Minutes of a meeting of Bikers4Macmillan, held in the

Jolly Scotchman, Sleaford 18.30 Thursday 27th February 2014.

Present: / Apologies Received:
Group Safety
D/Group Safety
Macmillan / Andy Maddison
Dave Rodgers
Sarah Birch
Pete Brown
Mike Patterson
Item / Action
1. / Standing Items
a. Review of Minutes
Minutes reviewed and agreed as accurate
Proposed – Pete Brown – Seconded – Mike Patterson
b. Announcements
c. Financial Update
No Figures Available
2. / General Meeting
a. Events
Hardraw Force – Who’s Leading, Pete if shifts allow will lead if not Andy will lead
Its about a 3 hour ride, starting from Holdingham roundabout, then pick up in Lincoln and onward towards Gainsborough and up the A1 Meet Holdingham 8am for 845 departure, Lincoln 8:30 for a 9:30 Departure.
Loomis Cafe – Trip is still on and final details to be provided as soon as possible. Pete may meet us there in his car and may take all the gear required with him.
Pete Mills event starts at 11am – 3pm so we will be leaving at a time suitable to allow us to be there before 11am. Pete Brown to create route. / Pete to Provide route
3 / S2S 2014
a. General Update
110 registered, 21 Not paid, Andy will create a PayPal invoice and send this out to them in the next week or so. We will be sending the invoices out information advising to pay as soon as possible to guarantee their places. There are options to be put in place for registrations next year that should prevent issues of not payment etc. If we are to update the website and significantly change the way we register people, then the changes need to be decided on and agreed as soon as possible to allow our web monkey enough time to build and test, not a last minute thing on new years eave.
b. Marshal Plan / Update
Fuel marshals are arranged Dave Rodgers, John Hodgeson-Kerry, Paul Farrant and Craig Paul. We currently have 13 marshals that have shown and interest (including those from the northern group) we potentially need another 9 marshals which should allow 1 marshal per 9 riders. The riders we have seen, Pete is more than happy with their abilities
Marc Darlington is IC for the marshalling and Steve Freemantle is Tail end Charlie
Sarah has just e-mailed all the bike groups along the route, she could always e-mail again if we required seeing if any would be interested in marshalling.
Fuel stations still need to be contacted, certainly Flint and uttoxeter, we should call in and ensure that they are happy to receive us again and they are aware that we are coming. We still need to plan for the fuel stations, Uttoxeter is critical as pretty much all bikes will need to fill up.
Ride out to Flint and Uttoxetter to be planned to drop off informational letters and speak to the site managers.
Plans for each fuel stop need to be finalised
c. Media Plan / Update
Has been distributed to Macmillan to hopefully have a bigger Macmillan presence at the end of the ride.
John Reynolds has been contacted via e-mail, but Sarah needs to chase up by phone.
800 Flyers have been sent out to 27 bike shops along the route and they should receive these in the next few days. Sarah has submitted receipts for printing and postage, Sarah had arranged for Macmillan Business cards through Tanya for people to be able to submit footage and other media related items / queries
Advert has been placed in a free monthly bike magazine and a leaflet has been sent out to around 15 bike groups across the region.
Sarah will contact local mayors
Next push will be in April with the 3 Months to go push and re-bump the forums with information,
Registrations will be looked at if we reach the 180 mark and advise people to directly contact us to fill the last 20 places if required.
An itinerary for the Saturday has been formulated and with a proposed running order for the day with Key points highlighted,
An absolute deadline for ALL riders to be on site has been set as 18:30
Volunteers for manning our stand is required, Mike Patterson has very kindly volunteered to be on there from 13:30 for the first stint.
d. Stickers / Final Design
Design has been agreed on and committee is happy with the design. £98.00 for 200
e. Wrist Bands
Paul Underwood has donated the wristbands to the event this year.
f. T-Shirt Update
We have sold 33 already and estimated sizing breakdown is as follows
size / qty / % / based on % / suggestion
L / 10 / 30.30% / 31 / 30
M / 4 / 12.12% / 12 / 10
S / 3 / 9.09% / 9 / 10
XL / 8 / 24.24% / 24 / 25
XXL / 5 / 15.15% / 15 / 15
XXXL / 3 / 9.09% / 9 / 11
33 / 100 / 101
The committee decided that this was a sensible break down of the 101 t-shirts we have agreed to order based on the current orders received.
g. Hi Viz Repair
Pete has the replacement rings and eyelets along with required punch. This needs to be done ASAP, Andy and Dave have offered to help with the repair.
h. AOB S2S Only
Have the Storehouse been contacted? We have attempted to contact them however it is rather difficult tracking them down. (Post meeting update, When have spoken to the Storehouse and they are happy to assist, and have offered the usual sleeping arrangements with breakfast included for £10 , we will book for anyone who wants to stay and payment is upfront for this) / Andy to sort invoices
4. / Any other business
Facebook Page – Are we going to close the page (Not the Group as the group is now open to view), Page will be closed and the web monkey has been asked to remove it from the webpage and change the logo.
JHK has sourced some samples of embroidered beanies, sweatshirts and fleeces, He has funded the initial cost out of his pocket and does not want re-imbursement for them (Post meeting update – The samples were brought to one of the training rides, they look good and the company are prepapred to do one off orders as required.)
Sarah – has posted up two rides that will end up at east Kirby (Lincolnshire Bomber command memorial ride 26th April and one other) (Details on Facebook and forum)
5. / Next Meeting:
Committee Meeting To be held on 27th May at 18:30 hours at Jolly Scotchman, Sleaford.

Original signed and on file

Dave Rodgers

