Geography, Gr. 9
The characteristics of Canada’s natural environment
Landforms Canada
Look at the map of Canada to the right. You will see a red line has been dawn from from Canada’s west coast to Canada’s east coast. You are going to create a cross section profle of Canada which follows this line. Another way to think of a cross section profile is a sidways view. Distance below is the distance from Vancouver going east.
Elevationistheheight of the land above sea level.
Distance from west coast (km) / Elevation(m above sea level) / Landform Region
0 / 0 / Western Cordillera
120 / 2550
240 / 2100
300 / 2200
340 / 1950
350 / 2200
410 / 2200
430 / 1950
530 / 2400
720 / 3600
960 / 1050
1440 / 780 / Interior Plains
1470 / 720
1920 / 600
2080 / 270 / Canadian Shield
2400 / 540
2800 / 240
3310 / 630
3840 / 450
4320 / 210
4400 / 0 / Appalachians
4750 / 0
4800 / 600
5120 / 0
Save the“Canada profile”Excel to your home drive and open the file.
To create a graph:
- Click on Page Layout. Change the size to legal and the orientation to landscape
- Click on Cell A:27 and type a complete and appropriate title for thediagram you are about to make. Then change the font to 18 bold and underline.
- Click once on cell F:5
- Click insert and then the icon on the top menu bar. In the scatter type drop down select
- Right click on the blank chart area and choose select data
- Click
- Click once on the icon located to the right of the Series name box. Click once on cell A:27 and then click onceon the same icon
- Click once on the icon to the right of the Series X values box. Select Cell A:2 to A:25. (Do not select the first cell in this colum). Then click once again on the icon you just clicked on.
- Delete ={1}in the Series Y values box. Click once on the icon to the right of the Series Y values box. Highlight the celles from B:2 to B:25 and then click once on the icon you just click on. Click OKand then OK again.
- Right click on the values below the X axis and select Format axis.
- Change the major unit to 500 and the minor unit to 10 by clicking on the appropriate fix radio buttons to the left of Fixed and typing the required values. Click Close.
- Resize your graph so that The top left corner is in cell A:1, and the bottom left corner is in cell N:28. Do not distort the graph. Make sure the values on the X axis can be clearly read.
- Click once on the line located to the right of the graph and press delete
- Move your cursor over one of the horizontal lines on the graph until you see a pop up icon Click once on this line and press delete.
- Right click on the blue line on the graph and select format data series. Change the line colour to solid line and then select the Orange, Accent 6, Darker 50% colour. Change the line style width to 2. Click Close.
- Under Chart Tools select Layout.
- Click on Axis Titles and select Primary Horizontal Axis Title, and then Title Below Axis. Label the axis appropriately and then press Enter.
- Click on Axis Titles and select Primary Vertical Axis Title, and then Rotated Title. Label the axis appropriately and then press Enter
- Located at the bottom of the screen is a tab labelled. Right click on this tab and select Rename. Type Profileand press Enter.
- Change the name of the sheet 2 tab to Western Cordillera, sheet3 tab to Interior Plains, Sheet 4 tab to Canadian Shield, and sheet tab 5 to Appalachians.
- Using the internet find a large image (i.e. photograph not map) showing Canada’s Western Cordillera region. Right click on this image and select Copy. Click on the Western Cordillera tab (the one you renamed from Sheet 2) and right click and select Paste. Resize the image so that it occupies most of the sheet.
- Repeat step 21 to copy and paste appropriate images into the correctly tabs for the Canadian Interior Plains, the Canadian Shield and the Canadian Appalachians regions.
- Identify and mark the boundaries of each of the four landform regions on your profile. (Look at data table on page 1 of this handout to guide you)
- Using the insert Text box feature label each landform region on your profile. Place each text box in an appropriate location on your profile.
- Select the text box identifying the Western Cordillera. Now place your cursor inside the text box, right click and select
- In the Hyperlink pop up window click on
- Under Cell Reference click once on Western Cordillera and then click OK.
- Using the same steps hyperlink each text box identifying a landform region to the correct image you copied and pasted in each worksheet.
- Drop your completed assignment into the teacher’s drop off folder.