Unit Strategic Plan and Annual Report -- Academic Year 2008-09
______Academic Unit ____X__ Administrative/Support Unit
I. Unit Title: Student Business Services
School/College or University Division: Division of Finance and Administration
Unit Administrator: Teresa I. Houston
II. Educational Program Learning Outcome Assessment Plan (Academics)
Learner Outcomes identified for the major.
III. Goals
-- For the Current Year
A. Goal # 1: Serve as the functional leader of the Efficiencies Committee on the University Budget Committee.
1. Institutional Goal(s) supported by this goal: Increase student retention and graduation rates by providing a support program which includes, but is not limited to, the following attributes: a comprehensive support program of advising and other services to enhance student development; increased financial support to students through scholarships, assistantships, grants, and loans; a developmental studies program for under prepared students; and, opportunities to meet or communicate with prospective employers or admission personnel from graduate or professional schools.
2. Evaluation Procedure(s): Analyze current processes and procedures and possible avenues for cost sharing with other universities.
3. Actual Results of Evaluation: Actual results may be viewed in the report issued by the University Budget Committee at
4. Use of Evaluation Results: Data has been used for cost reductions, identifying possible revenue streams, and future analyses for cost savings.
B. Goal # 2: Generate additional revenue on outstanding balances by bringing the payment plan back in-house.
1. Institutional Goal(s) supported by this goal: Increase student retention and graduation rates by providing a support program which includes, but is not limited to, the following attributes: a comprehensive support program of advising and other services to enhance student development; increased financial support to students through scholarships, assistantships, grants, and loans; a developmental studies program for under prepared students; and, opportunities to meet or communicate with prospective employers or admission personnel from graduate or professional schools.
2. Evaluation Procedure(s): Analysis of the increased revenue generated by late fees and services charges on the in-house plan.
3. Actual Results of Evaluation: Bringing the payment plan back in-house has proven a revenue-generator for the University.
4. Use of Evaluation Results: The data from the evaluation proves that the payment plan remaining in-house is both cost-effective and beneficial for the University and the students.
C. Goal # 3: Analyze the refund process to ensure a more effective and efficient means of refunding the student’s excess of Title IV funds over account charges.
1. Institutional Goal(s) supported by this goal: Increase student retention and graduation rates by providing a support program which includes, but is not limited to, the following attributes: a comprehensive support program of advising and other services to enhance student development; increased financial support to students through scholarships, assistantships, grants, and loans; a developmental studies program for under prepared students; and, opportunities to meet or communicate with prospective employers or admission personnel from graduate or professional schools.
2. Evaluation Procedure(s): The evaluation process will depend on the successful implementation of the ACH refunding module of the Bill+Payment Suite and the complete utilization of the automatic refunding process in Banner.
3. Actual Results of Evaluation: The ACH refunding module of the Bill+Payment Suite was not implemented due to time constraints.
4. Use of Evaluation Results: Goal #3 will become a portion of a goal for the coming year.
-- For Coming Year(s)
A. Goal # 1: Serve as the functional leader of the Efficiencies Committee on the University Budget Committee.
1. SP Goal #4: Enhance institutional effectiveness: DSU will improve and communicate effectively its financial, physical, and resource capabilities, demonstrating efficiencies in programs and services.
2. Evaluation Procedure(s): Analyze current processes and procedures and possible avenues for cost sharing with other universities.
3. Expected Results: Explore possible cost reductions by analyzing process and procedures currently utilized by the University.
4. Anticipated/Intended Use of Evaluation Results: Data will be used for cost reductions, possible revenue streams, and future analyses for cost savings.
B. Goal #2: Utilize the student accounts receivable module in the Banner Information Systems by implementing the following
processes which would facilitate the processes carried out by Student Business Services:
· Automate the cashier session close out and the feed process to finance.
· Implement the use of the automatic calculation of the return of Title IV funds to the Department of Education.
· Implement the automatic refund process in Banner.
1. SP Goal #4: Enhance institutional effectiveness: DSU will improve and communicate effectively its financial, physical, and resource capabilities, demonstrating efficiencies in programs and services.
2. Evaluation Procedure(s): The evaluation procedure will be to track the successful implementation of the afore-mentioned processes in Banner Information Systems.
3. Expected Results: The processes will be fully implemented and operational.
4. Anticipated/Intended Use of Evaluation Results: The results will be used to determine the affect of the implemented processes on streamlining workflow in Student Business Services.
C. Goal #3: Lead the University in the documentation of internal controls are required by the MS Department of Finance and
1. SP Goal #4: Enhance institutional effectiveness: DSU will improve and communicate effectively its financial, physical, and resource capabilities, demonstrating efficiencies in programs and services.
2. Evaluation Procedure(s): The evaluation procedure will be the final documentation presented to the MS Department of Finance and Administration.
3. Expected Results: The University will complete the internal controls documentation by the June 2010 deadline.
4. Anticipated/Intended Use of Evaluation Results: The final set of internal controls documentation will be used to assist in internal control audits and ensure the efficiency of the University’s internal controls.
D. Goal #4: Serve as the University’s liaison to its food service vendor, ARAMARK, and its bookstore vendor, Follett.
1. SP Goal #4: Enhance institutional effectiveness: DSU will improve and communicate effectively its financial, physical, and resource capabilities, demonstrating efficiencies in programs and services.
2. Evaluation Procedure(s): The evaluation procedure will be a review of each vendors sales, commission, and student opinion surveys.
3. Expected Results: The bookstore and food service will meet revenue goals and meet acceptable satisfaction levels in student opinion surveys.
4. Anticipated/Intended Use of Evaluation Results: The results will be used to guide and direct future bookstore and foodservice policies and services.
IV. Data and information for department:
Brief Description and/or Narrative of programmatic scope: Student Business Services (SBS) is responsible for the cashiering functions of the university, including but not limited to students’ accounts receivables, assessing of tuition and fees, and administering the functions of the Okra Kard which include meal plans, Okra Green debit accounts, door access, and pay for print.
Grants, Contracts, Partnerships, Other Accomplishments: Due to the Okra Kard services, SBS has formed many new partnerships off-campus, for example, Domino’s Pizza, Andy’s 5th Ave. Quick Stop, Pizza Pro, Extreme Tanning Plus, and Western Sizzlin. SBS is continually strengthening partnerships with vendors, including TouchNet, CBord, JSA Technologies, and UGryd Off-Campus Solutions.
Economic Development initiatives and/or impact:
Diversity Compliance Initiatives and Progress:
Committees reporting to unit (Committee records archived in ______):
V. Personnel: Teresa I. Houston, Director, Marcia Lishman, Barbara McKnight, Marjorie Gladden, Chrissy Glasgow, and Michael
Noteworthy activities and accomplishments: Barbara McKnight continues to volunteer in the community through the Make a Wish
Foundation and Habitat for Humanity. Barbara also successfully completed three courses this year including Microcomputer
Applications. All of our employees participated in various webinars including “On-line Solutions for Complete and Accurate
Reporting”, “Automated Consumer Dispute Verification”, “Using Twitter in Universities” and participated in trainings on
off campus including a Perkins Billing training with Affiliated Computer Services, Inc., procurement training, and training for the
Banner timekeeper system. Chrissy Glasgow is aggressively tracking our students who received Perkins loan and may be eligible
for a cancellation of debt if the student is still teaching after a certain time period. Because of this endeavor, Chrissy has
maintained the Perkins loan default rate. SBS is continually strengthening the use of on-line services by students and parents by
handing out instructions, training work studies in assisting other students, and speaking at orientations. The Okra Kard is continually
growing in off-campus sales with the addition of several community merchants including Extreme Tanning Plus, Domino’s Pizza,
Andy’s 5th Ave. Quick Stop, Pizza Pro and Western Sizzlin. SBS also brought the payment plan back in-house for better control and
marketing to the students. Participation in the plan has increased therefore increasing revenue.
New position(s) requested, with justification: N/A
Recommended change of status: N/A
VI. Degree Program Addition/Deletions and/or Major Curriculum Changes: N/A
Changes made in the past year:
Recommended changes for the coming year(s):
Student Business Services Unit Plan and Report 2008-09