MUSC College of Nursing
DNP Clinical Residency (NRDNP 890) Contract
Primary Care
Name: ______Date:______
Clinical Preceptor/Mentor contact information:______
Abbreviated preceptor CV on File
Copy of preceptor license on file
Copy of preceptor certification on File
Site or Sites for Implementation of Clinical Hours: ______
Facility agreement on file
Number of clinical residency hours for this semester: ______
Please describe how you plan to meet the clinical residency hours, outline specific objectives and discuss how these objectives will help you accomplish the DNP program objectives and competencies
Clinical Learning Objectives for Primary Care this semester:1) Collaborate in the assessment, diagnosis, and management of care for individuals (and families) who present with new and continuing health problems in the primary care setting
2) Use evidence-based resources in all aspects of health care practice
3) In collaboration with preceptor, order and interpret screening and diagnostic testing measures indicated for health maintenance, well-being, and health-related primary care problems
4) In collaboration with preceptor, prescribe therapeutic medications, devices, and other treatments as indicated
5) In collaboration with preceptor, refer to specialty care as needed
6) In collaboration with preceptor, evaluate outcomes of care
7) Integrate individual and family values, cultural practices, and spiritual beliefs into plan of care
8) Examine available community resources for their relevance to individual and family care
9) Incorporate principles of child/adult learning when teaching individuals and families
10) Develop independence and judgment over time when caring for individuals and families
11) Incorporate technology when documenting care, and communicate with others on the health care team
12) Practice confidentiality, engender trust, and respectfulness when providing all aspects of care
Which DNP Essentials will you address?
(listed in CON Student Handbook)
Which DNP Competencies will you address?
(Click here for competencies)
Clinical Learning resources, activities proposed and strategies
Outcomes with evidence of Accomplishment of Objectives
(Criteria and Means for Validating: What deliverables or products will be produced as a result of this residency)
Specify the method/s for evaluation of successful performance and/or completion of each objective with expected completion dates.
This contract must be agreed upon and signed by the graduate student, the faculty advisor and, once clinical hours are completed, by the clinical preceptor. The completed contract is then uploaded into MyFolio in the Residency Contracts folder.
Final Completion Date Anticipated: ______
Student Signature: ______Date:______
Clinical Preceptor Signature: ______Date: ______
Residency Instructor Signature:______Date:______