Minutes of the meeting of The Moultons Parish Council held on 7th March 2017 at Moulton Seas End Village Hall.
Present: Cllrs Benton, Cooper, Hahn, Henderson, Poll, Scarsbrook, Thorpe, Tibbs, Wakefield, Wright.
District Councillor Casson and two members of the general public.
- Chairmans remarks.
Cllr Cooper welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Public forum.
- Apologies.
- Apologies had been received from Cllrs Meade and Walters.
- Declarations of interest.
- None received.
- Notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 7th February 2017 and those from 17th January 2017 to be approved.
17th January 2017 notes accepted. ALL AGREED.
7th February 2017 notes accepted. ALL AGREED.
- Clerks report.
- Clerks report was read out and accepted. Cllr Scarsbrook noted that some of the content in the report should have been included under each separate heading on the agenda. (These were added for the purpose of these minutes).
- Cemetery, Churchyard and Allotment report.
- Clerk received notice that a dead branch had fallen into the tree in Moulton Churchyard. It was AGREED by all that this was a danger and to ask Marcus Goose to deal with it when he works on the trees. Marcus Goose had been previously asked to price for tree works within Moulton Churchyard. His price of £1000 +vat was agreed by the Chairman and Vice –Chairman that this be accepted so to allow works to commence as deemed a matter of urgency. Paperwork had been sent to SHDC to apply for permission, this had in due course been granted, so works can commence.
All Lady Day allotment rents are due to be sent out.
A more details invoice of works done by the Cemetery Keeper as to be asked for. Dates as to when and where they worked to be on their invoice.
Clerk asked if the Burial Board could survey the tarmac in the Cemetery as parts seemed to be lifting and causing pot holes.
- Police matters.
- ASB=1, Criminal Damage+0, RTC=3,Theft=5, Violence=2,Burglary=0. Cllr Poll asked if the PCSO could report the location of the incidents as we have 3 Wards in the Parish.
- Highways Matters.
- Clerk can report the fitting of a new metal post in MSE to hold the SID. A survey had already been done in both MC and MSE from the Road Safety Partnership regards to relocating the SID. Moulton do not have any metal posts, but Cllrs will check the area.Clerk also asked if an ‘Archer survey’ can be done on the road going through all villages.
- Financial Report.
- The finance report was read out. Expenditure of £2314.48 and receipts of £621.26 be accepted. Proposed by Cllr Scarsbrook and seconded by Cllr Wright. ALL AGREED.
- Clerks salary. It was proposed to increase the Clerks salary from £12.04 to £12.16 ph in line with that laid down by LALC. ALL AGREED.
- Cemetery keepers charges. It was proposed that Cllrs meet with the Cemetery keeper to discuss ways of cutting back charges.
- Clerks pension. It was agreed that the Clerk register with the Pension Regulator to start the procedure of Automatic enrolment declaration.
- Grass cutting.
- It was reported that Dawsons will keep their prices the same as per 2016/17. It was proposed to accept this price. ALL AGREED.
- Planning matters.
- The local planning applications had been received by Cllrs and all had no objections.
- Citizen of the Year.
- So far only one nomination had been received with there was yet another week until the deadline. It was agreed that light refreshments be provided by the same people as last year and that a gift voucher also be included in the award. The next meeting of the steering group will be held at Cllr Thorpes house on 21st March at 7pm.
- Moulton Ward.
- Clerk asked if the Cllrs would consider having some refurbish work done to the Village Pump. Bob Marriots price was £300 and Michael Wrights price was £240. After some discussion It was proposed by Cllr Benton and seconded by Cllr Wakefield that no funds be spent. The whole Parish Council voted and 7 against was the majority. Cllr Scarsbrook want it noted that he voted in favour of this to be done. It was mentioned to the Moulton Ward Cllrs that they could use their own precept fund to pay for this. Clerk did report that the Village Pump was listed on the Asset register.
Clerk asked that the Cllrs considered having the Moulton Parish sign refurbished. Michael Wright was asked to price this, the cost is £275. It was proposed by Cllr Scarsbrook and seconded by Cllr Hahn that this be accepted. All AGREED.
- A letter was received by a Parishioner stating that lorries seem to be coming through the village centre and past the school at quite a speed. There is no need to this to be happening. Clerk to make contact with the businesses in the area to discuss this.
- Moulton Seas End Ward.
- Clerk reported that a quote to repair, the broken chain fence around the play area was £550 inc vat. Cllrs said this was quite high and to get another quote.
- Cllr Wright was asked if he would do a report on the play equipment in the play area rather than ask Wicksteed who are very expensive.
- Clerk had received a request from MSE Village Hall committee asking if the Parish Council would contribute to them having a senior citizens meal. After a discussion it was decided that no funding was available. It was also mentioned to the Moulton Seas End Ward Cllrs that they could use their own precept fund to offer some funding for this.
- Clerk reported that the Parish notice board had come away from the wall and had asked Bob Marriot if he could refit this. This had now been done.
- Clerk reported that Mick Stone had been asked to quote for the cleaning of the outside War Memorial. Mick had replied back that all it needed was soap and hot water to clean the stone and that he offered on site advice should Cllrs want to do this.
- Moulton Chapel Ward.
- No update was received.
- Correspondence.
- General correspondence was listed for all to view.
- Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting.
- Date of next meeting.
- To confirm the date of the Annual Parish meeting Tuesday 4th April at Moulton Chapel YCC at 6.30pm followed by the Annual Citizen of the year award.
- To confirm the next general Parish meeting 11th April at Moulton Chapel YCC at 6.30pm.