/ THURSDAY 8/16 / FRIDAY 8/17 / SATURDAY 8/18 / SUNDAY 8/19 / MONDAY 8/208:00 – 8:50 / Preconvention Activities / Gottsegen and Abeles: (SYM) Aging is in Your Future
Co-sponsored with Div. 20
MosconeCenter 220 / Nastasi: (SYM) Cultural specificity and intl program development: Mixed methods research
MosconeCenter 220 / Olson:(SYM) Mental Health Reforms: An International Perspective
MosconeCenter 222 / Byrne: (SYM) 8-9:50
Cross-cultural research: Joys, Challenges, Lessons to be learned
Co-sponsored with Div 5
Moscone 3010
Duan: (SYM) 8-9:50Rising Needs, Efforts and Successes of Psychology in China
Co-sponsored with Div. 17
Moscone 2007
9:00 – 9:50 / Gottsegen and Abeles:
Aging is in Your Future
Co-sponsored with Div. 20
MosconeCenter 220 / O’Roark: Invited Fellows Addresses (Grotberg & Wong)
MosconeCenter 220 / Sidun:(SYM)Sex Trafficking of Women and Girls: Modern Day Slavery
MosconeCenter 3008 / Byrne: (SYM) 8-9:50
Moscone 3010
Duan: (SYM) 8-9:50
Moscone 2007
10:00 – 10:50 / Pickren:(Posters)
Issues in International and Cross-Cultural Psychology
Moscone Center Halls A, B, C / Division 52 Business Meeting
SF Marriott
Yerba Buena Salon 12 / Gielen:(Posters): International Issues in Education, Mental Health, and Treatment
Moscone Halls ABC / Vakoch:(SYM) The Psychology of Cross-Cultural Differences in International Space ActivitiesMoscone 220
11:00 – 11:50 / Chrisler: (SYM)
International Media Images of Women
Moscone Center 2009 / Stevens: Presidential Address: Building Bridges, Expanding Horizons: Interdisciplinary View of International Terrorism
SF Marriott
Yerba Buena Salon 12 / Rubin: (Posters): International Issues of Measurement, Adjustment and Culture
Moscone Halls ABC / Young & Stead: (SYM) Research for a Global Psychology: Methods and Issues
Moscone Center 2007
12:00 – 12:50 / Sidun: (SYM) International/Intercultural Adoption: What are the Issues?
Co-sponsored with Div. 17
MosconeCenter 200 / Kalayjian:(Papers: International Family and Relational Issues
SF Marriott
Yerba Buena Salon 10 / Hasan & Leong: (SYM) Intl Opportunities for Psychologists and Psychologists-in-Training
Co-sponsored w/ APAGS
Moscone 3004 / Kwan: (SYM) Cultural Adaptation of Asian Migrants in Three Countries
Moscone Center 2000
1:00 – 1:50 / Sidun: (SYM) International/Intercultural Adoption: What are the Issues?
Co-sponsored with Div. 17
MosconeCenter 200 / Horne:(Papers): Building Peaceful Communities in International Contexts
SF Marriott
Yerba Buena Salon 10 / Hasan & Leong: (SYM) Intl Opportunities for Psychologists and Psychologists-in-Training
Co-sponsored w/ APAGS
Moscone 3004
2:00 – 2:50 / Gielen: (SYM)
How to internationalize the psychology curriculum
MosconeCenter 212 / O’Roark:(Papers): International Research on Attitudes and Adjustment
SF Marriott
Yerba Buena Salon 10
3:00 – 3:50 / Schultheiss & Valach: (SYM)
Toward a Critical Global Perspective of Relational Paradigms and Methods
MosconeCenter 226
O’Roark: Honoring Current Fellows in Hospitality Suite
4:00 – 4:50 / Hogan: 10 yr anniversary
With Past Presidents in Hospitality suite / Torney-Purta: (SYM): The Process of Intl Collaborative Research in Social/Behavioral Science
Moscone Center 2005
5:00-5:50 / 5:00: Hospitality suite Social Celebration followed by dinner out / CIRP International Reception
6:00 – 10:00 / 52 Executive Meeting
SF Marriott Hotel
Sierra Conference Suite K
Programs in italics are either Hospitality Suite Programs or programs of interest to our members not in the official program.
Please note that this is only a draft. This schedule is subject to change.