First Individual Consultation Meeting – Agenda and Notes

Employee Name:..……………………………………………………......

Job Title:..……………………………………………………………...

Change Programme:..……………………………………………………......

Date of Meeting:.….…………………………………………………………...


Confirm they know and understand that they can be represented by a Staff Side Rep or work colleague.If they are not accompanied, ensure they are happy to proceed.
  • key points and actions will be captured during the meeting
  • they will be asked to sign this document at the end of the meeting
  • Provided with a copy

Check that they have been able to access a copy of the Final Decisions Document and any other end of Collective Consultation documents
Explain outcome of the Collective Consultation and how the proposal affects them.
Outline the purpose of the meeting is to assist them through the changes agreed during Collective Consultation and make sure that any support, information or queries are provided promptly.
Confirm that this is the start of their individual consultation and that they can have up to 3 meetings or can decline further individual consultation meetings if they don’t have any further queries.
Explain if no alternative employment can be found a termination meeting will be held to give notice. Advise that any outstanding annual leave is to be taken prior to the last day of service.
Discuss any slotting-in or ring-fenced competition proposals and how these affect them, including any arrangements for preference forms/scoping questionnaire etc.
Explain that Suitable Alternative Employment (SAE) opportunities will be sought throughout the consultation process by the manager reviewing the weekly vacancy bulletins. Where identified they will receive notification from their manager. SAE is based on similar earnings (pay protection will be considered), status, job content and convenience, for example location, working hours.
Go through what they may consider as reasonable alternative employment for other posts e.g. location (are they prepared to relocate?), hours, skills, experience, qualifications and any carer responsibilities and outline in notes section.
Remind them of the availability of other support mechanisms such as EAP, OH, OWD, staff side, HR, manager etc.
If applicable, Pregnant or on maternity leave – If not possible to return to previous job, she must be offered alternative employment, if available, and it must be offered to her in preference to any other redeployee who is similarly affected but who is not pregnant or absent due to maternity leave.
Pay Protection – Confirm if applicable and any arrangements

Management Rep

(If applicable): ………………………………………………………………..

Staff Rep (if applicable):………………………………………………………………..

Redeployment Support (if applicable):

If the employee has been placed on the redeployment register they will have received a letter of confirmation of entry to the registerwhich will outline the following support some of which they may have already received

  • Priority for NHSBT vacancies on same band – highest priority to redeployees with second priority to potential redeployee
  • Informal meeting or presentationto outline support and how to access
  • Access to telephone and email help lines
  • Access to NHS Jobs restricted account and support in activating this
  • Access to a change coach to support them with CV/application writing, interview prep
  • Priority for training

Redundancy Payment (if applicable):

Voluntary Compulsory Redundancy/Voluntary Transfer – This is not offered on all change programmes. If there is a proposal to allow voluntary compulsory redundancies/voluntary transfers, confirm whether they are interested and explain the process for applying if applicable. Outline the provisions below:

Compulsory Redundancy - We will seek to avoid redundancy, wherever possible, however if this is not possible we have to proceed with compulsory redundancy. Outline the provisionsbelow:

If redundancy is applicable check they have received their estimate (if eligible) and explain the following:-

  • Estimates may vary from the final figure as it is based on the final 3 months prior to the termination date
  • The start date is based on continuous NHS service i.e. no break in service of more than 12 months. Check the date is correct / are they a retiring returnee?
  • If NHS continuous service date is incorrect evidence will be required and the manager will need to amend their ESR record by completing the correct form
  • If they have already received a redundancy payment from the NHS,explain that this must be declared as service already subject to a redundancy payment cannot be paid twice and if applicable a revised estimate will need to be obtained
  • If they have any queries regarding their redundancy or pensions they must contact the SBS Pensions Team on 0303 123 1144 or email , stating their assignment number
  • The redundancy payment will be calculated using a minimum notional full time earnings of £23,000 pa and maximum notional full time earnings of £80,000 pa (both pro-rated for part-time). The employer cost for early payment of NHS Pension benefits (for those members who are entitled to early payment) will be limited to a maximum of the value of the individual’s redundancy payment. Note: Previously the full cost of early payment was met even where this was more than the redundancy due (sometimes referred to as ‘top-up’). This means that some reduction may still apply depending on individual circumstances.
  • If they are over the minimum retirement age but under the normal retirement age and in the pension scheme, they will have a choice over how they take their redundancy payment. They will need to indicate this on the choice form during their formal termination meeting – if applicable.
  • If their final day of service is between 1st and 10th of the month, they will receive their redundancy pay in the current month and from 11th onwards in the month after
  • Only contractual overtime will be included in any calculations/estimates and not any other overtime whether it is regular or ad-hoc
  • Redundancy payments are subject to GAC approval

Explain that we have a legal obligation to seek to avoid redundancy. Should they refuse an offer of suitable alternative employment by NHSBT or any other NHS employer without reasonable ground, they may lose their right to a statutory redundancy payment.

Explain that there is an expectation for them to apply for reasonable alternative posts and where this is not the case they could risk their entitlement to enhanced NHS redundancy payments.

If they receive an offer of NHS employment before the date their employment terminates, or they take up NHS employment within 4 weeks of the date of termination, they would be required to refund their redundancy pay and/or enhanced pension contributions and they have an obligation to inform us.

Change of Base / Relocation (if applicable):

If a change of base or relocation is applicable, confirm the following and detail outcome in notes section below:-

  • Confirm that any recent changes of home addresshave been notified to Pay Support. If applicable go to ‘Personal Changes’ on People First and complete the relevant form.
  • Confirm work pattern e.g. Office based, Full-time/Part-time, Regional/National role etc.
  • Confirm current travel arrangements e.g. mode of travel, travel time, current home to base mileage (using AA auto route), cost of parking, cost of public transport to existing base
  • Confirm intended travel arrangements e.g. mode of travel, estimated time of travel, new home to base mileage, requirement for parking and cost, cost of public transport to new base
  • Confirm any childcare or carer responsibilities – current/future arrangements and cost


Use the following points to summarise the meeting. Complete the questions and outline any detail in the notes section below:

I confirm the following areas were covered at this meeting:-

Was representation explained? / Yes/No
Was the outcome of the Collective Consultation and the impact outlined? / Yes/No
Has the employee received their Final Decisions Document and confirmation letter? / Yes/No
Has all of the support available been outlined? / Yes/No
Has the employee received their entry to the redeployment register (if app) / Yes/No/NA
Has the employee received their redundancy estimate? / Yes/No/NA
Is the NHS continuous employment start date correct on the redundancy estimate? / Yes/No/NA
Has the employee ever received redundancy from the NHS before? / Yes/No/NA
Does the employee understand that if they are offered a job prior to their termination date or commence other NHS employment within 4 weeks of their termination date, they will have to refund their redundancy and/or enhanced pension / Yes/No/NA
Does the employee understand the impact on their redundancy pay of refusing offers of alternative employment? / Yes/No/NA
Note below any particular individual circumstances that are relevant to the identification of SAE or reasonable alternative employment opportunities e.g. location, hours, skills, qualifications, experience or caring responsibilities:

Next steps:

Is a second consultation meeting required?Yes*/No

Specify Date, time and venue ………………………………………………………………………..

*Send out a calendar invitation with above details

If VCR has been approved, is individual happy to receive a letter in place of a formal termination meeting? Yes/ No / N/A

I accept that this is an accurate record of the meeting:

Employee signature / Date
Manager signature / Date

Provide a copy tothe employee for their records. Scan and email to HR Direct (email HR Change Admin) immediately following the meeting. Original to be retained by HR rep for reference to individual circumstances for SAE / alternative employment and filing on personal file at closure of change programme.
