Unit Title
/Examine the scene and collect evidence
This unit is about examining the scene and collecting evidence. You will need to be able to maintain health, safety and welfare throughout this work. In addition, you will need to record all relevant information relating to scene examination, evidence collection and completion of the examination.In examining the scene you will need to determine the type of examination that is necessary and use suitable examination and investigation techniques. You will need to locate and record potential evidence and maintain effective communications.
Collecting potential evidence will involve maximising the recovery of evidence through the use of appropriate techniques. You will need to maintain the continuity, security and integrity of items.
Completing the examination will involve ensuring all the necessary actions have been taken and evaluating the scene to prove or disprove the hypothesis. Further examination and/or additional resources may be required, and you will need to identify such a need and take the appropriate action. Finally you will need to communicate the progress and completion of the examination to relevant personnel.
There are three elements:
3H6.1 / Examine the scene3H6.2 / Collect evidence
3H6.3 / Complete the examination
This unit was developed by Skills for Justice.
Skills for Justice / Page 1National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement / April 2005
/Examine the scene
Performance Criteria
To meet the standard, you
1 / determine the sequence and types[1] of examination that are necessary2 / identify any additional resources that are required
3 / use examination and investigative techniques that are appropriate for the scene and circumstances of the incident
4 / use examination and investigative techniques in a way that ensures potential evidence is preserved and optimised
5 / locate and recordpotential evidence in accordance with local operating procedures
6 / identify and take the necessary actions to maintain health, safety and welfare
7 / identify potential operational threats and risks to relevant others
8 / record relevant information accurately and contemporaneously[2] in accordance with local operating procedures and legislation
9 / maintain effective communications concerning the progress of the examination with the relevant personnel
1 / examinationa / carried out by self
b / carried out in co-ordination with others
2 / resources
a / equipment
b / accommodation at scene
c / welfare requirements
d / specialist personnel
3 / circumstances of the incident
a / indoor
b / outdoor
c / variations in weather conditions
d / possibility of contamination
e / degradation
f / damage
g / loss of potential evidence
/Collect evidence
Performance Criteria
To meet the standard, you
1 / select and use the appropriate examination techniques and equipment to maximise recovery of evidence2 / prioritise and collect evidence in an appropriate manner and in co-operation with other relevant personnel
3 / identify the need for additional resources and take the necessary actions to obtain them
4 / ensure that recovered items are preserved and recorded in accordance with local operating procedures
5 / establish and maintain the continuity, security and integrity of items in accordance with organisational requirements
6 / identify and take the necessary actions to maintain health, safety and welfare
7 / record all relevant information in relation to the collection of evidence accurately and contemporaneously[3]
1 / resourcesa / equipment
b / accommodation at scene
c / welfare requirements
d / specialist personnel
2 / items
a / evidence
b / intelligence
c / information
/Complete the examination
Performance Criteria
To meet the standard, you
1 / review the scene examination to ensure that all the necessary actions have been taken2 / evaluate the scene examination to prove or disprove the examiners hypothesis
3 / identify the need for further examination and/or additional resources, and take the necessary actions
4 / communicate the progress and completion of the examination to the relevant personnel at the appropriate time
5 / identify and take the necessary actions to maintain health, safety and welfare
6 / record the relevant information pertaining to the examination accurately and contemporaneously
1 / resourcesa / equipment
b / accommodation at scene
c / welfare requirements
d / specialist personnel
/Examine the scene and collect evidence
Knowledge and Understanding
To meet the standard, you need to know and understand
Legal and organisational requirements
1 / current, relevant legislation, policies, local operating procedures, codes of practice, guidelines and the investigative process for examining scenes of incidents2 / current, relevant legislation and organisational requirements in relation to race, diversity and human rights
3 / current, relevant legislation and organisational requirements in relation to health and safety
Liaison and communications
4 / the internal and external personnel with whom you will have to liaise5 / lines of communication with internal and external personnel
6 / communication systems and how these should be used
Investigative processes
7 / intelligence collection and recording techniques8 / investigative processes and the wider context of the investigation
9 / how to maintain the continuity of the investigative process
10 / the types of investigative and interview techniques that may be used
11 / how to assess and determine examination requirements - scientific disciplines, specialised proficiencies, techniques and resources
12 / the importance of re-assessing in the light of what you find
13 / the different types of search and examination techniques - importance of sequential examination techniques
Scene preservation
14 / how to define the scene of an incident15 / the ways in which approach paths should be established
16 / the nature of linked scenes and the need to consider linked scenes
17 / how and when scene logs are used
18 / techniques for the preservation of the scene
19 / contamination issues and considerations, means of prevention
20 / the importance of and how to control and preserve scenes, including consideration of location, weather conditions, time of day, multiple locations
Collection of evidence
21 / the types of retrieval techniques22 / the point at which items become evidence
23 / the potential evidence types and when to seek advice in relation to their recovery
24 / types of evidence preservation techniques
25 / the importance and methods of recording potential evidence
26 / screening methods, presumptive and physical tests for potential evidential material, sampling techniques
27 / continuity, security and integrity requirements
Resources and equipment
28 / the types and use of equipment and consumables29 / types of personal protective equipment
30 / types of tests available
31 / types of additional expertise available
32 / how to prioritise your work load
Health and safety
33 / potential health and safety hazards at scenes34 / how to assess risks to health and safety
Identifying operational threats and risks
35 / the difference between threats and risks36 / how to identify potential threats and risks
37 / the types of available information which is required to identify operational threats and risks
Evidence Requirements
Skills for Justice / Page 1National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement / April 2005
[1] For example; fingerprint or fibre
[2] Meaning ‘at the time of the examination’.
[3]Meaning ‘at the time of the examination’.