Academic Year 2016-2017 / 1
District 5160 Global Grant Scholarship
ProgramOverview for Academic Year 2016-2017
2016-2017Academic Year Scholarship
District 5160 annually supports one Global Grant Scholarship for post‐baccalaureate studies abroad. The scholarship, facilitatedby the Rotary Foundation Global Grant program, is made to an exceptional individual through a competitive application and interview process. District 5160 has fully committed its scholarship funds through the 2015-16 academic year. The next Global Grant scholarship opportunity will be for the 2016-17 academic year.
This scholarship is designed to support an individual who has exhibited a passion for public service. It is intended to support a course of overseas studies that will enable individualsto be more successful leaders in their chosen field of service.
The scholarship will be provided to an individual who intends to pursue a career in one or more of Rotary’s six areas of focus:
- Peace and conflict prevention/resolution
- Disease prevention and treatment
- Water and sanitation
- Maternal and child health
- Basic education and literacy
- Economic and community development
A Competitive Process
The competitive process for this scholarship involves five stages. Applicants make application to their local participating Rotary club. Once an application is submitted, the student must be invited to advance to each stageof the competition. The steps include:
1)Interested scholars must secure the sponsorship of a local District 5160 Rotary club and submit an application to that club;
2)Participating District 5160 Rotary Clubs screen applicants and recommend distinguished applicants to the District 5160 scholarship committee;
3)The District 5160 scholarship committee will invite the top applicants to interviewin-person;
4)The applicant, sponsoring Rotary Club and the District scholarship committee jointly submit a global grant “Proposal” to the Rotary Foundation; and, once the proposal is approved,
5)The applicant, sponsoring Rotary Club and the District scholarship committee jointly submit a Global Grant “Application”to the Rotary Foundation.
Clubs Play an Essential Role
Club sponsorship involves assisting applicantsthroughout the competitive process and the scholar’s time abroad. The expectation is that the local club will conductan initial interview with the applicant, provide support to the applicant during the district-widecompetition, assist the applicant with the grant proposal/application process and serve as a counselor for the scholar during her or his overseas studies.
Important Details
- The applicant must be proficient in the native language of the host country.
- The applicant’s program of study must be at the graduate school level.
- The scholar must be traveling abroad for study.
- The scholarship is for a term of one-to-four academic years.
- The scholarship amount is US$30,000.
- Scholars need to live in their host district.
- Once the district selects an applicant, a two-step process begins with the Rotary Foundation. First a ”Proposal”is submitted and must be approved by the Rotary Foundation. Second, once the proposal is approved it must be followed, within six months, by a more extensive “Application.”
- At the time of the proposal, the applicant must know where he/she wants to study and the club sponsors must identify the name of a primary contact in the host district.
[Note: The applicant does not need to be accepted into a program at time of the original application to the local Rotary Club, however, the selected candidate must be admitted to his/her study program no later than the time of the Global Grant application to the Rotary Foundation.]
- Scholarships may not be used for studies that are already underway.
- In global grants, ambassadorial skills are optional for scholars. The primary consideration is forging an ongoing relationship between Rotary and future skilled professionals within an area of focus. Global grant scholars are expected to participate in Rotary activities in their home and host districts. Rotarian sponsors should provide opportunities for them to do so.
To Be a Competitive Applicant
- Possesses excellent leadership skills and potential for success
- Have a proven record of success in his/her academic field or vocation
- Have demonstrated a personal commitment to public/community service
- Have well-defined and realistic goals
- Has concrete ideas as to how he/she will make advances within her/his chosen career field
- Is sincere about maintaining a lifelong relationship with Rotary after the scholarshipperiod
Key Dates
Academic Year 2016-2017Scholarship
(Subject to Revision)
Date / ActivityApril 1, 2015 / Global Grant Scholarship application period opens
April 1, 2015 –
August 1, 2015 / Club publicity and recruitment period
August 1, 2015 / Applications due to sponsoring District 5160 clubs
September 1, 2015 / Clubs forward recommended application(s) to the district scholarship committee
October 3, 2015 / In-person district interview of invited applicants
November 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015 / Formal Global Grant “Proposal” filed online with the Rotary Foundation
January 2016 –
June 2016 / Within six months of the Foundation’s approval of the “Proposal” applicant must file an “Application”
July 2016 –
October 2017 / Studies begin