Aid office has been directed by the Pacific States government to support the food, health, and shelter needs of the migrants from Domistan in any location except on the continental territory of the Pacific States. If opportunities exist to begin a repatriation programme to Domistan, you have authority to fund programmes up to $1,000,000 dollars annually.

You must discourage any move to relocate these people to the Pacific States or to acknowledge them as refugees. You may offer support to any NGO, UN agency or the administration of Salt Island as long as they agree not to publicly label this group as "international refugees". In your view they are economic migrants, who would easily become illegal immigrants to your country. You feel humanitarian concern for them but cannot be seen to acknowledge their right to enter the Pacific States.

WAT/SAN / ? / ? / No support inside Pacific States / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
NUTRITION / ? / ? / No support inside Pacific States / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
LOGISTICS / HEAVY CARGO by air or sea / Logisticians / No support inside Pacific States / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
SHELTER / ? / ? / No support inside Pacific States / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
HEALTH / ? / ? / No support inside Pacific States / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
EDUCATION / ? / ? / No support inside Pacific States / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
CASH / Dedicated $1,000,000 for immediate use in repatriation program / analysis / No support inside Pacific States / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded

7. Children First - NGO

Your primary responsibilities are:

Conducting a rapid assessment of local conditions affecting children and mothers on Salt Island resulting from the emergency situation. Determine priority interventions. Determine size of immunization program (all children un age 12). Prepare programme/project proposals for emergency assistance and other related documentation as necessary.

Ensuring that a plan of action and workplan is implemented to manage emergency programme/project activities. Monitor implementation and evaluate progress to ensure achievement of objectives. Take technical decisions on programme/project administration/implementation.

Maintaining relations with other operational partners involved in the Salt Island response, and with donors.

Coordinating and providing liaison services with other UN and NGO organizations

You can raise funds from Donors. If you feel that there is a need for funding for special projects or programmes in light of the developing crisis, you should make a concise written request. You are also responsible to ensure the timely delivery of materials and supplies, cash assistance and other services for programme/project implementation. Certify and/or approve disbursement of programme funds.

WAT/SAN / None currently / None / No info / unknown
NUTRITION / Special programs for malnourished children / Nutritionists and outreach specialists / No info / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
SHELTER / Budget line for shelter needs $10,000 / carpentry supervision skills / Budget and experience / unknown
HEALTH / 1,000 syringes
1,000 doses vaccine / You can recruit doctors and nurses for immunization programs / None, if donors can be found / unknown
EDUCATION / Budget line for education program $10,000 / limited to running small programmes in Domistan / limited to running small programmes in Domistan / unknown
CASH / Dedicated $20,000 for immediate use in Salt Island / Analysis, planning small programs / ? / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded

8. Red Roof - regional shelter NGO

This Pacific States Nationally registered Islamic Development Organization is dedicated to creating lasting solutions to hunger, poverty, and social injustice through religious charity, particularly in the provision of shelter and basic non-food goods such a kitchen sets, blankets, and tents. As a small grass-roots organization, you can speak with conviction and integrity as you challenge the structural barriers that foster conflict between the different ethnic communities in Domistan. You seek to limit human suffering through the provision of emergency relief supplies and then help people gain the skills, resources, and power to become self-sufficient.

Your organization is a small, but wholly "operational" agency. It provides shelter materials, delivers other aid, coordinates site development activities and provides comfort to vulnerable people directly, believing in the "person to person" approach in all of your activities. You accept any funding from any source as long as it is for a good purpose.

WAT/SAN / Available upon request / Experience in Domistan water provision programs / unknown / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
NUTRITION / Available upon request / None immediately available / unknown / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
LOGISTICS / Available upon request / Freight-handling in small quantities / unknown / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
SHELTER / 200 tents, 3m X 4m. / Site design, camp infrastructure development / Budget is small, no info on Salt Island site. Transport of tents from PS must be arranged. / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded. FOOD may have space available on their boat for the transport of your tents to Salt Island.
HEALTH / Available upon request / unknown / unknown / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
EDUCATION / Available upon request / unknown / unknown / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded
CASH / Available upon request to Donors / Basic accountancy / unknown / Any clear and well-supported request may be funded

9. Salt Island Administrator

You feel that you have primary responsibility for managing the overall refugee/returnee/IDP/migrant operation on Salt Island. You have already agreed to receive and manage a population of up to 20,000 here (but no more). So far your office has recorded 9,050 people already arrived in Tuna Town, including the 820 from the Domistan Star. There is adequate site area available for a camp at the Southern half of the island, but it is dry and barren (although it sometimes floods in the rainy season). All of the people arriving after the initial group from the Domistan Star have been located in an unused warehouse in Tuna Town. Bottled water has been provided form Tuna Town but that is expected to be completely consumed by the end of the week. All other arrivals are sent to the South end of the Island where a camp is being developed for them. As a protectorate of the Pacific States, you receive a budget from them for services, and you provide safety and basic administrative support services for the Large International Tuna Cannery operation at Tuna Town. The only native residents live at the small fishing village on the South shore. You need to be seen to be completely in control of all activities on Salt Island, as well as being supportive of the NGOs, Red Cross, and others who are providing the aid that you cannot afford to carry out yourself..