Script Two:Aunty Val encourages Aunty Joan to get a breast screen
SFX: in a shop (normal shop noises, wallah, registers)
Narrator (warm female voice):
“Oh, hello! Nice to see you again!
“It’s good of you to stop by. I was just doing a bit of shopping myself, as well as catching up with Aunty Joan.
“You might remember that last time we saw her she was talking to her daughter Tracy about getting a breast screen done.
“She was a little bit worried about it not being private, and unsure about what the test would involve.
“So she’s asking her cousin Val a few questions while her son Geoff tries to help with the shopping – let’s listen in…”
Aunty Joan:
“Put that back on the shelf, Geoff – why do we need topping for ice cream when we’re not buying ice-cream…”
Geoff (male, early 40s):
“What do you mean you’re not getting ice-cream? I like ice-cream when I come and visit…”
Aunty Joan (to Val):
“I tell you Val, that boy wouldn’t know a vegetable if it hit him in the face! If we’re not careful we’ll have a basket full of chips and chocolate and nothing else…”
Val (laughing):
“Oh, come on Joan. He’s not a boy anymore, so if he wants a few treats you should let him…”
Aunty Joan:
“That’s true, I suppose.
“Hey listen, while we’re talking, Tracy said I should ask you about breast screening. I know I’m supposed to be getting one, but I’m a bit worried about how private it will be, and what they actually do…”
“You mean you haven’t had one done? That’s no good, Joan – you definitely should.
“I have one every two years, and it’s a pretty simple test. You know, it’s always a female health worker who looks after you, and they’re always really nice…”
Aunty Joan:
“But what do they do when they test you?”
“It’s called a mammogram – so basically they just scan your breasts. You might feel a bit of pressure, but it’s all done pretty quickly.
“The whole appointment usually lasts about half an hour, but the test itself usually takes less than a minute. So it’s really quick.”
Aunty Joan:
“And it’s free, right?”
“Yeah, you just ring up and book in. Look – why don’t we ring up when we get back to your place?
“And I can come along with you when you go for your appointment if you like…”
Aunty Joan:
“That would be great – thanks Val.
“Oh look, here comes Geoff with an armful of junk!”
“I don’t know – I reckon that’s some bananas he’s got there in between the soft drink and the bikkies!”
(laughter from Val and Aunty Joan)
Narrator (laughing):
“I wonder how much of that stuff Geoff will convince Aunty Joan to buy?
“But it’s great that Val was able to talk to Aunty Joan about breast screening, and she’s done the right thing by offering to help Joan make an appointment and then to go along with her.
“Val’s right when she says that having a breast screen is private – a female worker will look after you and make sure you always feel safe and comfortable. And it’s free for all women aged 50 and 74.
“It’s also very important – as it’s the best way to detect breast cancer early, which could save your life.
“For more information, you can search BreastScreen Australia online or call 13 20 50 – which is also the best number to call to make an appointment at your nearest BreastScreen Australia clinic.
“So look, I better go pay for all this food I’ve grabbed while I followed Val and Aunty Joan around the shops.
“Why don’t we catch up again soon and see how Aunty Joan went with her breast screen?”