(October 2008)

Department of Anthropology, P.O. Box 117305

1112 Turlington, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL32611-7305

Office: Turlington B123 (352-392-2253, x. 230, Fax: 352-392-6929);

Labs: B328 (x. 217), B309 (x. 254); e-mail:



Non-Western cultures of the humid tropics, especially Amazonia and Caribbean; pre-industrial complex societies; built environment, cultural memory and landscape; historical and political ecology; interdisciplinary approaches; anthropology of the body.


- PhD, Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh (1996). Dissertation: War and

Peace in the Shadow of Empire: Sociopolitical Change in the Upper

Xingu, A.D. 1400-2000 (Co-chairs: J. Richardson, III and J. Sabloff)

- Graduate Studies Certificate in Latin American Studies, UniversityCenter for

International Studies, University of Pittsburgh (1995)

- B.A. in Anthropology, University of Vermont (1988)


Primary Appointments:

2005Associate Professor, Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts and

Sciences (CLAS), University of Florida (UF)

1999-05 Assistant Professor, Anthropology, CLAS, UF

1998-99 Visiting Researcher, Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG/ CNPq),

Belém, Brazil

1997-98 Visiting Professor, Graduate Program in Social Anthropology (PPGAS),

Museu National/Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro; 4 semesters

1994-95 Project Director, Amazon Ethnographic Hall Project, CarnegieMuseum

of Natural History, Pittsburgh

Other Affiliations:

2007Visiting Professor, Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 6-7/07

2007Visiting Researcher, Universidade de São Paulo, FAPESP, 8-12/07

2006Affiliate Curator, FloridaMuseum of Natural History, UF

2001Affiliate Faculty, Land-use and Environmental Change Institute, UF

2001Affiliate Faculty, School of Natural Resources and the Environment,

College of Agriculture and Environment, UF

2000Affiliate Faculty, Center for Latin American Studies, UF

1990Research Associate, Division of Anthropology, CarnegieMuseum of

Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA


2007Fulbright Scholar, Universidade de São Paulo (8-12/07)

2006-09 Universityof Florida Foundation, Research Term Professor, University


2005 Teacher of the Year Award, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,

University ofFlorida

1998-99 Research Fellowship, Brazilian Scientific Research and Development

Council(CNPq), Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia

1989-91 Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh



NSF - The Rise and Fall of Late Prehistoric Polities in the Southern Amazon:

Upper Xingu, AD 1200-1700. NSF Archaeology, Regular Grant ($184,719.00; 07/09-06/11; under review);

Under Revision:

NSF - Long-term Dynamics in Complex Socio-ecological Systems in the Brazilian

Amazon, AD 1000-2000. NSF Biocomplexity: Dynamics of Coupled Natural-Human Systems ($1,498,859.00; declined 05/08; re-submission planned for 2009).

Awarded (Fed.=$386,128; Private=$146,850; Internal=$100,729; Total=$633,707):

Wenner-Gren Foundation (International Collaboration, Co-PI with Dr. Sidi

Facundes;$35,000); Linguistics and Archaeology of Arawak Language Family (01/08-01/10);

William T. Hillman Foundation, Southern Amazon Ethnoarchaeology Project:

Cooperative Activities with Kuikuro Community (PI; $35,800; 05/07-05/09);

Research Opportunity Grant, UF (PI: Co-PI: D. W. Steadman; $75,929):

Northern Arawak Diaspora Project: Two Millennia of Pre-Columbian Landscape Alteration in Tobago (2005-2007).

National Science Foundation (PI; BCS-0353129; $219,532; Archaeology,

Regular Grant): “Production, Accumulation, and Regional Socio-Political Dynamics in the Southern Amazon (Brazil), AD 1250-1600” (2/04-1/06);

National Science Foundation (PI; BCS0004487; $155,099; Archaeology,

Regular Grant); “LatePrehistoric Social Complexity in Amazonia (Upper Xingu, Brazil)”; (9/2001-8/2003);

William T. Hillman Foundation (Pittsburgh) (PI; $15,500): Southern Amazon

Ethnoarchaeology Project (2001-2003);

CLAS Research Grant, University of Florida (PI; $16,000); Southern Amazonia

Ethnoarchaeology Project: Upper Xingu and Pareci Study Areas; 2000;

William T. Hillman Foundation (Pittsburgh) (PI; $7,500); Southern Amazonia

Ethnoarchaeology Project: Upper Xingu and Pareci Study Areas; 1999;

Wenner Gren Foundation (PI; $15,000; Regular grant); Central Amazon Project:

Archaeological Investigations at the Açutuba Locality, Lower Negro

River, Amazonas, Brazil; 1997-98;

William T. Hillman Foundation (Pittsburgh) (PI; $21,800); Central Amazon

Project: Archaeological Research in the Lower Negro/Solimões Rivers, Brazil; 1995-1996;

O'Neill Research Fund, CarnegieMuseum of Natural History (PI; $6,500);

Central Amazon Project: Archaeological Research in Lower Negro/Solimões Rivers, Brazil; 1995;

SSRC (Social Science Research Council) ($16,250.00); Dissertation Research:

Ethnoarchaeology in the Upper Xingu, Brazilian Amazon; 1992-1994;

National Science Foundation ($11,497; J.B. Richardson III, PI): Dissertation

Research in the Upper Xingu, Brazil; 1992-1994;

Tinker Foundation/UPittsburgh Center for Latin American Studies ($1,300);


Research on Museum Collections from Mato Grosso in Brazil; 1992;

Tinker Foundation/UPittsburgh Center for Latin American Studies ($2,000);

Archival Research on Indigenous Peoples of Mato Grosso in Brazil; 1991.


Principal Field Research Projects (Active):

Principal Investigator (1991- ): Southern Amazonia Ethnoarchaeological

Project (conducted jointly by University of Florida, the Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, with Drs. Bruna Franchetto and Carlos Fausto, and the Museu Goeldi, with Dr. Edithe Pereira) ; Mato Grosso, Brazil;

Co-Principal Investigator (2004- ): Northern Arawak Diaspora Project

Tobago, with Dr. David Steadman, FloridaMuseum of Natural History.


Co-Principal Investigator: Central Amazon Archaeological Project (1994-1999;with Eduardo G. Neves and James B. Petersen; currently involved in consultation and student advising related to project);

Co-Principal Investigator: Boucher Site Archaeological Project, Vermont (with J.B. Petersen and L.A. Basa); 1988-1992.

Field Experience:

Ethnographic/ethnoarchaeological fieldwork (28+ months): (1) residence in Kuikuro Amerindian village, Upper Xingu, Mato Grosso, Brazil (1993-1994, 1995, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005; total 24+ months); (2) work with Xinguano leaders (Brazilian cities), 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997-98, 2000 (NYC), 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 (total 6+ months); Preliminary work with southern Maya peoples in Guatemala and Belize (4+ months; 1986-1988).

Archaeological excavations and survey: Brazil: Caxiuanã National Forest (Brazil), 11-12/97; Lower Negro and Solimões rivers (Brazil), 7/99, 7-8/97, 8-10/95, 8/94; lower Carabinani and Jaú, and middle Negro rivers (Brazil), 9/96; Xingu Indigenous Park (Brazil), 4-8/93, 8/94, 10-11/95, 7/99, 8/00, 7-10/02, 6-7/03; 7-8/04, 2-5/05 (total 14 + months). Caribbean:Tobago, excavations at Golden Grove, Milford I, and Friendship sites, and survey at Mt. Irvine, Lovers Retreat, Turtle Bay, and other sites, 03-04/04, 01-02/05 (3 months); New England: excavations at Cheshire Site (1996),Skitchewaug Site (1987, 1989, 1990), Bissette I site (1987), Pearl Street Park site (1985) and Ewing site (1983) in Vermont; Brigham and Sharrow sites (1985, 1986, 1987, 1989), Eddington Bend (1986), Smith and Smith's Landing sites (1986) in Maine; and Mayhew Homestead, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts (June - July 1985); site surveys in Columbia, Littlefield, Dixfield, Solon/Bingham and Farmington, ME (1984-1987) (total 20+ months).

Laboratory Experience:

Primary Archaeological (Prehistoric and Historic Periods) Materials Analysis: (1) archaeological ceramics: Caxiuanã National Forest (1997); Upper Xingu, 1994-1996; Lower Negro and Solimões, 1994-1999; Middle Negro, 1997 (Brazil); Golden Grove, Friendship, Milford I, 2005-2007 (Caribbean); Raleighvallen, 2005 (Suriname); Las Huacas site, 1991 (Costa Rica); (2) perishable fiber, hide, wood, shell and copper artifacts: Boucher site, Vermont; 1987 – 1990; (3) Laboratory excavation of five flexed human burials from the Boucher site (VT), 1987; (4) lithic artifacts from Norton site (MA); Pearl Street Park (VT); Ewing site (VT), Skitchewaug site (VT), 1987-1989;

Archival studies: Biblioteca Nacional (Rio de Janeiro), Museu do Índio

(Rio), Museu Nacional (Rio), Universidade de São Paulo, FUNAI (National Indian Foundation, Brasília), Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (Belém).

Museum Exhibitions and Collections:

Exhibitions and Acquisitions: (1) Project Director for permanent Native Amazonians Hall at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History (project terminated by CMNH); (2) acquisition and documentation of Amazonian collections (250+ objects and documentation) from Upper Xingu region, Brazil; (3) supervised accession documentation of FLMNH Amazonian collection; (4) co-curator (with Susan Milbrath) of “Feathers” exhibition, Harn Museum of Art, University of Florida (scheduled for 2009);

Collection Documentation and Material Culture Analysis: Amazonian ethnographic and Costa Rican and New England archaeological collections at Carnegie Museum (Pittsburgh); Amazonian ethnographic and archaeological collections at Museu Nacional (Rio); Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (USão Paulo); Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (Belém); Museu Antropológico (Goiânia) (total 5+ months).


Public Synergistic Activities:

Major news stories: Science (2000, 2001, 2003, 2008), Nature (2003, 2008), Atlantic Monthly (2002), The New Yorker (2005), Discover (2007, 2008, 2009, forthcoming “100 Top Discoveries of 2008” issue), Scientific American (2008)

Additional write-ups (selected):The Economist (2003, 2008), US News and World Report (2003), The Week (2008), MSNBC, CNN, CBS, NPR, among others, including Associated Press (2003, 2008) and Reuters (2008).

Film projects: “Secrets of El Dorado” (BBC; 2003); “Amazonian Lost Civilizations” (History Channel; April 24, 2006); National Geographic Channel (release date 11/20/08).

International Synergistic Activities: in addition to work with indigenous groups, particularly, the Associação Indígena Kuikuro do Alto Xingu (AIKAX), synergistic activities include collaborations and affliations with: Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Drs. Bruna Franchetto and Carlos Fausto), Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, Universidade de São Paulo (Dr. Eduardo G. Neves), Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (Dr. Edithe Pereira), in Brazil, including graduate student orientation, and with the Historical Museum, in Tobago (Mr. Edward Hernandez).

Activities associated with Brazilian government programs in science and graduate education, include: Evaluation Board Scientific Intiation Fellowships (PIBICS), Museu Goeldi, Belém, Brazil; Review Panel for CAPES (Brazilian Ministry of Education)/Fulbright PhD dissertation fellowships, 09/07; and Review Board for Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology, major grants to develop primary centers for teaching and research.

Applied/Indigenous Assistance: Specific projects include: (1) current project: to secure headwater tributaries of Buriti River, threatened by agricultural development; (2) current project: development of educational modules and readers in geography, ecology, and archaeology and ethnohistory for indigenous education program (to be translated into Kuikuro by colleagues at the Museu Nacional); (3) provided aid to indigenous leaders (Upper Xingu, Brazil) in the development of indigenous organizations and the realization of activities and events related to them, most recently the Kuikuro Indigenous Association (2001-03); (3) designed and submitted “Kuikuru Boat Project” on behalf of Kuikuru (Upper Xingu) community; US$ 22,000.00 awarded by the William T. Hillman Foundation (Pittsburgh) to purchase a 40' launch for medical emergencies and community transport (1998); (4) aided in preparation and submission of travel grant ($5,500.00) to William T. Hillman Foundation, for Xinguano leaders to visit New York (10/00); (5) acted as representative for Kuikuro Community in negotiations with documentary film-making by Discovery, BBC, History Channel, and National Geographic Explorer.


Graduate Teaching Experience:

- Non-Western Complex Societies (Museu Nacional/URFJ), Summer 07

- The Politics of Nature: Seminar on Political Ecology (UF), Fall 06;

- Proseminar in Anthropology: Anthropological Archaeology (UF), Spring 06,

Spring07; Spring 09 (scheduled);

- Pro-seminar in Anthropology: Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology (UF), Fall

03;Fall 09 (scheduled);

- Archaeology of the Body (UFlorida). Fall 04; Fall 08

- Contemporary Anthropological Theory: Cultural Memory and Built

Environment (UF): Spring 04

- Historical Anthropology (UF), Spring 02;

- Pacific Anthropology (UF), Spring 01;

- Amazonian Anthropology (UF), Fall 00, Fall 01;

- “Chiefdoms”: Rise of Social Inequality and the State (UF), Fall 00;

- Archaeology of the Neotropics (UF), Spring 00, Fall 05;Spring 08

- History and Theory of Anthropology (UF), Spring 00, 03, 07; Fall 01;

- Intellectual Development of American Anthropology (Museu Nacional, Univ.

Federal do Rio de Janeiro/UFRJ), March-July 98;

- “Chiefdoms”: The Origin and Development of Social Stratification

(Museu Nacional, UFRJ), August-December 97;

- Diachronic Perspectives on Native Amazonia (Museu Nacional, UFRJ),

March-July 97;

Undergraduate Teaching Experience:

- Introduction to World Archaeology (UF), Spring 04, Fall 06;

- Tropics and Tropical Culture (UF), Spring 03, Fall 03, Fall 04, Fall 08;

- General Anthropology (UF), Summer 01;

- Peoples of the Pacific (UF), Spring 01;

- Indigenous People of Amazonia (UF), Fall 00, Fall 01, Fall 05;

- Development World Civilization (UF), Fall 99, Sum.00, 01, Spring 01, 02, 06;

- South American Archaeology (UPittsburgh), Instructor, Spring 95;

- Introduction to Archaeology (UPittsburgh), Instructor, Fall 91, Fall 94;

- Peoples of South America (CarlowCollege), Instructor, Fall 91;


Field and Laboratory Courses:

- Interdisciplinary Fieldschool: Archaeology and Biogeography in Tobago (UF

with Dr. David Steadman, FloridaMuseum of Natural History), Spring 05;

- Field & Lab Methods for Amazonian Archaeology (Museu Goeldi/UFederal do

Pará, Brasil), Instructor, Nov-Dec. 97.

- Field Methods in Archaeology, Field Instructor (PI: Dr. James B. Petersen),

(UMaine) 1987; (UVermont) Summer 85, 87.

- Laboratory Methods in Archaeology (UPittsburgh), Teaching Assistant (for Dr.

James M. Adovasio), Fall 88;

Graduate Student Orientation:

Completed (14):

A. UF PhD Chair (6):

- Sharyn Jones (Ethno-archaeology in Fiji; PhD awarded 2004); Asst. Professor,

Anthropology, UAlabama-Birmingham;

- J. Christian Russell (Satellite Analysis, GPS, and Predictive Modeling in

Amazonia; PhD, awarded 2005); Research Scientist, Land-Use and Environmental Change Institute, UFlorida;

- William Schumann (Cultural, Identity and Post-colonial Theory, Wales;co-chair with Kesha Fikes, UChicago; PhD Awarded2005); Berea College, Kentucky;

- Luis Claudio P. Symanski (Slaves and Planters in Western Brazil: Material

Culture, Identity, and Power; PhD Awarded 2006); Asst. Professor,

Federal University of Paraná, Brazil.

- Lonn Monroe (Religion and Cultural Identity in Cuba; co-chair with Kesha Fikes,UChicago; PhD 2007).

- Omaira Bolanos (Indigenous Identity in Amazonia; co-chair with Tony Oliver-Smith(UF); PhD 2008)

B. UF MA, Chair (8):

- Angelina Howell (Amazon Archaeology; MA 2008); PhD student, UF.

- Joshua Toney (Amazon Archaeology; MA 2006); PhD student, UF;

- Mark Donop (Caribbean Archaeology; MA 2005); PhD student, UF;

- Matthew Watson (Science Studies, El Salvador; MA 2005); PhD student, UF;

- David Mead (Ethnohistory, Brazil; MA, 2003); PhD Student, UF;

- Olendina Cavalcante (MA, 2002; Cultural, Brazil); PhD student in Brazil;

- Adolfo Ivan Batun (MA, 2002; Archaeology, Mexico); PhD student, UF;

- Carla de Albuquerque (MA, 2001; Cultural, Brazil); NGO in Brazil.

Active Chair (15):

A. ABD (defense 2009):

- Amanda Holmes (co-Chair with Faye Harrison; Ecological Anthro., Cuba);

- David Mead (Ethnohistory;Amazonia);

- Morgan Schmidt (co-Chair with Nigel Smith; Environmental Archaeology;


- Joshua Toney (Archaeology;Amazonia);

- Joshua Torres (Archaeology; Caribbean/Puerto Rico).

B. PhD candidate; Engaged in dissertation research (defense expected late 2009 or later):

- Renzo Sebastian Duin(Ethnoarchaeology/Archaeology, Caribbean and


- Renata de Godoy (Archaeological law, Brazil);

- Diogo Menezes (Historical archaeology, Central Brazil).

C. Pre-candidacy PhD and MA

- Charles Randall Crones (Amazonian Archaeology; MA expected 2009);

- Mark Donop (Archaeology; southern Caribbean; engaged in diss. research);

- Angelina Howell (Amazon ethnoarchaeology, gender; 1st year);

- Meghann O’Brien (Amazonian Paleoethnobotany; 1st year);

- Sonia Pessoa (Material Culture, Artifact Trade, and Museum Studies;

Amazonia; engaged in diss. research);

- Isaac Shearn (Caribbean Archaeology; MA expected 2009).

Ph.D. and MA Committee Member: total of 30 committees(16 completed and 14 in-progress). Outside (non-UF) member (1): Committee Member: Denise Pahl Schaan (University of Pittsburgh, PhD 2004); (2) Committee Member: Helena Lima (Universidade de São Paulo, PhD 2008).


Professional Service:

- Board Member, Soc. for the Anthropology of Lowland South America, 2005-08

- Editorial Board, Sustainability, 2008-

- Editorial Board, Amazônica: Journal of Anthropology, 2008-

- Editorial Board, Tipiti: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland

South America, 2007-

- Editorial Board, Boletim do Museu Goeldi, 2007-

- Editorial Board, Jornal da Sociedade Brasileira de Arqueologia, 2006-

- Committee on the Americas, Society for American Archaeology, 2002-2006

(and founder/chair of task-force on indigenous affairs, 2003-2006)

- Evaluation Board, Fellowships for Scientific Initiation (PIBIC), Conselho

Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científica e Tecnológico (CNPq), Brazilian Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT), Museu Goeldi, Belém, Brazil (06/07).

- Review Panel for CAPES/Fulbright PhD dissertation fellowships, Coordenação

de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Brazilian Ministério de Educação (MEC) (09/07);

- Review Board for Brazilian Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT), major grants (US$400,000 to $2,000,000) for teaching and research centers (10/98).

- Reviewer for National Science Foundation, Wenner-Gren Foundation, National

Geographic Society, Brazilian Academy of Science, FONCyT (Argentina), Latin American Antiquity, Antiquity, Ethnohistory, American Anthropologist, Current Anthropology, Ciência Hoje (Brasil). Revista da Sociedade Brasiliera de Arqueologia.

University Service:

- Graduate Coordinator, Dept. of Anthropology, 2008-09;

- CLAS Senate, UF 2008-

- CLAS Curriculum Committee, UF, 2008-

- CLAS Nominating Committee, UF, 2007-

- Personnel Committee, Dept. of Anthropology, UF (2005-07)

- Graduate Education Committee, Department of Anthropology, UF (2004-2005)

- Search Committee, co-chair;Historical Ecology, Dept. ofAnthropology, 2003-04

- Search Committee, Ecological Anthropology, Dept. of Anthropology, 2001-02

- Graduate Curriculum Committee, Department of Anthropology, 2001-2002.

- Admission and Academic Affairs Committee, Dept. of Anthropology, 2000-02

- Acting Chair, Dept. of Anthropology, July 20-August 10, 2001.

- Foreign Language and Area Studies (US DOE), Fellowship Committee, Latin

American Studies, University of Florida, 2001, 2002.

- Charles Wagley Research Grants Committee, University of Florida, 2001,


- Search Committee, co-chair, Theoretical Archaeology, Dept. of Anthropology,

University of Florida, 2000-01

- Tropical Conservation and Development (TCD) Research Grants Committee,


University of Florida, 2000.

- Advisory Committee, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Florida, 1999-2001

- Search Committee for Assistant Professor in bio-archaeology, Anthropology

Department, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 1998



Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (Board member)

International Association for Caribbean Archaeology

American Anthropological Association

Society for American Archaeology

Associação Brasileira de Antropologia

Sociedade Brasileira de Arqueologia (Editorial Board, Journal of SAB)



Fausto, C. M. J. Heckenberger, editors. 2007. Time and Memory in Indigenous

Amazonia:Anthropological Perspectives. University Press of Florida:


Franchetto, B. M. J. Heckenberger, editors. 2001. Os Povos Indígenas do

Alto Xingu: História e Cultura. Editora da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Heckenberger, Michael. 2005. The Ecology of Power: Culture, Place and

Personhood in the Southern Amazon, AD 1000-2000. Routledge: New York.

Books in progress:

Heckenberger, M. J., and E. G. Neves. The Archaeology of the Amazon.

Cambridge University Press (contracted for World Archaeology series; 08/09first draft submission);

Heckenberger, M. J. The FractalForest: Archaeology,Cultural Memory, and Built

Environment in theSouthern Amazon(planned draft: 12/09-06/10, prospectus to be distributed to publishers at 2008 AAA);

Heckenberger, M. J., E. G. Neves, and S. Rostain, eds. Human Agency and

Anthropogenic Landscapes in Amazonia: Archaeological Perspectives(revised draft papers from 2006 SAA requested by 03/09; fulledited draft planned for 12/09; prospectus to be distributed at 2008 AAA);

Oyuela Caycedo, A., M. Fischer, and M. J. Heckenberger, eds. The Arawak, by

MaxSchmidt. University Press of Florida: Gainesville

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles (15):

Heckenberger, M. J., J. C. Russell, C. Fausto, J. R. Toney. M. J. Schmidt, E. Pereira, B. Franchetto, and A. Kuikuro. 2008.

Prehistoric Urbanism, Anthropogenic Landscapes, and the Future of the Amazon. Science. 321:1214-1217.

Heckenberger, M. J., J. C. Russell, M. J. Schmidt, and J. R. Toney. 2007.

The Legacy of Cultural Landscapes in the Brazilian Amazon: Implications for Biodiversity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London B: Biological Sciences362: 197-208

Heckenberger, M. J. 2004. Archaeology as Indigenous Advocacy in Amazonia.

Practicing Anthropology 26:34-38.

-----. 2003. The Enigma of the Great Cities: Body and State in Amazonia.

Tipiti: Journal of Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America


-----. 1998. Manioc Agriculture and Sedentism in Amazonia: The Upper Xingu

example. Antiquity 72:633-648.

-----. 1992. A conquista da Amazônia. Ciência Hoje: Revista da Sociedade

Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência 15(86):62-67.

Heckenberger, M. J., A. Kuikuro, U. T. Kuikuro, J. C. Russell, M. Schmidt, C.

Fausto, and B. Franchetto. 2003. Amazonia 1492: Pristine Forest or Cultural Parkland? Science 301:1710-1715.

Heckenberger, M.J., E.G. Neves, and J. B. Petersen. 1998. De onde surgem os

modelos? As origens e expansões Tupi na amazônia central. Revista de Antropologia 41(1):69-96.

Heckenberger, M. J., J. B. Petersen, and E. G. Neves. 1999.Village Size and

Permanence in Amazonia: Two Archaeological Examples from Brazil.

Latin American Antiquity 10(4):353-376.