District V Meeting Minutes

July 19, 2012

Present: Coleen, Dawn, Julie, Diane H., Jana, Judy, Shelly, Kara, Rebecca, Laura

Treasure Report: $142.00

MN-DONA Report: Diane updated those present from previous Board meeting held June 20th via telephone conference. Some discussion around fall conference were:

  • Letters went out to administrators to encourage their DON to join MN-DONA
  • Will be try to give away a Kendal Fire at fall conference if our member ship is more than 300
  • Looking at ordering clothing items on line verses ordering products and trying to sell them
  • There will be no district baskets like previous years, are looking at doing smaller donated items and having a bucket raffle instead. If you can/want to donate an item please do.
  • Spring 2013 conference will be held in Duluth on April 25 &26th.

New Business:

  • Sue Simon from On-Site care would like to come to our September District V meeting to talk about their expanded services of podiatry. After discussion, it was decided to invite her to the September meeting. Diane H. will make the contact with her.
  • Medisota is having a session in September on wound care if you’re interested for your facility. Watch for flyers
  • Discussion on how to get information on the “Nursing Facility Employee Scholarship Program”. Diane will get this information to everyone:

In 2001, the Minnesota Legislature enacted the Nursing Facility Scholarship Law to fund employee scholarships providing direct care employees education and training in the field of long-term care (LTC), to expand the long-term care workforce, and to help nursing facilities recruit and retain qualified employees.

For more information contact: Minnesota Department of Human Services

Nome Xaphakdy

Phone: (651) 431-4225

Round Robin:

Julie: Hospice room is completed (Special care room), looking at staffing again with college students going back to school

Dawn: Census is down, having a 40th anniversary part for Dr. Darrell, applying for a safety grant for a hoover mat

Laura: Experienced doing 1:1 for more than a month for a resident resulted in VA report, questions asked to group present

Colleen: Full, low medicare A numbers

Rebecca: down in census, hired an RN with wound/ostomy training

Kara: Down in census, will be looking at staffing soon for when school starts up again, facility plans to be looking at a separate entrance and kitchen changing

Shelly: Discussed an injured employee, new staffing coordinator and this position is working well, getting more clinical residents and working on training with staff, were approved for a grand to put in 4 ceiling lifts.

Judy: IDR next week from survey

Jana: Need staff, down 9 beds

Diane H.: Therapy suites will be celebrating one year anniversary, well over 275 admissions since opened, October 1st starts the remodeling project of the LTC in the process of educating families/residents/staff with room changes etc.,

Submitted by:

Diane Hagedorn

District V Rep for MN-DONA