District Mission Statement
Cassia County Schools, in a cooperative effort with family and community, will vigorously challenge and prepare students to reach their highest potential to become productive and responsible citizens.
Belief Statements
1. Education is the joint responsibility of the individual, home, school, and community and lays the foundation for a successful and productive life.
2. If given appropriate opportunities all students can learn, achieve, and succeed.
3. Students must accept responsibility for their education.
4. Life-long learning is essential in a changing society.
5. Students learn better in a positive learning environment.
6. Each student is unique and has self worth.
7. Every student has a right to a safe and comfortable physical environment.
8. The resources of the district are focused on the mission.
We believe all children are different and yet the same. As a staff, we provide for these differences in a framework of caring, acceptance, and understanding. The children with whom we work should learn to accept each other and show appreciation for the strengths in others and an understanding of their weaknesses.
We believe that children need limits that are clear and well defined but comfortable to move within. We believe that every child has the right to think and act creatively within these limits in developing and being their best self.
We believe that each child has the right to effective instruction (they must learn the basics) which reflects their ability, readiness and potential.
We believe that all school decisions made are in consideration of that which is best for children when meeting their needs and the needs of society for today and tomorrow.
First, Second & Third grade Schedule
7:55-8:25Bus students arrive; Breakfast served
8:15-8:25Walking students arrive; Breakfast continues
8:25-School begins
First Grade / Second Grade / Third gradeTime / Time / Time
8:25-8:35 / Opening / 8:25-8:35 / Opening / 8:25-8:35 / Opening
8:35-10:05 / Reading / 8:35-10:05 / Reading / 8:35-10:05 / Reading
10:05-10:20 / Recess / 10:05-10:20 / Recess / 10:05-10:20 / Recess
10:25-11:25 / Skill Shots / 10:25-11:10 / Prep/Math / 10:20-12:00 / Math
11:30—12:15 / Lunch / 11:15-12:00 / Prep/Math / 12:00-12:30 / Prep/ESL
12:15--12:30 / Homeroom / 12:00-12:40 / Lunch / 12:30-1:10 / Lunch
12:30--1:15 / Prep/Math / 12:40-12:45 / Homeroom / 1:10-2:10 / Skill shots
1:15-2:00 / Prep/Math / 12:45-1:50 / Skill Shots / 2:10-2:20 / Recess
2:00-2:10 / Recess / 1:50-2:00 / Recess / 2:25- 2:55 / Prep
2:15-3:00 / ESL /homeroom / 2:00-3:00 / ESL/Homeroom / 2:55-3:00 / Homeroom
3:00-Walking home students dismissed
3:05-1st group of bus students dismissed
3:10-2nd group of bus students dismissed
3:15-3rd group of bus students dismissed
Kindergarten Schedule
8:00-8:25 Bus students arrive
8:25–11:15 Morning Session
11:15 Morning students dismissed
11:30-12:15 Prep/Lunch time for teachers
12:15–3:00 Afternoon Session
After school schedule is the same as above.
Music, Library, & P.E.
Music, Library and PE classes are scheduled for all students Kinder through 3rd grades once a week. Check with your child's teacher for the specific days and times for these classes. Mrs. Hanks and Mrs. Guevara, our PE teachers,will instruct PE classesMonday thruFridayaccording to your child’s classroom schedule. PE shoes or gym shoes are highly recommended for all students. These shoes can be an inexpensive pair of tennis shoes. Your child’s name should be on/in these shoes somewhere for identification.
The following programs are offered in limited form throughout the year. Teachers will provide students with background for these programs and our extra-curricular activities will be providing reinforcement for the objectives.
Character Counts-Character Education
Stop the Meanness-Bully Prevention Program
Good Touch/Bad Touch- personal safety program
General Rules (including bus lines):
Follow directions the first time they are given.
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Use appropriate language at all times.
Pick up after yourself.
Playground rules:
Follow directions of supervisor (teacher on duty).
Use equipment properly.
Do not throw rocks or other harmful objects.
No swearing, teasing or fighting
Lunchroom Rules:
Follow directions of staff.
Speak in soft voices. Do not yell.
Do not throw food.
Walk, don't run.
Clean up your space after eating.
Hallway Rules:
Follow directions of teachers.
Always walk, don't run.
Walk to the right of the hallway
Positive Reinforcement:
When adults (staff) "catch students being good" students are praisedand/or provided with other rewards to encourage appropriate behavior. Once a week each teacher will send a student to the office for a positive Character/Good Citizen reward (“student of theweek”). We will have a “student of the month” from each grade level. These students will participate in special activities.
Students who misbehave will receive:
1st offense - warning
2nd offense - benched
3rd offense - see principal
Severe Clause, Go immediately to principal
Severe Clause:
Any type of physical fighting is dealt with directly from the principal’s office.
In school suspension is used as a severe consequence for inappropriate behavior. The student is placed with appropriate personnel for the day during this time. As always, parents are notified before such action takes place. If needed a behavioral specialist will work with students to help reinforce and teach positive behavior.
Lunch Fee Policy-as directed by the district lunch program
Students cannotcharge more than 5 days. After the 5th charge, the student is given a survival lunch (that consists of peanut butter sandwich, apple, and milk) for 5 more days. The student will not be able to eat school lunch if lunches are still not paid. The kitchen staff will send reminders home and make calls to inform you. There is a free and reduced lunch form available to anyone for application. Please come in and see the principal if you have any questions.
According to District Policy, students are expected to be in school every day that school is in session. After every 4thabsence you will receive a phone call from the teacher about your child’s absences. After every 9th and 18th absence, a letter will be sent home from the office. This is for your information and to make sure our records are correct.
Truancy: When a student is truant (absent without the consent of parent/guardian or school officials), parents are notified immediately. If truancy (4 or more) continues, a possible action will be to turn the student’s name over to the county judicial system (SOS- Status Offenders Services). If you have any questions about this section please feel free to discuss it with building principal.
Tardy Policy:
3 unexcused tardies – call from teacher and/or principal to parents.
In addition, 3 unexcused tardies are considered one absence, which will be included when excessive absent letters are sent home.
Student Dress Policy:
Recognizing that school is a place of business and that distractions and disruptions must be kept to a minimum, the students, faculty, and administration, recognize the following dress policy:
*Responsibility for dress rests primarily with the parents. They should see to it that their children are properly dressed for attendance at school. If in doubt, be conservative.
Our only guideline is that attire be in good taste. Shorts are acceptable providing that they are not too short (no short-shorts). Tops should not reveal back (bare-back) or midriff. Tank tops for boys (and girls) should cover torso and rib cage.
*To prevent health or safety hazard for all students, baggy clothing or long belts are not allowed. Again, this will prevent disruption classroom to a minimum and create positive learning environment for all students.
*If, in the judgment of the teacher and/or administrator, attire and /or hairdo are disruptive to the educational process, the student will call home and require a changeof clothing or hairdo.
*Please,dress your children for the weather. If it is cold outside, please make sure they dress warmly as they will be outside for recesses.
*Encourage your child not share coats, hats and/or gloves with friends and classmates.
*Lost and Foundis a good place to start when missing jackets, coats, hats, gloves, etc. Parents are always welcome to search through the lost and found for missing items.
The school will follow district policy: POLICY NO: 563
POLICY TITLE:Exclusion for Head Licefoundat
Also attached at the end of the handbook
School policy has been changed to allow school personnel to dispense prescription medication ONLY. Please read the following District Policy:
POLICY TITLE: Administering Medication POLICY NO:561
found at Also attached at the end of the handbook
Parent Involvement Policy
The school recognizes the district policy:POLICY NO:1011.
POLICY TITLE: Parent Involvement found at
Fund Raisers
Albertson’s cards are available at the school office. These cards allow each school a small percentage of your grocery purchase to be returned to the school quarterly. The money for items used in our math program and positive incentives.
Smiths Food King
Smith's is providing a percentage of grocery purchase back to the schools when patrons use their Fresh Value Cards. Supporters must enroll annually. The money is used to help support Accelerated Reading program/technology in the classrooms
Soup Labels/Box Tops
This is greatfundraisers for playground equipment and/or PE supplies. Thank you for your support and please continue to turn in these labels and box tops. The PTO will collect these every month. Check out the posters and signs displayed around the hallways during the year.
Pencil Machine- will be accessible to all students as needed. Pencils are $ .25 each.
If you are interested in helping out PTO, please call the school to get in contact with our Board. The school and PTO will limit fundraisers throughout this year. We strive to work with our local community and business as we plan our fund raising activities. We encourage parents to use the above programs (Smith’s, Albertson’s and Box Top labels) to keep fundraisers at a minimum.
PTO Board 2014-2015
President:Nicole Tegethoff
Vice Pres: Kyrie Funk
Treasurer:Hadley Morrell
Secretary: Alisha Withers
StudentsPlacement for 2014-2015
There may be changes to the staff next year and each year we receive some requests for student placements. I would like to inform you about the primary determinations in student placement.
- Academic factors, to make classes heterogeneous
- Classroom environment
- Learning styles
- Personality of student and teacher
With the unknown changes that may occur for the next school, it may be helpful to provide the name (with an explanation) of which teacher would not be a good fit for your child. We will take into consideration specific information that will help us make the best possible placement as always. Your information is very important, and will help the principal make the final decision for placement. A consideration of all factors is used to make the best educational placement for your child.
Also, remember that it is possible that your child will have more than one teacher during the school day. The district’s commitment to academic success for all students involves differentiated grouping in Reading (for 1st thru 3rd graders). Please feel free to discuss this with the principal at any time.
Thank you,
Dustin Heath
Important Telephone Numbers:
Mountain View Fax Number: 878-6609
Principal 878-6608
Dustin Heath
Nicole Wardle 878-6608
Emily Hill
District Office 878-6600