Division of psychology, publications 2013
Alaoui, El, S., Hedman, E., Ljótsson, B., Bergström, J., Andersson, E., Rück, C., et al. (2013). Predictors and Moderators of Internet- and Group-based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Panic Disorder.PLoS ONE.
Akerstedt T,LekanderM, Petersen H, Kecklund G, Axelsson J. (2013).Sleep Polysomnography and ReportedStress across 6 Weeks. Industrial health. PubMed PMID: 24292880.
Andersson, G., Carlbring, P., Ljótsson, B., & Hedman, E. (2013). Guided Internet-Based CBT for Common Mental Disorders.Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy,43(4), 223–233. doi:10.1007/s10879-013-9237-9
Andersson, G., Cuijpers, P., Carlbring, P., Riper, H., & Hedman, E. (In Press). Internet-based vs. face-to-face cognitive behaviour therapy for psychiatric and somatic disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis.World Psychiatry.
Andersson, G., & Hedman, E. (2013). Effectiveness of guided Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy in regular clinical settings.Verhaltenstherapie, 23, 140-148.
Andersson, E., Rück, C., Lavebratt, C., Hedman, E., Schalling, M., Lindefors, N., et al. (In Press). Genetic polymorphisms in monoamine systems and outcome of cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder.
ArboreliusL., Fors U., Svensson A-K., Sygel K., Kristiansson M. (2013).A new interactive computer simulation system for violence risk assessment of mentally disordered violent offenders.Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health., 23 (1), 30-40.
Axelsson J, Rehman JU, Akerstedt T, Ekman R, MillerGE, Hoglund CO &Lekander M. Effectsof sustained sleep restriction on mitogen-stimulated cytokines, chemokines andT helper 1/ T helper 2 balance in humans. PLoSOne. 2013;8(12):e82291. PubMedPMID: 24349251.
Björnsdotter, A., Enebrink, P., & Ghaderi, A. (2013). Psychometric properties of online administered parental strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ), and normative data based on combined online and paper-and-pencil administration. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 7, 40.
Boesveldt, S. andLundström, J.N.(In press). Smelling fat content of food from a distance: olfactory-based fat discrimination in humans. PLoS ONE.
Bohman, B., Eriksson, M., Lind, M., Ghaderi, A., Forsberg, L., Rasmussen, F. (2013). Infrequent attention to dietary and physical activity behaviors in conversations in Swedish child health services. Acta Paediatrica, 102, 520-524.
Bohman, B., Forsberg, L., Ghaderi, A., Rasmussen, F. (2013). An evaluation of training in motivational interviewing for nurses in child health services.Behaviouraland Cognitive Psychotherapy, 41, 329-343.
Bohman, B., Ghaderi, A., Rasmussen, F. (2013). Training in methods of preventing childhood obesity increases self-efficacy in nurses in child health services: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.[Epub ahead of print.]
Bohman, B., Ghaderi, A., Rasmussen, F. (2013).Psychometric properties of a new measure of parental self-efficacy for promoting physical activity and dietary behaviors in children. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 29,291-298.
Bohman, B., Nyberg, G., Sundblom, E., Schäfer-Elinder, L. (2013). Validity and reliability of a parental self-efficacy instrument in the Healthy School Start prevention trial of childhood obesity. Health Education and Behavior. [Epub ahead of print.]
Boström, A.M., Rudman, A.Gustavsson, J. P. .,Ehrenberg, A., & Wallin, L., (2013).Factors associated with evidence-based practice among registered nurses in Sweden: a national cross-sectional study.BMC Health Service Research,13, no165.
Enebrink, P., Björnsdotter, A., & Ghaderi, A. (2013). The Emotion Regulation Questionnaire: Psychometric properties and norms for Swedish parents to children aged 10-13 years. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 9, 2.
Eriksson Å, Alm C, Palmstierna,T, Berman AH, Kristiansson M, Gumpert CH (2013). Offenders with mental health problems and substance misuse: cluster analysis based on the Addictions Severity Index version 6 (ASI-6).Mental Health and Substance Use.2013;6(1):15-28.
Evolahti A, Hultell D, Collins A. (2013). Development of burnout in middle-aged working women: a longitudinal study.Journal of Women's Health 2013,22(1):94-103.
Falkstedt, D., Sorjonen, K., Hemmingsson, T., Deary, I. J., Melin, B. (2013).
Psychosocial functioning and intelligence both partly explain socioeconomic inequalities in premature death. A population-based male cohort study. PLOS ONE, 8, e82031.
Freiherr, J.,Lundström, J.N., Habel, U., and Reetz, K. (2013).Multisensory integration mechanisms during aging. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7:863
Golkar, A., Bellander, M., & Öhman, A. (2013). Temporal properties of fear extinction - does time matter?Behavioral Neuroscience 127(1), 59-69.
Golkar, A., Selbing, I., Flygare, O., Öhman, A., & Olsson, A. (2013).Other People as means to a safe end: Vicarious extinction blocks the return of learned fear. Psychological Science.
Hedman, E., Andersson, E., Andersson, G., Lindefors, N., Lekander, M., Rück, C., & Ljótsson, B. (2013a). Mediators in Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Severe Health Anxiety.PLoS ONE,8(10), e77752. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077752.t003
Hedman, E., Andersson, E., Lindefors, N., Andersson, G., Ruck, C., & Ljotsson, B. (2013). Cost-effectiveness and long-term effectiveness of internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for severe health anxiety.Psychological Medicine, 43(2), 363-374.
Hedman, E., Lekander, M., Ljótsson, B., Lindefors, N., Rück, C., Hofmann, S. G., et al. (2013b). Sudden gains in internet-based cognitive behavior therapy for severe health anxiety.Behaviour Research and Therapy.
Hedman, E., Lindefors, N., Andersson, G., Andersson, E., Lekander, M., Rück, C., & Ljótsson, B. (2013c). Predictors of outcome in Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy for severe health anxiety.Behaviour Research and Therapy,51(10), 711–717. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2013.07.009
Hedman, E., Ljótsson, B., Blom, K., Alaoui, El, S., Kraepelien, M., Rück, C., et al. (2013d). Telephone Versus Internet Administration of Self-Report Measures of Social Anxiety, Depressive Symptoms, and Insomnia: Psychometric Evaluation of a Method to Reduce the Impact of Missing Data.Journal of Medical Internet Research,15(10), e229. doi:10.2196/jmir.2818
Hedman, E., Ljótsson, B., Kaldo, V., Hesser, H., Alaoui, El, S., Kraepelien, M., et al. (2013e). Effectiveness of Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for depression in routine psychiatric care.J Affect Disord. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2013.10.023
Hedman, E., Ljótsson, B., Rück, C., Bergström, J., Andersson, G., Kaldo, V., et al. (2013f). Effectiveness of Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for panic disorder in routine psychiatric care.Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, n/a–n/a. doi:10.1111/acps.12079
Hedman, E., Mörtberg, E., Hesser, H., Clark, D. M., Lekander, M., Andersson, E., & Ljótsson, B. (2013g). Mediators in psychological treatment of social anxiety disorder: Individual cognitive therapy compared to cognitive behavioral group therapy.Behaviour Research and Therapy,51(10), 696–705. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2013.07.006
Hedman, E., Strom, P., Stunkel, A., & Mortberg, E. (2013). Shame and guilt in social anxiety disorder: effects of cognitive behavior therapy and association with social anxiety and depressive symptoms.PLoS ONE, 8(4), e61713.
Hemphälä, M.,Gustavsson, J. P., & Tengström, A. (2013).The Validity of the Health-Relevant Personality Inventory (HP5i) and the Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (JTCI) Among Adolescents Referred for a Substance Misuse Problem.Journal of Personality Assessement,95, 398-406.
Herlitz, A., & Lovén, J. (2013). Sex differences and the own-gender bias in face recognition: A meta-analytic review. Visual Cognition, 9-10, 1306-1336.
Herlitz, A., Reuterskiöld, L., Lovén, J., Thilers, P. P., & Rehnman, J. (2013). Are cognitive sex differences magnified during adolescence as a function of age, sex hormones, or puberty development? Developmental Neuropsychology, 38, 167-179.
Hultell, D., Melin,B., Gustavsson, P (2013). Getting personal with teacher burnout: A longitudinal study on the development of burnout using a person-based approach. Teacher and Teacher Education 2013, 32, 75-86
Högström, J., Enebrink, P., & Ghaderi, A. (2013). The moderating role of child callous-unemotional traits in an Internet-based Parent Management Training Program. Journal of Family Psychology, 27, 314-323. DOI: 10:1037/a0031883.
Jernelöv S/Lekander M,Almqvist C, Axelsson J, Larsson H. Development of atopic disease and disturbedsleep in childhood and adolescence - a longitudinal population-based study.Clinical & Experimental Allergy.2013;43(5):552-9.
Johansson, R., Björklund, M., Hornborg, C., Karlsson, S., Hesser, H., Ljótsson, B., Rousseau, A., Frederick, R. J., & Andersson, G. (2013a). Affect-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression and anxiety through the Internet: a randomized controlled trial.PeerJ,1(Suppl 2), e102. doi:10.7717/peerj.102/supp-2
Johansson, R., Björklund, M., Hornborg, C., Karlsson, S., Hesser, H., Ljótsson, B., Rousseau, A., Frederick, R. J., & Andersson, G. (2013b). Affect-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression and anxiety through the Internet: a randomized controlled trial.PeerJ,1, e102. doi:10.7717/peerj.102
Juran, S.A., Johanson, G., Ernstgård, L., Iregren, A., van Thriel, C. (accepted). Neurobehavioral performance in volunteers after inhalation of white spirits with high and low aromatic content. Archives of Toxicology.
Juran, S.A., van Thriel, C., Kleinbeck, S., Schäper, M., Falkenstein, M., Iregren, A., Johanson, G. (2013). Electrophysiological Correlates of Impaired Response Inhibition During Inhalation of Propionic Acid. Journal of Psychophysiology, 27(3), 131-141.
Laukka, E. J., Lövdén, M., Herlitz, A., Karlsson, S., Ferencz, B., Pantzar, A., Keller, L., Graff, C., Fratiglioni, L., & Bäckman, L. (2013). Genetic effects on old-age cognitive functioning: A population-based study. Psychology and Aging, 28, 262-274.
Lekander M, Andreasson AN, Kecklund G, Ekman R, Ingre M,Akerstedt T, & Axelsson J (2013). Subjective health perception in healthyyoung men changes in response to experimentally restricted sleep and subsequentrecovery sleep. Brain, behavior, and immunity. 2013 Nov;34:43-6. PubMed PMID:23820239.
Ljótsson, B., Andersson, E., Lindfors, P., Lackner, J. M., Grönberg, K., Molin, K., et al. (2013a). Prediction of symptomatic improvement after exposure-based treatment for irritable bowel syndrome.BMC Gastroenterology,13(1), 1–9. doi:10.1186/1471-230X-13-160
Ljótsson, B., Atterlöf, E., Lagerlöf, M., Andersson, E., Jernelöv, S., Hedman, E., et al. (In Press). Internet-Delivered Acceptance and Values-Based Exposure Treatment for Fibromyalgia: a Pilot Study.Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
Ljótsson, B., Hesser, H., Andersson, E., Lindfors, P., Hursti, T., Rück, C., et al. (2013c). Mechanisms of change in an exposure-based treatment for irritable bowel syndrome.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,81(6), 1113–1126. doi:10.1037/a0033439
Lindberg, L., Ulfsdotter, M., Jallling, C., Skärstrand, E., Lalouni, M., Rhodin, K.L., Månsdotter, A., & Enebrink, P. (2013). The effects and costs of the universal parent group program- all children in focus: a study protocol for a randomized wait-list controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 13, 688.
Lindqvist, H., Forsberg, L. G., Forsberg, L., Rosendahl, I., Enebrink, P., & Helgason, A. R. (2013). Motivational interviewing in an ordinary clinical setting: A controlled clinical trial at the Swedish National Tobacco Quitline. Addictive Behaviors, 38, 2321-2324.
Lindström, B. R., Berglund Mattsson-Marn, I., Golkar, A., & Olsson, A. (2013). In your face: Risk of punishment enhances cognitive control and error-related activity in the corrugator supercilii muscle. Plos One, 8(6).
Lindström, B. R., Selbing, I., Molapour, T., & Olsson, A. (2013).Racial bias shapes social reinforcement learning. Psychological Science, in press.
Lovén, J., Svärd, J., Ebner, N., Herlitz, A., & Fischer, H. (2013). Face gender modulates women’s brain activity during face encoding. Social doi: 10.1093/scan/nst07.
Lundström, J. N., Schaal, B., Mathe, A., Frasnelli,J., Nitzsche, K., Gerber, J., and Hummel, T. (Submitted). Maternal status regulates cortical responses to the body odor of newborns. Frontiers in Psychology. 4:597.
Långström, N., Enebrink, P., Lauren, EM., Lindblom, J., Werkö, S., & Hanson, R.K. (2013). Preventing sexual abusers of children from reoffending: systematic review of medical and psychological interventions. British Medical Journal, 347;f4630.
Lövgren, P Gustavsson, B Melin, A Rudman (2013) Neck/shoulder and back pain in new graduate nurses: A growth mixture modeling analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies. In press, Available on line.
Miller, S.S., Gordon, A.R., Olsson, M.J., Lundström, J.N., Dalton, P. (2013). Mind over age: Social priming and olfactory function. Chemical Senses, 38, 167–174.
Nilsson Kajermo, K., Böe, H., Johansson, E., Henriksen, E., McCormac, B.,Gustavsson, J. P., & Wallin, L (2013). Swedish translation, adapation and psychometric evaluation of the Context Assessment Index (CAI).Worldviews of Evidence Based Nursing,10,41-50.
Ohla K, Busch NA,Lundström JN.(2013). Time for Taste-A Review of the Early Cerebral Processing of Gustatory Perception. Chemosensory Perception. 5(1):87-99.
Ohla, K. &Lundström, J.N.(2013).Sex differences in chemosensation: sensory or emotional? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7:607.
Olsson, A., Carmona, S., Bolger, N., Downey, G., & Ochsner, K. N. (2013). Learning Biases Underlying Individual Differences in Sensitivity to Social Rejection.Emotion 13(4), 616-21.
Olsson, M. J.,Lundström, J. N., Kimball, B. A., Gordon, A. G., Karshikoff, B, Hosseini, N., Sorjonen, K., Olgart-Höglund C., Solares, C., Soop, A., Axelsson, J., Lekander, M.(In press).The scent of disease: Human body odor contains an early chemosensory cue of sickness. Psychological Science.
Persson, J., Herlitz, A., Engman, J., Morell, A., Sjölie, D., Wikström, J., & Söderlund, H. (2013). Remembering our origin: Gender differences in spatial memory are reflected in gender differences in hippocampal lateralization. Behavioural Brain Research, 256, 219-228.
Rudman, A.Gustavsson, J. P.,& Hultell, D. (2013).A prospective study of nurses’ intentions to leave the profession during the first five years of practice in Sweden.International Journal of Nursing Studies.Epub ahead of print.
Schriever, V., Hummel, T.,Lundström, J.N., and Freiherr, J. (2013).Size of nostril opening as a measure of intranasal volume. Physiology and Behavior.110, 3-5.
Schütze, M., Negoias, S., Olsson, M. J., Hummel, H. (2014). Perceptual and processing differences between physical and dichorhinic odor mixtures. Neuroscience,258, 84–89
Seubert, J., Freiherr, J., Djordjevic, J., andLundström, J. N.(2013). Statistical localization of human olfactory cortex. NeuroImage. 66(1), 333-342.
Seubert, J., Freiherr, J., Frasnelli, J., Hummel, T., andLundström, J.N.(2013).Orbitofrontal cortex and olfactory bulb volume predict distinct aspects of olfactory performance in healthy subjects. Cerebral Cortex. 23(10), 2448-56.
Sjöwall, D., Roth, L., Lindqvist, S., & Thorell, L.B. (2013). Multiple Deficits in ADHD: Executive Dysfunction, Delay Aversion, Reaction Time Variability and Emotional Deficits,Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54, 619–627.
Sorjonen, K., Hemmingsson, T., Deary, I. J., Melin, B. (2013).Intelligence moderates how education mediates the effect of social background on own attained occupational position.Intelligence, 41,529-536.
Sorjonen, K., Hemmingsson, T., Lundin, A., Falkstedt, D., Melin B (2013) Intelligence, socioeconomic background, emotional capacity, and level of education as predictors of attained socioeconomic position in a cohort of Swedish men. Intelligence, 40 (3) 269-277.
Strandberg, E., Eld, A. C., Forsman, H., Rudman, A.,Gustavsson, J. P., & Wallin, L. (2013). The concept of research utilization as understood by Swedish nurses: Demarcations of instrumental, conceptual and persuasive research?Worldviews of Evidence Based Nursing.Epub ahead of print.
Sundelin T,LekanderM, Kecklund G, Van Someren EJ, Olsson A, Axelsson J. Cues of fatigue:effects of sleep deprivation on facial appearance. Sleep. 2013Sep;36(9):1355-60. PubMed PMID: 23997369. PubmedCentral PMCID: 3738045.
Syk J, Malinovschi A,Johansson G, Undén A-L, Andreasson A,Lekander M, Alving K. Anti-inflammatorytreatment of atopic asthma guided by exhaled nitric oxide: a randomized controlledtrial.Journal of Allergyand ClinicalImmunology: In Practice (accepted).
Sörberg, A., Lundin, A., Allebeck, P., Melin, B., Falkstedt, D., Hemmingsson, T. (2013) Cognitive Ability in Late Adolescence and Disability Pension in Middle Age: Follow-Up of a National Cohort of Swedish Males. Plos One
Thorell, L.B.,Veleiro, A., Siu A.F.Y., & Mohammadi, H. (2013). Brief Report.Examining the Relation between Ratings of Executive Functioning and Academic Achievement: Findings from a Cross-Cultural Study.Child Neuropsychology, 19,630-638
Vigerland, S., Thulin, U., Ljótsson, B., Svirsky, L., Öst, L. G., Lindefors, N., et al. (2013). Internet-Delivered CBT for Children with Specific Phobia: A Pilot Study.Cognitive Behaviour Therapy,42(4), 303–314. doi:10.1080/16506073.2013.844201
Weineland, S., Alfonsson, S., Dahl, J., & Ghaderi, A. (2013). Development and validation of a new questionnaire measuring eating disordered behaviors post bariatric surgery".Clinical Obesity, 2(5-6), 160-167.doi: 10.1111/cob.12005.
Wicksell, R. K., Kemani, M., Jensen, K., Kosek, E., Kadetoff, D., Sorjonen, K., Ingvar, M., Olsson, G. L. (2013).Acceptance and commitment therapy for fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Pain, 17, 599-611.
Åhs, F., Miller, S.S., Gordon, A.R., andLundström, J.N.(2013). Aversive learning increases sensory detection sensitivity. Biological Psychology. 92(2), 135-41.
Åkerstedt T, Axelsson J,Lekander M, Orsini N, Kecklund G. The daily variation in sleepinessand its relation to the preceding sleep episode-a prospective study across 42days of normal living. Journal of Sleep Research.2013 Jun;22(3):258-65. PubMedPMID: 23205895.
Book chapters
Andersson G, Hedman E. Internetbehandling. In: Öst L-G, editor. KBT inom psykiatrin. 2 ed. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur; 2013.
Herlitz, A., & Dekhtyar, S. (2013). A life-span approach to dementia. Dementia & Memory. N. Ohta & L.-G. Nilsson (eds). Routledge.
Olsson, A. (2013). The Social and Cognitive Neuroscience of Empathy. In H. Bohlin & J. Ekelund (Eds) Empathy. Studentlitteratur.
Thorell, L.B.,& Catale, C. (2013). Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory. In S Goldstein & J. Naglieri (Eds).Handbook of Executive Functioning,New York, NY: Springer