Distinguished Scholar Award Program
K-12 and Secondary Programs
Our most prestigious undergraduate award recognizes teacher candidates who engage in professional growth, service, and leadership. Time spent engaged in these activities is beyond all required field experiences and Service-Learning hours. A recognition celebration for Distinguished Scholars is held at the end of the spring semester.
How do I participate?
You will work under the guidance of one KSP faculty member to complete any six of the twelve activities to earn this award. Each activity requires full documentation of participation reported in an Activity Evaluation Form (page 3 of this document) signed by your site supervisor; the form includes directions for your written reflection. The completed form with reflection will be shared during a meeting you schedule with your KSP Faculty Mentor.
What are the steps?
- Contact one of the KSP faculty members to inquire about their availability to serve as your KSP Faculty Mentor.
- Meet with your KSP Faculty Mentor to;
- Register for the program.
- Share your plans for your six activities.
- Secure your Faculty Mentor's pre-approval of your first activity.
- Receive an Activity Evaluation Form for your first activity.
- Complete activity.
- Fill our Activity Evaluation Form, including site supervisor signature (page 3)
- Meet with your KSP Faculty Mentor to review the evaluation form and reflection and to secure faculty signature.
- Your faculty mentors maintains a file with completed Activity Evaluation Forms.
- If you wish to be recognized at the formal banquet in April, six activities must be completed, reviewed by faculty, and submitted in your file by April 1.
Twelve Activities
Plan your sixactivities with your KSP faculty mentor.
Professional Growth
- Attend one Education MN Conference in St. Paul (3rd Thursday each October, transportation provided from campus)
- Attend three pre-approved (on and off-campus) cultural diversity activities
- Conduct original research and present at the annual MSU Undergraduate Research Conference.
- Author and publish one article in a reviewed and recognized newsletter, newspaper or journal as author or co-author.
- Attend one pre-approved state, regional or national conference in your content area, or a conference related to pedagogy or school-related issues.
- Volunteer in K-12 school interacting with students and faculty (30 hours).
- Volunteer to tutor middle/high school students through Study Buddies (contact: )
- Volunteer to tutor middle/high school students through online Homework Helpers (contact: )
- Participate in pre-approved service-learning experience (30 hours).
- Serve as an officer in the Secondary Education Club or Ed MN.
- Serve on KSP Undergraduate Program Advisory Council for three meetings.
- Student on Special Assignment (SOSA): Complete a special work assignment under the supervision of a faculty member.
Activity Evaluation Form
Date ______
Name: last ______first ______
Activity # ______Title ______
- Beginning date ______Ending date ______
For activities 6 & 8 (volunteer and service-learning) total hours______
- Location where activity was completed ______
Supervisor ______Phone# (_____) ______
- Describe WHAT you did on location ______
Attach a professionally written reflection addressing the following (1-2 pages):
Reflection must be: word processed, single spaced, size 12 font, easily readable font, correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, and correct paragraph form. Address the following in your reflection:
- How have you developed your professional skills of (1) initiation, (2) collaboration, (3) leadership?
- To what extent was this enjoyable or not enjoyable?
- What were some of the high points?
- What were the surprises?
- Why will you continue/not continue to do this activity?
- Secure your site supervisor’s signature on this form.
- Make an appointment with your KSP Faculty Mentor to review your Activity Evaluation Form and secure the faculty member’s signature.
Site Supervisor: My signature indicates that the student has performed as described above.
______Date ______
Faculty Mentor: My signature indicates that the student has met requirements and submitted a professionally written reflection.
______Date ______
Attach your reflection to this form.
Student Registration
Date ______
Name: last ______first ______
Tech ID ______
Content Area ______Advisor ______
Phone ______E-mail ______
Permanent Address ______
- The first activity I plan to complete:
Approximate start date ______
Approximate completion date ______
- I plan to complete the six activities by ______
NOTE: If you plan to receive the award at the spring banquet, all six Activity Evaluation Forms must be submitted by April 1.
We are honored to work with you in:
- Completing your work
- Celebrating your accomplishments!
KSP Undergraduate Distinguished Scholar
Department of Educational Studies: K-12 and Secondary Programs