Regular Board Meeting


Date: October 14, 2010 Time: 4:00 pm

Place: Central Intermediate School Principal’s Office

Presiding Officer: Ronnie Devall

I. Call to Order

Chairperson Ronnie Devall called to order the regular meeting of the Central Community Assistance Foundation Board of Directors on Thursday, October 14, 2010 at Central Intermediate School Principal’s Office.

II. Roll Call

Ron Erickson conducted roll call. Present were: Frank Ard, Ron Erickson, Ronnie Devall, Bob Lansing, Dick Metz, Janet Stevens, and Rhonda Taylor. A quorum was present. Absent – Terry Hebert and Jeff Stanfill. Nate Casher was present to represent Terry Hebert.

III. Acceptance of Minutes

A motion was made by Janet G. Stevens to accept the minutes of the September 9, 2010 regular scheduled board meeting.

IV. Treasurer’s Report

A. Frank Ard, Treasurer, reported that 501(c) 3 papers have been filed

and we are still waiting confirmation. .


B. Frank mentioned that we would have to add Ronnie Devall’s signature

to the bank account.

C. No funds have been received yet.

D. This was a report only so no motion was required.

V. Old Business

A. An open meeting was held on September , 2010 for the purpose of

recruiting Phase 1 Committee members and chairpersons. The

following individuals were suggested as chairpersons of the Phase 1


1) Clothing: Donna McCaskill

2) Housing/Shelter: Janice Green

3) Fundraising: Debbie Cooper

4) Food: Lynn Dawson

5) Communication: Brockwell Bone

6) Education: Judy Williams

B. Janet Stevens reported that she is still working on liaisons.

VI. New Business

A. A motion was made by Rhonda Taylor and to accept the appointment

of the suggested committee chairpersons with the following


1) Committee meetings be made open to the public

2)Scheduled committee meetings will be published in Central City

News and CentralSpeaks.

Seconded by Bob Lansing Motion Passed

B. A motion was made by Janet Stevens to allow Ronnie Devall to set up

a meeting on October 21, 2010 with the six chairpersons. Board

members can attend if they desirer. Seconded by Frank Ard, motion


C. The Board looked over a form for request for assistance and

discussion was held about ensuring confidentiality. No action taken.

D. A motion was made by Bob Lansing that Board Members research

guidelines of other organizations on how to determine qualifications for

assistance. The material is to be sent to Ron Erickson to compile for

our next Board meeting. Seconded by Janet Stevens, motion passed.

E. Following items were discussed with n motion being taken.

1) Next large open meeting will be for committee reports and

introduction of policies. Meeting is scheduled for December 9th

at 6PM.

2)Report is still pending from Robert Williams on number of

transition students in the CCSS currently this year

3) Dick Metz mentioned that CAPA was taking an offering at the

Central Community Worship Service November 17, 2010, which

has been designated for CCAF. Janet Stevens said she would

get any materials together that Dick would need in order to make

a presentation at the service.

4) Next Board Meeting was set for November 4, 2010 at Central


VII. Adjournment

Janet Stevens made a motion to adjourn. Bob Lansing seconded, the motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 4:57 pm.

Minutes submitted by:Ron Erickson Sr.

Secretary of the CCAF Board of Directors



Chairperson of the CCAF Board of Directors