/ Breathitt County School SystemStakeholder Meeting
Represents ALL stakeholders
Guiding Vision
Guiding Mission
Date: November 23, 2015
Time:5:00 PM-7:00 PM
Location:Life Skills Center, Jackson, KY
Meeting Purpose: / AdvancED Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
Standard: The system maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning.
Indicator: 1.1 The system engages in a systematic, inclusive and comprehensive process to review, revise and communicate a system-wide purpose for student success.
Next Meeting: / December 7, 2015 (5-7PM)
Attendees (x indicates attendance)
AGENDA Items: / Notes (Who is on point, for what item(s), approximately how long)
*5Minutes / Welcome: David Gibson, Superintendent-Introduce: State Manager Meadows, (*Mr. Meadows may have welcoming words*), Educational Recovery Team (Can be introduced, and/or allow them to introduce themselves)
Lead Facilitator: Carolyn Spangler, Educational Recovery Leader
Set Purpose for the work
Set Norms for how we will conduct our work:
Honor begin and start time of our meetings,
Respect all views/opinions
Cell phones on silent (please step out to take your call),
Participants use rule of two feet
All participants commit to our work ahead
What is our Current Reality as a school system?
*20 Minutes
Accountability (What assessments) and Current Reality (scores)-What does this mean to us? / David Gibson, Superintendent
Current Reality based on Demographics(5 year trend data)
Creating your Vision
*45 Minutes
  1. Operational Definition: Values, Core Beliefs, Goals
Fist Activity: Values(Individually-Write each value on a single sticky note, table talk, agree on top three values report out loud, ER Staff will write down-then consensogram)
Second Activity: Core Beliefs
Third: Goals Activity / Facilitator, Carolyn Spangler, Educational Recovery Leader, KDE-East Region
What are our Values (trait) (operational definition: integrity moral/ethical-foundation)*Define what is most important in education--for our Educational System? *Individually, table talk, chart
Value: Important ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad, desirable or undesirable.
What are our Core Beliefs –Basic Truths that we believe: (We believe all children can learn at high levels), we believe the students of BreathittCounty can learn at high levels, for our Educational System?
What are our Goals for our Educational System, based on our values and core beliefs
Critical Attributes of a clear Vision/Mission
Sample Vision/Mission Statements
*5 Minutes / Carolyn Spangler, Educational Recovery Staff
Drafting of Vision
*30 Minutes
*Present Draft
*5 Minutes
**Conduct Plus/Delta/Closing/Set next meeting date
*10 Minutes / Carolyn Spangler, Educational Recovery Staff
**SHOW MSU SAMPLE-Marked in Favorites!
Next Steps
Action Number / Action Item / Date
Originated / Expected
Completion / Person Responsible
1 / Place “our”/end products of first meeting work on District Web Site=Transparency / 11-23-15 / 12-01-15 / Superintendent Gibson, State Manager Meadows, District Technology Coordinator

Division of Project Management 7-1-06 v 1