Midterm E xam, Grammar, EN 378, ITV, Dr. Eaton, 20 10
1) If a grammar rule is structural, meaning that you have to use it in a certain way, we say it falls under which of the following rule types?
A) descriptive
B) rhetorical
C) prescriptive
D) optional slotting rule ______
2) The two schools of grammatical thought are which of the following pairs
A) transfiguration and building block
B) structural and transformational
C) open slotting and mandatory slotting
D) cognitive and behavioral ______
3) Which of the following is NOT true about the Distance Law, as it is applied to language?
A) Spaces and pauses (rhythms) between words indicate our emotional distance from others.
B) We use more formal language patterns when we talk to those further away from us emotionally.
C) The closer we are to someone emotionally, the less formal language we are required to use.
D) Our closeness to someone can quickly change through situation and our language will adapt to that change.
4) The English language is primarily situated in which of the following language types?
a) signaling
b) guttural
c) tonal
d) romantic ______
5) The use of grammar that affects our perception of the people who use it, in either a negative or positive way, and dependent on environment is an indicator of which of the following conditions?
a) structural definition
b) dialectical analysis processing
c) language etiquette
d) trnasmogrificational phonectics _______
6) The Center of the Universe Law states which of the following when applied to grammar?
a) We can only approach grammar usage from our perception outward.
.b) The Parts of speech in English are universal to every language no matter what they call them.
c) Al people are held equally and therefore our grammar usage remains relatively identical in every situation.
d) Grammar usage is influenced by people we like and those that we don’t. ______
7 ) Proper sentence structure, punctuation, and either a formal or informal “voice” but without the use of slang, excessive jargon, contractions and a focus on organizational strategies is indicative of which of the following:
a) tonal quality
b) Edited American English
c) mandatory slotting
d) Grammar “B” _____
8 ) Which of the following generally occurs in sentence patterning?
A) All sentences are accepted in form.
B) Sentences follow a clearly mathematical concept of ordering.
C) Sentence patterning shows a restructuring of the sentence by our purposes.
D) Subjects always remain in the same place regardless of the sentence purpose.
9 ) The five types of nouns appear in which of the following set?
a) pronouns, common nouns, collective nouns, general nouns, and specific nouns.
B) common nouns, collective nouns, abstract nouns, concrete nouns, proper nouns.
C) collective nouns, abstract nouns, gender-specific nouns, racial nouns and concrete nouns.
D) Concrete nouns, collective nouns, personal pronouns, prepositional nouns, abstract nouns. _____
10) The part of speech which clearly shows man’s egostism in viewing the world in proximity or location to himself or herself is called which of the following?
a) Nouns
b) verbs
c) interjections
d) prepositions. _____
11 ) Morphology predominately refers to which of the following parts of grammar study?
a) phonetic organization
b) language etiquette
c) sentence patterning
d) semantic organization _____
Fill in the blank:
1 2 . The part of speech that demonstrates our emotional or physical state of mind and is often signified by an exclamation mark is called the ____________________.
1 3 ) Those nouns that express our values such as love, honor, and courage are called ________________ nouns,
1 4 ) a classification noun that doesn’t have any specifics such as cat, dog, buildings, is called a ____________________ noun.
15 ) A noun which reflects a group such as tribe, club, team, or band is called a _____________________ noun.
1 6 ) Physical objects that we know exist but cannot necessarily hold in our hand, such as moonlight, sunlight, air, stars, are called _______________________ noun.
1 7 ) The type of sentence that we use when we want to be nice or to approach someone indirectly is called the use of the _________________________.
1 8) The ___________________________ in a sentence generally answers where the noun (subject) and the verb interact.
1 9 ) When the word “if” shows up in a sentence, often with associated words like would, could and should, we can identify the _______________________ sentence type.
20 ) The two primary types of verbs are identified as _____________ and _____________ verbs. (hint: we use the same two words when talking about voice in writing sentences)
2 1 ) That which we use to demonstrate “selves” is called a ___________ ___________ while that which we use to define an unspecified number of, or frequency of, our interaction with other objects is known as the ___________ _______________.
Sentence Patterning: Code the following sentences using Subject (noun) Verb, direct object, and indirect object, prepositions, determiners, phrases, adjectives and adverbs.
N A + V P + DO (Ncon) + Prep + IO
Love is light in darkness
2 2 ) I went to the store with Lisa. ProP + Va +DO(prepPhr) (With) + (Np) Correct or incorrect? C or I ______
2 3 ) I went to the store with Lisa on Tuesday. = ProP + Va +DO(prepPhr) (With) + (Np) + (prep) + det(t) C or I? _______
2 4 ) We studied grammar on the television screen. = (Pro) + Va(past) + DO(Nc) + I0 (prep phr (adj +Nc) C or I ? ______
2 5 ) I swiftly graded and failed the sloppy, disorganized paper. =
(Pro(p) + Adj +Vp + art + Va + art+ Adj (X2) + DO (Ncon) C or I ?_______
2 6 ) Professor Eaton is an excellent instructor J
Na + Np + Vp + (det n) + Adv + IO (Nc) C or I? ______
Pattern determination: Identify the following sentences as to their tense by putting the corresponding number next to the sentence. Below is the list.
1) Present
2) simple past
3) present progressive (now and possibly later)
4) past progressive (happens in the past but could still be going on now)
5) Past perfect (One event in the past happens before another event which is also in the past)
6) Present perfect progressive. (past action occurring in the present)
3: I am wanting a new car.
______27. The students had used up all of their money for sodas.
______28. Professor Eaton moved from Wyoming to Missouri.
______29. I have been needing a student assistant for a long time.
______3 0. I have finished designing this exam.
______ 3 1. I live in America.
Identify the following sentences as either passive or active by marking the appropriate sentence as either P or A.
_____ 3 2. Because of her, we went to the movie instead.
_____ 3 3. The test was taken by the students
_____ 3 4. We took Professor Eaton’ s awesome exam on Tuesday.
_____ 3 5. An F was given to me by my professor because I told him that this test was stupid, pointless and irritating.
_____ 36. I survived the exam and learned much from it.
Multiple choice:
_____ 37. Which of the following occurs when one writes a passive sentence.
A) The voice is monotone but the action is still easy to see and it is a more courteous way of saying something.
B) In a passive sentence the subject is a direct object and in an active sentence the subject leads off the sentence.
C) In an active sentence the verb is always active thereby signaling that it is an active sentence
D) Active and passive voice have nothing to do with grammar and have to deal with how exciting a piece is when a student reads it.
E) None of the above.
F) All of the above.
_____ 38. The three primary grammar levels are properly indicated in which of the following sets?
A) Feel, Learn,, Grow?
B) Thought, Form, Standard?
C) Comment, Conceptualize, and Categorize?
D) Qualify, Quantify and Magnify?
______39) “If we could have taken you with us we would have stopped at the Park” is a sample of which type of sentence?
a) Declarative and Conditional
b) Interrogative and situational
c) Commanding and transformational
d) Complex and reprehensible.
_____ 4 0 The primary rule for grammar is to know that:
A) Grammar comes in two forms; correct and incorrect.
B) Grammar is a series of codes that are consistent
C) Grammar is the study of language in transition
D) Grammar has rules but intent and purpose can changes rules.
E) C&D
F) B & C
_____ 4 1: Optional slotting may be best defined within a sentence as:
a) positions within a sentence that don’t have to be there but help in clarification
b) Proof that sentence structure does not really exist in any hard rules
c) Something you only need to know when you diagram sentences
d) Necessary words in a sentence to make it work grammatically.
_____ 4 2 ) When changing the sentence to meet any of the seven sentence types, which part of speech is most often shifted or “reslotted” within the sentence?
a) the noun
b) The verb
c) The preposition
d) the qualifier
_____ 4 3) The component of a sentence which is generally mandatory AND generally answers “where” most frequently is known as the”
a) relative pronoun
b) direct object
c) adverbial phrase
d) gerund amplifier.
_____ 4 4 ) Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the indirect object?
A) The IO must be present in a sentence to make it understandable to a,listener or reader.
B) The IO can show up at the beginning of the sentence if one chooses to use it that way.
C) The IO does not help readers/listeners to gain more information from a sentence or idea.
D) The IO is a mandatory-slotted component in any clear declarative statement sentence.
_____ 45) The various passive verb constructs (is , are, was were, has, had, will…) stem from which two primary categories?
a) cause and effect process
b) comparative and superlative degree
c) universal law vs. distance law
d) state of being and state of ownership
Below, list five verb combinations that can be used to show tense and Aspect (hint: see italicized below, think in groups of 2 or 3 word combinations” and remember that there can be several answers. Also remember your rhyming conditionals )
46. ____________________ ____________
47. ____________________ ____________ ( to form a judgment)
48. ____________________ ____________ (to form a cause and effect
49. ____________________ ____________
50. ____________________ ____________ (to demonstrate an option)
BYE! (Imp subject + verb + ! (command) J