Mrs. Urwiller’s 6th Grade Language Arts & Reading

Bearcat Team

Language Arts materials needed: Reading materials needed:

Pencil bag and pencils Pencils

Ink pens – Red and black or blue pens – Red and black or blue

1-Three subject notebook 1-pocket folders

1- pocket folder 1- Three subject notebook

3-boxes of Kleenex

LANGUAGE ARTS: 6th Grade Writing Design Maps will guide instruction. A Writing Workshop approach will be used for Language Arts. This will encompass many forms of writing using the writing process, 6 Trait Writing, Write Source, and The Write Tools. In addition, standards based language arts concepts/skills will be embedded into the processes of writing, as well as into Daily Openers.

READING: 6th Grade Reading Design Maps will guide instruction. Reading skills in the areas of comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency will be taught according to individual needs. It is expected that students read outside of school for a minimum of thirty minutes at least four days a week.

Interpretation of grades:

A – (90-100%)

ü Indicates mastery of all assigned work

ü Makes a significant contribution to class discussion and activities

ü Presents work that is legible, well-spaced, well-organized and clear

ü Assumes both leadership and participant roles

ü Completes all work on time

B – (80-89%)

ü Masters a major portion of assigned work

ü Takes part in discussion and activities

ü Presents work that is legible, well-spaced, well-organized and clear

ü Completes the majority of work on time

C – (70-79%)

ü Masters a limited amount of assigned work

ü Responds in class

ü Usually needs direction to proceed with, or complete a task

ü Usually completes assignments

D – (60-69%)

ü Completes less that assigned work

ü Limited class participation

ü Has difficulty following directions

ü Seldom completes work on time

F – (Below 60%)

ü Rarely completes assignments

ü Seldom works to capacity

ü Shows little indication of achievement

Responsibility Grade: Each student will receive a responsibility grade every quarter based on class preparation and organization (having necessary supplies) as well as returning homework on time.

Late work:

Student grades will be weighted so that 70% of a student’s grade is based on student performance on grade level common assessments, and 30% of a student’s grade is based on daily work. The following guidelines for late daily work will be used:

1. Items are considered late if submitted after the teacher’s established due date.

2. The highest grade a student may earn on a late assignment is a 70%.

3. Daily work received beyond two weeks after the teacher’s established due date will not be accepted.

Every attempt should be made to turn homework in on time. Students and parents can keep track of grades and incomplete work through the parent/student portal on the Scottsbluff Public Schools website. Students also have the opportunity to take advantage of after school tutoring.


ü Come to school every day…on time

ü SLANT (Sit up, Lean forward and Listen, Activate Thinking and Ask Questions, Nod your head, Track the speaker)

ü Concentrate on your work, and take pride in the quality of your work

ü Read, write, and calculate well

ü Communicate well, in writing, verbally, and through body language

ü Do it right the first time

ü Make smart decisions

ü Recognize problems and find solutions

ü Be honest and dependable

ü Lead by example

ü Have a positive attitude

ü Dress properly and practice good grooming.

Please refer to the BMS Parent and Student Handbook for policies and procedures.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me:

Best times to contact me: 2:30-3:30 daily

Email: I will respond as soon as possible.

Phone: 635-6270 If I’m unavailable, please leave a message, and I will return your call.