Slaughterhouse Five—Vonnegut

Discussion points for chapter eight

***Please, do not write on this sheet. Write your ideas on another sheet of notebook paper. ***

1.  The idea of organisms as machines being manipulated by or at the mercy of other forces

2.  The plot lines of Kilgore Trout’s novels that are mentioned in this chapter and the significance of these plots (pp. 167-68)

3.  The episode at Billy’s anniversary party:

·  Why he is bothered by the Barbershop Quartet

·  The questions Trout asks Billy and how these questions might have some influence on Billy’s ideas about Tralfamadore

4.  How Billy describes Dresden after the bombing when telling Montana about it (note also the significance of the date Dresden was bombed)

5.  Possible significance/irony of the inn keeper and his wife staying open for business after Dresden has been bombed.