Art & Design IGCSE 2018
Date / Assessment Objective(s)Note number + activity and what you will do / have done / To do – Planning for next piece(s)
Exam paper
Feb 5th / -Intro exam paper
-Brainstorm ideas
-Research artists relating to your own ideas- you will be producing pieces using them as inspiration so make them ACHIEVEABLE for your ideas
-Create a mind map and mood boardthat you will bring to each class
Midterm break / -AO3: Photograph primary sources linking with your subject, print (good quality)
-AO3: Two primary – observational drawings ( high quality )
-AO1: One or two artist studies
Week 1
Begin Feb 19th
Catch up
AO1 and AO3 / -All: artist study and/or primary ( secondary ) source recording
-Add keywords to your mood board and highlights in mind map ( keep adding )
-Annotate thoughts ( your starting point ) and work so far on post it or other notes ( stick on the back of your pictures )
-Artist intro and DAIJ ( Type or write – rewrite later on big sheets )
-Remember to use a wide range of media ( and grounds – techniques ) / -Photography – primary sources
-Finding artists that link with your theme
-Next primary source drawing
-Next artist study – can also be a section or transcription. MAKE SURE artist study will help you to develop work !
Week 2
Begin Feb 26th
AO1 and AO3 / -Photographs – primary sources printed ( and edited series if applicable – linking to artist ? )
-Finished primary source drawing ( black white ) or artist study
-Additional drawing of your subject ( black white or colour )
-Keep annotating, print artist images and write about your artists and HOW he-she will inspire your work. Keep annotating next steps – thoughts
-Cut out everything ( PRESENT ) and tape ( masking ) on A2 boards. / -More primary source drawings – think carefully about your subject. Photograph and collect items to bring in to class.
-Artist studies or further research
-Print photographs at a printer such as Tesco ( cinema area ) for better quality
Week 3
Begin Mar 5th
AO1-2-3 / -Start experimenting with ideas, techniques and media
-Or add more artists – primary sources before starting the above
-Compositions, thumbnails with design ideas / experiment further and refine sections / Fill in your tick sheets and keep identifying AO’s that require more work. You can add notes – highlights etc.
Week 4 Begin
Mar 12th / -Develop work further ( more ideas – adding new artist ? )
-Keep working on all your AO’s
-Design ideas / compositions. Ask yourself: What do I want to achieve ? Start making thumbnails with ideas and work these out ( experiment )
-Or experiment with media and techniques on ideas so far
-Develop further and/or add a new artists and bring in further ideas / Keep using mind map and mood boards, you may want to go back to initial ideas or develop further from existing ideas
Week 5 Begin Mar 19th
AO1-2-3 / -You are now getting closer to your final idea.
-Refine and modify your work where needed.
-Make a plan for your final piece
Week 6 Begin Mar 26th
Week 7 Begin Apr 2nd
AO1-2-3-4 / -Keep experimenting, modifying and refining your work further
-If you are ready: Start presentation, stick your work down
-Annotations to be added ( hand write or print )
-Make sure you spend time on your presentation
-Finish the last works and review previous work / refine if needed.
-Make sure photographs are off good quality
-Work on PRESENTATION. Do this well, it could be the difference of a few points / i.e. a grade
Songkran holiday Apr 07 – Apr 22 / HOLIDAY
Week 8 Begin Apr 23
-Possibility to work in school one day.
-Planning for exam
-Work all presented on A2 sheets / finished
-Fill in all Edexcel paper work
Week 9 Begin Apr 30
AO4 / Exam on Wednesday 02 and Thursday 03 May
-Prepare grounds if needed
-Objects for Still Life in school
-Photographs printed in good quality – large size
-List of items needed to give to teacher