Name ______Period ______Date______

DIY Instructional Video Challenge

Objective: Develop an instructional video from brainstorming possible topics of instruction, selecting topic, storyboarding, collecting parts/tools/visual aids/costumes/etc., filming each scene, uploading, editing footage, adding voice overs/text/effects, rendering final video. Present video to class.

Day 1: Brainstorming-

Chosen solution: ______

Day 2: Writing the script-

Order / Lines- spoken or (captioned)
Order / Lines- spoken or (captioned)

Day 3: Storyboarding/Shot List-

Storyboard: Draw each shot that is different, describe camera angles/movements, visual transitions, etc


Shot List- Read through your script and for every camera repositioning, pause, cut, transition describe what you are going to need to record and how it should look.

Shot # & Description / Script order #s / Completion

Day 4-5: Filming- Capture each shot from your shot list and any voiceover recordings you will need to create your video. You don’t need to work in order. Use tips and tricks.

Day 6-9: Uploading & Post Production

DIY Video Project

Requirement Checklist:

Entire Video-
Stresses safety, adult supervision, practice, etc BEFORE building
Safe work practices
Proper techniques
Smooth transitions
Steady camera work
BONUS(theme and costumes)
Looping video from
Free music from
Graphic Text
Fun, welcoming
Sample of completed project/skill
Materials and tools need
Clear, descriptive text/speech/visuals that accurately describe and demonstrate each step
Covers all steps
No distractions from tasks at hand (ie: music, background noise/visuals)
Clear, descriptive text/speech/visuals that accurately describe and demonstrate each step
Covers all steps
No distractions from tasks at hand (ie: music, background noise/visuals)
Fun and excited
Demonstration of completed project/skill
Closure (goodbye, see you next time, good luck, enjoy, have fun, etc)
Credits (actors, film crew, teacher, class, location, opener video & music sources recognition)

Day 10: Rendering-

Submit final video to Mr. Sheehan as a Windows Media Audio/Video file (.wmv) and with named “Your Name_DIY-Project/Skill Title” example= Erik Sheehan_DIY-HDTV Antenna

Day 11: Present to class

Share your creation with the class and learn something new from your classmates!