December 16, 2014

The District School Board of Pasco County met in regular session at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 16, 2014, in the Board Room, District Office Complex, Building 3, 7205 Land O' Lakes Boulevard, Land O' Lakes, Florida. Present were Chairman Steve Luikart, Vice Chairman Joanne Hurley, and Board Members Allen Altman, Cynthia Armstrong, and Alison Crumbley. Also present were Kurt S. Browning, Superintendent and ex officio Secretary to the Board, and Dennis Alfonso, Attorney for the Board.

The meeting was opened with the reading of the School Board’s vision statement and was followed with the thought for the day by Member Hurley and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

The Chairman asked for a moment of silence and personal reflection.

The Chairman asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the regular meeting of December 2, 2014. There were none, and on motion by Member Crumbley, seconded by Member Armstrong, the minutes were approved unanimously.

The Chairman opened the Second and Final Reading on the DSBPC Policies Update - Volume 14, No. 2 (See Miscellaneous Supplemental Minute Book 411, Page 1). Attorney Alfonso stated that notice of this hearing has been posted on the District’s web site. Chairman Luikart asked if there was anyone in the audience who would like to speak on this item. No one came forward. Member Armstrong moved that the Board approve the Second and Final Reading of the DSBPC Policies Update - Volume 14, No. 2, seconded by Member Crumbley. On vote, the motion carried unanimously.

The Chairman opened the First Reading on the Amended 2014-2015 Student Progression Plan (See Miscellaneous Supplemental Minute Book 411, Page 2). Attorney Alfonso stated that notice of this hearing has been posted on the District’s web site. Chairman Luikart asked if there was anyone in the audience who would like to speak on this item. No one came forward. Member Hurley moved that the Board approve the First Reading of the Amended 2014-2015 Student Progression Plan, seconded by Member Altman. On vote, the motion carried unanimously.

The Chairman announced that the public hearings were closed and continued with the regular board meeting.

Linda Cobbe, Director of Communications, coordinated the special presentation as follows: (See Miscellaneous Supplemental Minute Book 411, Page 3)

• Withlacoochee River Electric Co-op Capital Refund Check

The Chairman called a break for pictures and the meeting came back to order at 6:08 p.m.

The Chairman asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to address the Board.

·  Kerry Sadler, New Port Richey – River Ridge Middle School teacher speaking on behalf of her students and excessive testing. The tests are still in draft form, there is no place for the students to practice the tests, and there is no direction for teachers to prepare the students. She asked the Board to fight the state on behalf of the students.

·  Carl Waldron, Dade City – spoke on testing concerns; appreciates the support and efforts of Board members on this issue. He is not a fan of the magnet school program; would like to see all schools fully funded.

·  Anna J., Port Richey – student apology. Board members thanked her grandmother for her support.

·  Alex C., Land O’ Lakes – student apology. Board members thanked her grandmother for her support.

·  Lex Smith, Dade City – asked Board members to reconsider the policy on athletic transfers; believes the current policy is the old FHSAA policy that drew fire from the legislators. He asked the Board to look at the 2014-15 FHSAA handbook and questioned the need for a separate policy.

The Chairman asked if the United School Employees of Pasco had anything to present. Kenny Blankenship, President of the USEP, spoke:

·  A tentative settlement agreement has been reached and USEP is working on ratification.

·  Thanked Board members for approving a resolution or letter on standardized testing.

·  Have been receiving calls and concerns regarding standardized testing and will be speaking with Peggy Jones, Director, Accountability, Research, and Measurement, regarding the comments.

·  Has questions about the Head Start Policy Council (Board item 3F2) but has contacted Angela Porterfield, Director, Early Childhood Programs, for clarification.

·  Expressed holiday greetings to the Board.

Committee Reports:

·  Member Armstrong:

o  Met with Senator Legg.

o  Attended the Pasco Delegation Luncheon at Sunlake High School.

o  Will be meeting with Representative Corcoran this week.

o  First meeting of the Wellness Policy Council for Students. Information will be submitted to the Board in February.

·  Member Crumbley:

o  Architectural Review Committee – the next round of proposals will be reviewed.

o  College High School Task Force – an agreement with Pasco Hernando State College is in tonight’s Board packet.

·  Vice Chairman Hurley:

o  Attended the 69th Annual FSBA Joint Conference.

o  Attended the Pasco Delegation Luncheon at Sunlake High School

o  Strategic Planning Committee – ongoing meetings with different groups. There will be a Board update in January.

·  Chairman Luikart:

o  Met with Senator Legg.

o  Attended the 69th Annual FSBA Joint Conference.

o  Will be meeting with Representative Corcoran this week.

(1.0) Reports, Information and Comments:

Superintendent Browning:

·  Met with Senator Legg to discuss issues that impact our students, teachers, and families, including assessments. An exhaustive list of K-12 assessments was reviewed at a recent workshop, which has also been shared with FADSS general counsel. He also talked about teacher evaluations and the unfairness of the system. He will continue to engage legislators to do what is right for our students, teachers, and system as a whole.

·  Thanked the Heritage Pines Country Club Community Angels of the Pines and Toy Makers for delivering handcrafted toys and donated winter accessories to Crews Lake K-8, Fox Hollow Elementary and Dr. Mary Giella Elementary school students. The groups also support several other groups. They work all year crafting scarves, hats, mittens and making wooden toys for kindergarten, first and second grade students. He attended the presentation at Fox Hollow Elementary last week and will attend the presentation at Giella Elementary School this week. He encouraged Board members to attend the remaining presentations if their schedules permit.

·  Expressed holiday greetings to Board members.

Administration and Operations:

·  Ray Gadd:

o  Commended the Board for their support of Toymakers for equipment that was declared as surplus and given to the group when their facility was destroyed in a fire last year.

o  Noted an amendment to the Interlocal Agreement - Charter School Siting, Permitting, and Construction (Item 12A). The county will not be charging fees to charter schools for developmental review, which parallels the practice used with public schools.

o  Terry Aunchman introduced Michael Crotts, Program Manager, Office for Career and Technical Education.

·  Kevin Shibley:

o  Reviewed the ratification timeline; he anticipates that the negotiated contracts will be sent to the employees for ratification prior to the January Board meeting. The contracts will then be submitted for Board ratification at the January 20, 2015, Board meeting so that employees can receive their raises in February. He thanked the bargaining teams and other district departments for their efforts.

o  Noted a correction to item 4A8 (New Job Description - Area Superintendent), stating that #9 should read four allocations instead of one.

·  Ray Bonti:

o  Reminded Board members of the travel to Leon County tomorrow to visit the CNG fueling station.

o  John Petrashek introduced representatives from Hoffman Architects, the company overseeing construction at Anclote Elementary School.

Student Achievement:

·  Dave Scanga:

o  Requested that the letter of recommendation for principal at Quail Hollow Elementary School (item 4A1) be pulled.

o  Introduced Jessica Clements, Principal, Lake Myrtle Elementary School.

·  Todd Cluff:

o  Recognized Terri Mutell, Principal, Chasco Elementary School, who is retiring this month.

o  Introduced Michelle DiIorio, Principal, Chasco Elementary School.

(2.0) Melissa Musselwhite, Director of the Office for Student Support Programs and Services, presented one expulsion recommendation. There was consensus of the Board to move the closed appeal hearing (item 2B) to end of the meeting after attorney remarks. Board members have been provided with detailed information on which to base their decision.

A. Expulsion of Female Student (DOB 09/15/1999) James Irvin Education Center

C. Expulsion Cumulative Report - School Year 2014-2015 (See Misc. Supplemental

Minute Book 411, Page 4).

Member Altman moved that the Board approve the expulsions as recommended in item 2A. Member Hurley seconded the motion, and on vote the motion carried unanimously.

The Chairman asked Board members to identify the items on the consent agenda that they would like placed on the action agenda. The items on the ACTION AGENDA are as follows:

10. Resolutions

A. Florida Standards Assessment Timeline Resolution

B. Florida Standards Assessment Timeline - Letter to Governor and Legislature

11. Property Acquisitions - None Submitted

12. Miscellaneous Action Items

A. 2014-2015 Organizational Chart (Revised)

B. Interlocal Agreement - Charter School Siting, Permitting, and Construction (as amended)

Member Crumbley commented that the agreement with Pasco Hernando State College in item 5E1 is the result of diligent and thorough efforts by the Collegiate High School Task Force. The agreement will be revisited annually. Member Altman asked when the Florida Virtual Academy at Pasco 2014-2015 School Improvement Plan would be submitted to the Board. Supt. Browning replied that it will be submitted at the January 20, 2015, Board meeting. Staff members from the charter school will be in attendance to answer questions.

The Chairman asked for a motion to approve all other items on the consent agenda. Member Crumbley moved that the Board approve all items on the consent agenda, including addenda, with the exception of the letter of recommendation for principal at Quail Hollow Elementary School (item 4A1). Member Hurley seconded the motion, and on vote the motion carried unanimously to approve the CONSENT AGENDA as follows:


A. Learning Communities (See Misc. Supplemental Minute Book 411, Pages 5-8)

1. Requests for School Field Trips

2. Out-of-State Travel - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics – Massachusetts

3. Out-of-State Travel - ASCD Annual Conference - Texas

4. Renaming Sanders Memorial Elementary School

B. Teaching and Learning (See Misc. Supplemental Minute Book 411, Pages 9-13)

1. Out-of-State Travel - EduCon Conference - Pennsylvania

2. Out-of-State Travel - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics - Massachusetts

3. Out-of-State Travel - Scholastic Math Leadership Summit – California

4. School Choice Change of Placement

5. Course Adoption 2014-2015 - Horticulture (Honors Level Weighting)

C. Professional Development and School Supports - None Submitted

D. Accountability Research and Measurement (See Misc. Supplemental Minute Book 411, Page 14)

1. School Advisory Council Membership Report

E. Student Support Programs and Services (See Misc. Supplemental Minute Book 411, Page 15)

1. Disciplinary Change of Placement

F. Early Childhood (See Misc. Supplemental Minute Book 411, Pages 16-18)

1. Head Start/Early Head Start Hiring and Termination of Employment Procedures

2. Head Start/Early Head Start Procedures for Shared Decision-Making Grievance, Internal

Dispute and Impasse Procedures

3. Out-of-State Travel - Annual Training Conference - Georgia

G. Career and Technical Education (See Misc. Supplemental Minute Book 411, Page 19)

1. Renaming Fred K. Marchman Technical Education Center

H. School Field Trips - None Submitted

4. ADMINISTRATION (See Misc. Supp. Minute Book 411, Pages 20-26)

A. Human Resources and Educator Quality

1. Administrative, Instructional, Non-Instructional, and Professional Technical Personnel

Recommendations (See Personnel Supplemental Minute Book 80, Page 31)(including addendum)

(Pulled letter of recommendation for principal of Quail Hollow Elementary School)

2. New Job Description – Network Technician

3. New Job Description - Technology Services Technician

4. New Job Description - Deputy Superintendent

5. New/Revised Job Description – Asst. Supt. for Student Achievement

6. New/Revised Job Description - Asst. Supt. for Support Services

7. New/Revised Job Description - Asst. Supt. for Administration

8. New Job Description - Area Superintendent (as amended)

B. Employee Relations - None Submitted

C. Technology and Information Services - None Submitted

5. SUPPORT SERVICES (See Misc. Supplemental Minute Book 411, Pages 27-34)

A. Planning Services

1. Purchase of Property – 20.2 Acre Elementary School Site – Land O’ Lakes Boulevard

2. Request for Use of Facilities

B. Construction Services

1. Architectural Services Agreement - Anclote Elementary School

2. Continuing Contracts - Construction Management Services (Allstate Construction)

C. Food and Nutrition Services

1. Out-of-State Travel - School Nutrition Association – Washington, D.C.

D. Maintenance Services

1. Surplus Equipment

2. Surplus Equipment-Trade-In-Food and Nutrition Services

E. Purchasing Services

1. Bid Recommendations, Bid Renewals, and Contracts

Date/Time: December 9, 2014, 15:35:00

CONTRACTS: Abilities, Inc. of Florida; Bayfront Health Dade City; Florida Medical Clinic;

LP New Port Richey, LLC d/b/a Southern Pines Healthcare Center; Mindshare Consulting Group,

LLC; Orchard Ridge Care and Rehabilitation Center; Pasco-Hernando State College; University

Community Hospital, Inc.

6. FINANCE SERVICES (See Misc. Supplemental Minute Book 411, Pages 35-37)

A. Warrant List

B. Payroll Expenditures for November/December 2014

C. Auditor General's Audit Report - Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP)

7. GRANT PROPOSALS (See Misc. Supplemental Minute Book 411, Pages 38-39)

A. 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant (Middle School)

B. 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant (Elementary)

8. ALLOCATIONS (See Misc. Supplemental Minute Book 411, Page 40)

A. Allocation Changes (2014-2015):

Increase - 8.0 IA ESE (IDEA) - SSPS

Increase - FNS Manager 245 (Gen Rev) FNS

Add - Site Mgr/Asst Site Mgr/Sr CCA (21 CCLC) - PLACE GMS

Add - Site Mgr/Asst Site Mgr/Sr CCA (21 CCLC) - PLACE HMS

Add - Site Mgr/Asst Site Mgr/Sr CCA (21 CCLC) - PLACE RBSMS