Represents ALL stakeholders
Guiding Vision
Guiding Mission
Date: November 23, 2015
Time:5:00 PM-7:00 PM
Location:Life Skills Center, Jackson, KY
Meeting Purpose: / AdvancED Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
Standard: The system maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning.
Indicator: 1.1 The system engages in a systematic, inclusive and comprehensive process to review, revise and communicate a system-wide purpose for student success.
Next Meeting: / December 7, 2015 (5-7PM)
Attendees (x indicates attendance)
AGENDA Items: / Notes (Who is on point, for what item(s), approximately how long)
*5Minutes / Welcome: David Gibson, Superintendent-Introduce: State Manager Meadows, (*Mr. Meadows may have welcoming words*), Educational Recovery Team (Can be introduced, and/or allow them to introduce themselves)
Lead Facilitator: Carolyn Spangler, Educational Recovery Leader
Set Purpose for the work
Set Norms for how we will conduct our work:
Honor begin and start time of our meetings,
Respect all views/opinions
Cell phones on silent (please step out to take your call),
Participants use rule of two feet
All participants commit to our work ahead
What is our Current Reality as a school system?
*20 Minutes
Accountability (What assessments) and Current Reality (scores)-What does this mean to us? / David Gibson, Superintendent
Current Reality based on Demographics(5 year trend data)
Creating your Vision
*45 Minutes
- Operational Definition: Values, Core Beliefs, Goals
Second Activity: Core Beliefs
Third: Goals Activity / Facilitator, Carolyn Spangler, Educational Recovery Leader, KDE-East Region
What are our Values (trait) (operational definition: integrity moral/ethical-foundation)*Define what is most important in education--for our Educational System? *Individually, table talk, chart
Value: Important ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad, desirable or undesirable.
What are our Core Beliefs –Basic Truths that we believe: (We believe all children can learn at high levels), we believe the students of BreathittCounty can learn at high levels, for our Educational System?
What are our Goals for our Educational System, based on our values and core beliefs
Critical Attributes of a clear Vision/Mission
Sample Vision/Mission Statements
*5 Minutes / Carolyn Spangler, Educational Recovery Staff
Drafting of Vision
*30 Minutes
*Present Draft
*5 Minutes
**Conduct Plus/Delta/Closing/Set next meeting date
*10 Minutes / Carolyn Spangler, Educational Recovery Staff
**SHOW MSU SAMPLE-Marked in Favorites!
Next Steps
Action Number / Action Item / Date
Originated / Expected
Completion / Person Responsible
1 / Place “our”/end products of first meeting work on District Web Site=Transparency / 11-23-15 / 12-01-15 / Superintendent Gibson, State Manager Meadows, District Technology Coordinator
Division of Project Management 7-1-06 v 1