Crystal Pointe Homeowners' Association, Inc.
Monthly Board Meeting
Held on: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 @ 7:00 PM
Location: Community Clubhouse
Meeting called to order by Chris Haggerat 7:01 PM.
Present: Patrick Cannan, Chris Hagger, Deborah Martin, Joetta Schneider, Michele Tobias and Gary Walk.
Via phone: Tom Wilcox
Absent: Jon Markoulis and Jerry Simon
Present for Seacrest Services: Tara Miller, Property Manager
C. Hagger called for a motion to approve the minutes from the board meeting held on 5/24/17. G. Walkmade a motion to approve the minutes with one correction (typo). M. Tobiasseconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried unanimously.
Homeowner questions and comments were heard.
C. Hagger closed the floor for homeowner comments and opened the architectural review meeting at 7:06 PM.
G. Walk proposed adopting a rule to permit white window frames, C. Hagger made a motion to permit white window frames, M. Tobias seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried unanimously.
10applications for architectural approval were reviewed:
2540 La Cristal Circle- Request to replace windows and front door. G. Walk made a motion to approve, C. Hagger seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried unanimously.
2639 La Lique Circle- Request to resurface pool and install travertine tile patio. G. Walk made a motion to approve, J. Schneider seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried unanimously. Homeownerin attendance was asked to provide a new general liability certificate listing CPHOA as a certificate holder.
13406 Bradford’s Wharf- Request to replace windows. J. Schneidermade a motion to approve, G. Walkseconded the motion to approve, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried unanimously. Homeowner in attendance was asked to provide a new general liability certificate listing CPHOA as a certificate holder.
13427 William Myers Court- Request to paint front door. G. Walk made a motion to approve,D. Martin seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried unanimously.
13190 Crisa Drive- Request to replace stamped concrete walkway leading up to front door with decorative rocks and stepping stones due to tree root damage. CPHOA board did not approve. PM asked to obtain drawings from homeowner and have Waterford board review and approve first.
13160 Crisa Drive- Request to omit sliding glass door in kitchen. G. Walk made a motion to approve with the stipulation that only Brad Dunkleberger work on the property. Any employees of Precision Renovation, LLC, or subcontractors working on the property must provide proof of workman’s compensation. M. Tobias seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried unanimously.
13213 St Tropez Circle–Request for approval of front yard landscape design. G. Walk made a motion to approve, C. Hagger seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried unanimously.
2619 La Cristal Circle- Request to replace patio screened enclosure, replace front entry screen door and replace screen slider in kitchen. G. Walk made a motion to approve with the stipulation that only the employees reported to the employee leasing company work on the property. Any and all other employees or subcontractors working on the property must provide proof of workman’s compensation. J. Schneider seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried unanimously.
13422 Bradford’s Wharf- Request to replace windows and doors. G. Walk made a motion to approve with the stipulation that only the employees reported to the employee leasing company work on the property. Any and all other employees or subcontractors working on the property must provide proof of workman’s compensation and the general liability certificate must list CPHOA as a certificate holder. C. Hagger seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried unanimously.
13450 William Myers Court - Request to install generator. G. Walk made a motion to approve, C. Hagger seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried unanimously.
D. Martin will draft new verbiage regarding the association’s insurance requirements. Once completed and reviewed by the board, PM will add to the application for architectural approval.
C. Hagger closed the architectural review meeting and opened the regular board meeting at 8:00 PM.
President's Report– C. Hagger asked the board to be mindful of completing action items and tasks assigned to them.
Treasurer's Report–T. Wilcox reported $31,002 in the operating account and $181,180 in reserves. To date, on budget for income and $2,500 under budget for expenses. Delinquent accounts total$19,633. PM went over delinquency report in detail.
Interview Committee-B. Lentini can no longer chair the interview committee. Lisa Beck of St Tropez volunteered to take over.
Landscaping Committee–J. Schneider reported that the weed problem is much better since the extra weed & feed application, overall the grass looks good. Flowers are not holding up and are not scheduled to be replaced until November. Will work with PM on solution.
Hearings Committee– Tom Dellolio reported that Lisa Beck has joined the hearings committee.
Security Report– J. Simon not in attendance to give report. PM reported that there were no real issues to speak of. C. Hagger reported that Tequita is no longer working at Crystal Pointe and there are 2 new gate attendants. Discussion was had as to whether or not extra personnel is necessary during the summer months. C. Hagger suggested tabling the topic until J. Simon is present, all agreed.
Old Business:
□E-Voting–T. Wilcoxreported the Estates is still missing 6 email addresses, St Tropez is missing 13, Lalique is missing 11 and Waterford is missing 5. Data will be loaded for 238 homes who have an email address on file and a survey will be sent out. HOAst agreed to have a representative from their firm attend the next annual meeting. D. Martin confirmed that homeowners must consent to evoting in writing.
□Annexation – Committee met and City of Palm Beach Gardens provided an annexation analysis along with a summary of benefits. G. Walk spoke with representatives of 2 nearby communities who were annexed to gain their feedback. Very positive feedback included improved city services, faster response time from fire, rescue and police, no cost community police patrol and faster/easier processing of building permits. C. Hagger presented the tax analysis which showed that homes with a taxable value less than $203k will see a decrease in annual property taxes. Homes with a taxable value greater than $203k will see an increase in annual property taxes. Most homes in the Estates will see an increase of approximately $300 per year. PM and J. Schneider will meet with representatives from the City of Palm Beach Gardens on 7/7.
□Patio furniture – PM assisted J. Schneider & M. Tobias during the research process, thereafter, J. Schneider & M. Tobias visited a few local showrooms to inquire about quality, fabric, etc. J. Schneider presented proposal, which included photos, from Florida Patio Furniture, Inc. and made the recommendationto purchasethe new pool patio furniture from Florida Patio Furniture, Inc. G. Walk made a motion to approve, P. Cannan seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried unanimously. D. Martin expressed gratitude for all of the time and effort that went into this project.
□Common infractions – C. Hagger presented a list of common infractions and discussed potential time frames and fines for each. Common infractions included parking issues, garbage left out at curbside too early, etc. Will revisit when entire board is present.
New Business:
With no further business to discuss,C. Haggercalled for a motion to adjourn the meeting at9:45PM. M. Tobiasmade the motion to adjourn, P. Cannanseconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried unanimously.
Minutes respectfully submitted by: Tara Miller, LCAM