Application for Conference Scholarship for Students
School of Health Sciences
The School of Health Sciences Conference Scholarship provides financial support for students enrolled in programs in the School of Health Sciences to present papers or posters at local or international conferences with the aim to facilitate student dissemination of new knowledge and provide student networking opportunities.
Conference expenses paid for by the student including registration, travel and accommodation can be claimed. Justification for claims will need to be provided.
There will be two closing dates for applications: 15th March and 15th October. Applications can be submitted at any time once the abstract has been accepted, up to 6 months after the date of the conference. Applications will not be accepted for conferences held more than 6 months ago.
Conditions and Criteria
Selection will be based on, but not limited to, abstract quality and content, hierarchy of presentation (poster, oral, invited presentation) relevant to opportunity in the field, justification, and previous grants/ scholarships awarded. The decision on whether to award a Scholarship to an applicant will be at the discretion of the School Research Management Committee.
Once an abstract has been accepted, students can submit an application up to six months after conference. The application must provide:
· A 400 word justification to attend and present at their chosen conference
· Curriculum Vitae (maximum 2 pages)
· Abstract of presentation/poster, with evidence of acceptance from the conference
· Evidence that the abstract is eligible for a UniSA byline (i.e. evidence that UniSA will be acknowledged on the presentation, either in the author affiliation as part of your abstract, or on your poster/ slides if the conference doesn’t publish abstracts with author affiliations)
· Details of other travel grants/scholarships awarded in the past 12 months
· The work presented must be part of the student’s current degree (e.g. a PhD candidate cannot be presenting work they undertook as part of their undergraduate degree)
· The student must be listed as first author on the presentation, and they must be the person presenting the work at the conference (or provide a sound rationale as to why this is not the case)
· The student must provide evidence through citation, book of proceedings etc
· The student must provide a reflective report for the school newsletter outlining the value of the conference experience, and the contacts made through networking
· The student must agree to undertake a promotional testimonial, or promote their experience to the school, peers and new students if required
If conditions are not met the school reserves the right to withdraw funding or seek reimbursement from the student.
For further information and/or clarification please email the Associate Head of School: Research.
Please email completed applications to
/ UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIAApplication for Conference Scholarship for Students
School of Health Sciences
Sections 1– 12 must be completed when submitting this form.
1. Student Name2. Student ID
3. Student email
4. Program
5. Conference Name
6. Conference Venue Date(s)
7. Cost of Conference registration
You may only claim amounts paid for yourself. Justification for the claim will need to be provided.
8. Travel details and cost
You may only claim amounts paid for yourself. Justification for the claim will need to be provided.
9. Accommodation details and cost
You may only claim amounts paid for yourself. Justification for the claim will need to be provided.
10. Attachments / Please attach the following items:
1. A 400 word justification to attend and present at the conference
2. Curriculum Vitae (max 2 pages)
3. Abstract of presentation/poster, with evidence of acceptance from the conference
4. Evidence that the abstract is eligible for a UniSA byline
11. Details of other travel grants/scholarships awarded in the past 12 months
12. Conditions / I have read, understood and agree to fulfill the conditions that form part of this scholarship and acknowledge that the School reserves the right to withdraw funding or seek reimbursement if these conditions are not met.
School of Health Science - Office Use Only
Application Reviewed byApproved / Rejected