DNA/ Heredity Courtroom Case
Purpose: To be able to use scientific knowledge to analyze and evaluate possible arguments supporting or denying the modification of DNA and the genetic code. You will have to explain how science is going to be applied to modifying DNA and explain the implications of using science. You will then incorporate your data analysis skills from math class to help you with these explanations and justifications. You will use rubric Criterion A, C, and D. Your work and effort will be displayed through a courtroom scenario before a judge held in the classroom.
This will be the first unit assessment where YOU need to make a task list for your group in order to meet the requirements of the rubrics. For your task list you can use pervious assessment and work as a group to check list in the form of a task list. There are jobs listed below to help your group function and spread out the responsibility of the group work.
Assignments on Genetic modification:
The different groups will be:
1.)Businessman – yes
2.)Biology- yes
3.)Businessman- Yes
4.)Biology -no
Within each group these are some specific jobs- no more than 2 people per job within the same group.
**Each group member (besides the lawyer) must be presented as witness as an expert in their area of choice regarding genetic modification.
Lawyer (Communicator)- Starts the debate – 5 min opening remarks, and organizes the communication among the groups, also does the closing remarks each day.
Risk Assessor(Mathematician) – Priority is Math part which includes accurately reading and displaying data
Visual coordinator- Organize any visuals needed to support your arguments, have the right images in the right order and lead up the dress rehearsal for the group. The lawyers “Right Hand Man” who keeps the schedule of witnesses and the entire team organized.
Analyzer: person taking notes during courtroom and organizes the “rebuttal”
Avni is working on Math specific
--- The math part includes finding and reading visual of data correctly for your specific argument as well as CREATING YOUR OWN data table and graph to support your argument made with REAL “significant” data. The 7-8 level is also directly related to math as it involves calculating and explaining the probability of a accidental mutation occurring in an organism’s DNA.