1. Course unit title
Paediatric Dentistry2. Course unit code
3. Clinic / Department
Department of Paediatric Dentistry4. Type of the course unit
Core unit5. Level of the course unit
master degree level6. Year of study
IV7. Semester when the course unit is delivered
7 and 88. Number of ECTS credits allocated
9. Course unit coordinator
Joanna Szczepańska Professor DDS PhDPatrycja Proc DDS PhD
10. Names of faculty teachers
Joanna Szczepańska Professor DDS PhDPatrycja Proc DDS PhD
Agnieszka Bruzda-Zwiech DDS PhD
Ewa Rybarczyk-Townsend DDS PhD
11. Learning outcomes of the course unit
Knowledge componentAims / Objectives
Semester 7th
Class 1
To know the principles of the patient’s history taking and the dental examination in children / Students are able to:
· describe the parts of history taking (social, medical and dental history)
· describe the steps of extra and intra-oral examinations
· calculate and interpret the scores of oral health indices (DMFT, dmft, SIC,OHI-S, CPITN)
· give the terms of the eruption of deciduous and permanent teeth
Class 2
To understand the principles of treatment planning including comprehensive caries prevention program for the control of
dental caries in children. / · plan fluoride prophylaxis in children
· describe the main trends in dental caries prevention
· define the role of remineralization, and compare the mechanisms of enamel and dentin remineralization
· describe cariostatic mechanisms of fluoride action
· describe the methodology of local use of fluoride of high and low concentrations
· calculate the daily fluoride tablet dose for the child
Class 3
To learn the methods of caries detection and treatment in primary teeth / · describe the characteristics of deciduous
teeth in aspects of caries development
describe specific forms of dental caries in children (Early childhood caries, rampant caries)
· describe the methods of caries treatment in primary dentition
· list restorative materials used in primary teeth and give the indications and contraindication to their clinical usage in various clinical cases
· describe the properties of restorative materials (Compomers, Glass ionomer cements, Composites, Ormocers, Amalgams, Stainless steel crowns) used for caries treatment in children
Class 4
To understand the principles of caries detection and treatment in immature permanent teeth / · describe methods of caries detection –visual, visual inspection with the aid of magnification, visual tactile, fiber optic translumination (FOTI), Diagnodent, Caries detecting dyes, Radiography
· discuss the specificity of cavity preparation in permanent immature teeth and the principles of dental pulp protection
· describe the role of temporary cavity sealing with materials which help to stimulate remineralization of carious dentine and initiate the stimulation of secondary dentin formation in deep caries lesions
Class 5
To understand modern methods of caries risk assessment and the conception of minimal invasive treatment of dental caries / · describe modern tools of caries risk assessment
· discuss the concept of minimally invasive dentistry
· describe the mechanism of early carious lesion development (‘white spots'), as well as treatment methods of the initial caries lesions
· describe the principles of patients as well as individual teeth selection for fissure sealing
· give indication and contraindication for enameloplasty and Preventive Restorative Restoration (PRR)
· list dental materials used for fissure sealing
To be knowable of nonconventional techniques of caries removal used in children / · list and describe nonconventional techniques of caries treatment: Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART), chemo-mechanical caries removal system, Air-abrasion, ozone delivery system, the tunnel preparation, saucer–shaped cavity preparation, slot preparation
· give indication and contraindication to particular techniques of the cavity preparation
· list dental materials used in caries treatment methods mentioned above
Class 7
Quiz –topics 1-6 / · quiz –topics 1-6
Semester 8th
Class 1
To gain knowledge on diagnosis of dental pulp and periapical tissues inflammation in deciduous teeth / · list the etiologic factors of dental pulp diseases
· describe the classifications of pulp diseases in primary teeth
· list and describe pulp sensibility (vitality) testing
· interpret the X-ray views
Class 2
To be knowable of principles of the treatment of dental pulp and periapical tissues inflammation in deciduous teeth / · discuss the indications and contraindications to treatment of pulp in deciduous teeth (direct, indirect pulp capping, vital and mortal pulpotomy, pulpectomy)
· list and describe the methods of pulp therapy for primary teeth
· describe complications of pulp diseases in primary teeth
Class 3
To gain knowledge on diagnosis of dental pulp and periapical tissues inflammation inimmature permanent teeth / · describe the principles of dental history taking and clinical examination in aspects of diagnosing the dental pulp and periapical inflammations
· list and describe clinical and radiological methods of the dental pulp and periapical tissue status assessment
· describe the classification of dental pulp and periapical diseases
Class 4
To learn about first aid in dental trauma / · explain the aetiology of dental injures in children
· list and describe the classifications of dental trauma
· describe the principles of the history taking, dental examination and planning of special investigations (vitality tests, radiography) in children after dental trauma
· describe the rules of first aid in various cases of dental trauma
Class 5
To learn about the assessment of periodontal treatment needs in children
Quiz –topics 1-4 / · describe methods of the assessment of peridontium status
· list and explain gingival and periodontal disease indices: PMA index, GI (Gingival Index), SBI (Sulcus Bleedeing Index), GBI ( Gingival Bleeding Index),PDI (Periodontal Disease Index), PI (Periodontal Index), PI-I (Plaque Index)
· describe the latest classifications of gingival and periodontal diseases
· explain etiological factors of gingivitis
· discuss the specificity of gingivitis and periodontitis in children: chronic hyperplastic gingivitis, linked to the onset of puberty, linked to diabetes mellitus and hematologica ldiseases drug induced gingival enlargement
· explain the aetiology and describe Aggressive periodontal diseases in children (Prepubertal periodontitis Juvenile periodontitis)
· quiz –topics 1-4
Skills component
Aims / Objectives
In aspects of patient examining
To improve the practical skills in dental examining of patients in developmental age. / · take medical and dental history and develop skills in treatment planning
In aspects of the management of dental caries
To develop the therapeutic skills concerning the usage of prophylactic methods and treatment of dental caries in primary and permanent teeth in child patients / · plan preventive therapy in accordance with an assessment of caries risk and patient’s age
· apply fluoride varnish (topical fluoride)
· perform the fissure sealing in first permanent molar
· chose adequate minimally invasive technique of caries treatment and apply enameloplasty or the Preventive Resin Restoration method in suitable cases
· prepare cavities for amalgam, glass-ionomer and composite restorations in deciduous and immature permanent dentition
In aspects of the management of dental injures
To develop practical skills at treatment of teeth after traumatic injuries / · examine a patient after dental trauma
· plan additional investigations (recommend radiographs, perform pulp sensibility testing)
· classify the injury
· choose a proper treatment method for dental trauma and perform it
· make a reconstruction of upper incisors after injury
· perform a splitting of luxated teeth
· make recall schedule and observe the results of the treatment
In aspects of pulp diseases
To develop practical skills at treatment of dental pulp and periapical tissues inflammation in deciduous and immature permanent teeth / · make pulp assessment tests and plan pulp therapy for primary teeth
· perform the treatment of pulpitis in deciduous teeth
In aspects of gingivae and oral mucosa diseases
To develop practical skills in diagnosing of gingivitis, periodontitis and oral mucosa pathology / · diagnose clinical signs of gingivitis, periodontitis and oral mucosa pathologies
· be skilled in prevention of gingivitis and oral mucosa diseases
Attitudes and transferrable skills
Aims / Objectives
To develop the awareness of the importance of application of appropriate preventive and treatment methods of caries and dental pulp inflammations and traumatic injuries in primary and immature permanent teeth, as well as malocclusions and periodontal diseases / develop
· the awareness of the importance of the early detecting and prevention of oral pathologies in children
· the awareness of the role of choosing proper diagnostic and treatment methods in accordance with clinical status
12. Mode of delivery
face-to-face13. Number of face-to-face session hours
72 hourswhole-class sessions: 6 hours in 7th semester
small-group sessions: 36 hours in 7th semester and 30 hours in 8th semester
14. Prerequisites and co-requisites
To finish the courses and obtain credits in:Paediatric Dentistry on 2nd and 3 rd year of a study
Material Science
Physiology of Masticatory System
15. Recommended optional programme components
16. Course contents
Subjects of the course: to gain knowledge on: the development, morphology and pathology of dentition, caries detecting and the management in children, pulp diseases of primary and immature permanent teeth, and first aid in dental trauma.Lectures
1. Dental caries in patients in developmental age - treatment methods, materials.
2. Pulp diseases in primary teeth- diagnosis of pulpal status, pulp therapy
3. First aid in dental trauma
Seminaries 7thsemester
1. Examination of child patients. The assessment of chronological and dental age. Interpretation of oral health indices in particular age groups.
2. Dental treatment planning with a complex fluoride therapy.
3. Dental caries of primary teeth-detecting, treatment methods
4. Modern methods of caries treatment in immature permanent teeth.
5. Modern methods of caries risk assessment. Minimal intervention techniques for dental caries.
6. Nonconventional techniques for caries removal in children.
Seminaries 8thsemester
1. Dental pulp diseases in primary teeth-diagnosis and treatment. Part I.
2. Dental pulp diseases in primary teeth-diagnosis and treatment. Part II.
3. Diagnosis and therapy of dental pulp and periapical tissues in immature permanent teeth.
4. History and clinical examination in children after dental injures—a first aid.
5. The assessment of periodontal treatment needs in children with the consideration of gingival and periodontal indices.
Dental Institute 251, Pomorska St.:
Whole-group session - 6 hours in 7th semester, Room 269a or 283a, level -1
Small-group sessions – 36 hours in 7th semester and 30 hours in 8th semester,
and Room 277, level -1
Student should have their own selection of sterilized burs.
Student should leave coat, change shoes in the cloakroom and wear medical apron.
17. Learning activities and teaching methods
Seminars supported by multimedia presentationsClinical training
18. Recommended or required learning resources
Main textbooks1. Welbury R.R.: Paediatric Dentistry. Oxford University Press, 2001, 2005, ISBN 0–19–263186–1 ; 0-19-8565836
2. Bruzda-Zwiech A, Pawłowska E, Proc P, Szczepańska J: Paediatric Dentistry. Textbook for pre-clinical classes. Part One. First edition. www.dentonet.pl – e- books, ISBN - 978-83-61058-86-1
Supplementary textbook
1. Murray J.J.: Prevention of Oral Disease. Oxford University Press, 2003, ISBN-10: 0-19-263279-5, ISBN-13: 978-0-19-263279 -1
2. Andreasen J.O. et all: Traumatic Dental Injuries. Blackwell Munksgaard, 2003, ISBN 1-4051-1108-9
19. Formative assessment and obtaining credits for the course
Credit20. Assessment methods and criteria
knowledge componentquiz
skills component
performing the management of caries, pulp diseases and dental injury in children
attitudes and transferrable skills component
student evaluation form
21. Language of instruction
English22. Additional info and support
http://www.umed.pl/stom.dziecieca/- English versionwww.stomatologia.umed.lodz.pl