Interim President Bob Gaypromptly called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M., with the below listed members in attendance:

Jim Catlin(N1BY)Bob Gay(K8RAG)

Nheda Catlin(K9BYQ)Dee Gay(N8DEE)

Kathy Fink(KJ4ORO)Herbert Kleinman(K4HMK)

Joe Fink(KJ4ORM)Laura Kleinman(K4LRK)

Nolen Freeman(K1PRS)Mike Shaffer(KD4INH)

Bob Gay requested the membership to please stand for the pledge of allegiance. Upon its completion, Mr. Gay requested the membership to please remain standing for the Prayer for the evening.

Herbert Kleinman passed around a get well card that was addressed to NormaBirman (K4YYC) who had hip replacement surgery. The report from Bob Gay was that Mrs. Birman was doing fine. After all members present at the meeting signed the card, it was then given to Dee Gay for her to deliver to Mrs. Birman.

Laura Kleinman made an announcement that cookies were brought for the enjoyment of all who were in attendance as a courtesy by her and her husband.

At 7:06 P.M., Bob Gay announced that he was moving the meeting for the evening with OLD BUSINESS being his first subject matter.


Bob Gay gave a status update on the election that was being decided by mail-in votes, as well as the removal of Jean Wonser (N4JHW) as a club member for conduct unbecoming. He stated that the membership had until Saturday, June 21, 2014, to get their ballots in the mail and back to the accountant. It was brought up by a member that on the ballot there had been a statement: You may write in a candidate. Bob Gay stated that the nominations for officers had been submitted at the May 19, 2014, meeting and that no other nominations were going to be accepted. He went on to state that if there was a write-in nomination that unfortunately that ballot would not be valid. Bob Gay stated that he would know the results of the election on Monday, June 23, 2014.

At this time Bob Gay, once again, advised its members present that the nominations for officers were as follows:

PresidentBob Gay (K8RAG)SecretaryHerbert Kleinman (K4HMK)

Vice PresidentMike Shaffer (KD4INH)TreasurerDee Gay (K8DEE)

Bob Gay explained that he would report to Florida SunBiz regarding the new officers for 2014, upon the completion of the voting process and submit the proper fee.

It was brought to the members’ attention that Bob Gay and Mike Shaffer had picked up all club equipment that Barney Williams (KD41PN) was in possession of, except a lap top computer. Mr. Williams refused to release said lap top computer stating that he had purchased it with his own funds, when in fact it had been purchased through club funds from Jean Wonser. A letter was sent to Mr. Williams on Saturday, June 14, 2014, requesting documentation regarding the lap top and its rightful owner.

In the May 19, 2014, minutes it stated that Norma Birman had the authority to unlock and lock the church hall for meetings. Bob Gay made a correction, at this time, stating that Mrs. Birman had nothing to do with the opening and closing of the church hall for our club meetings. After calling for the correction in the minutes of May 19, 2014, Mr. Gay called for a Motion to approve the minutes with Nolan Freeman making that Motion. It was Seconded by Joe Fink.


Bob Gay stated that there needs to be more participation in club matters. It appears that most of the work, if not all of the work, for a successful club is done by 10% to 20% of its members. He encouraged all that were present to recommend what they would like to see the club embarking on and it was met with extremely positive results with many suggestions.

1) Dee Gay requested a project in making a J-pole.

2) Herbert Kleinman requested having a lightening detector project.

Suggestions for making the club more beneficial for its members made by Herbert Kleinman:

1) Newsletter to its members.

2) Attracting new members and hopefully some of the new members can bring new ideas.

3) Possibly having an arbitration committee to resolve conflicts between club members.

4) Revamping the klub website to make it more appealing.

5) Advertising club meetings and functions in newspapers for the public to attend.

6) Approaching the schools to inquire as to whether they would allow a flyer to be placed on their bulletin boards advertising the excitement of amateur radio.

Mike Shaffer suggested utilizing FACE BOOK for advertising of the club.

Nheda Catlin had advised the club that she was somewhat familiar with doing web pages, and she was asked if she would consider doing one for us.

It was also suggested that perhaps we could have guests at the meeting, i.e. fire chief or the police chief, etc.

The 50-50 was held and Mike Shaffer won the pot, returning the money back to the club as a donation.

Herbert Kleinman inquired as to the status of being able to rent a meeting room for $1.00 a year somewhere in the County. Bob Gay suggested that he contact the County to ascertain if it is possible.

Mike Shaffer had informed Dee Gay that he was holding membership money paid from two members and inquired how Mrs. Gay wanted to handle it. She stated that she would accept the money from the new membership fees paid and place it in the treasury.

Bob Gay had asked Jim Catlin to briefly explain his experience with his profession of air traffic controller and communications.

Joe Fink had inquired as to when there is not a quorum at a meeting, what matters cannot be decided upon. Bob Gay replied with any matter regarding financial or club officers.

Nolan Freeman asked if club meetings could be held in restaurants and Bob Gay replied with the fact that it is not conducive to a proper atmosphere. Therefore, he suggested eating before you come to a meeting.


Mike Shaffer gave a small demonstration of used tubes and how they are made. Several members viewed the tubes and commented.

Joe Fink Motioned for the meeting to adjourn at 8:30 P.M., and Dee Gay Seconded the Motion.

Minutes prepared by Laura Kleinman for Interim Secretary Herbert Kleinman