Retention Work PlanOctober 12, 2017

Discussion of adding Recruitment to Retention Committee

– bring to the executive board for confirmation

– tied to retention

– Enrollment has fallen off after GED change

Unemployment rate is strong, so numbers are down

Review of work plan

For Retention Committee, focus on:

1.1c – establish increased navigational support BEdA

1.1d – Work with WSSC to strengthen wraparound services to BEdA students

Objective / Strategy / Expected Outputs / Outcomes / What our group will do, why & research/data / Date
Increase participation and success of underrepresented populations / 1.1c – establish increased navigational support BEdA / 1.1c/d
Definitions of wraparound services & models / Panel of navigators to come WTR discuss / WTR CBS
Continue system-wide discussions about overlap/alignment with developmental education and basic skills transitions to strengthen pathways to college and careers. / 1.1d – Work with WSSC to strengthen wraparound services to BEdA students / Strategies for educational interviewing
Intake processes
2.3 Strengthen & maintain a culture of rigorous instruction & evidence of increased performance / 2.3 Support BEdA training initi / 2.3 Increased training opportunities / Productive Persistence training
Growth Mindset
Heart Math
Support the expansion of adult high school diploma credential (HS21+) /increase HS21+ enrollments and completions / Develop & disseminate Canvas & online resources for HS21+ Curriculum / Disseminate resources to practitioners
2.7 Increase FT positions / Collect data on FT faculty & student retention
Benefits of FT vs PT
3.3 Strengthen wraparound services to BEdA students. / 3.3 a Work with WSSSC to strengthen wraparound services to BEdA students.
3.3b. Collaborate with WEC and ATC to plan joint meetings or professional development opportunities / Programs implement navigator positions to support completion and transitions; increased SAI points per student / Data to support navigators
Educational interviews (future google doc?)
Increased professional development opportunities for staff and faculty / Explore and recommend professional development opportunities for BEdA trainings / Training opportunities / Productive Persistence training
Growth mindset (Centralia College)
ACES (funding, barriers, strategies)
Utilize data to reduce racial equity gap / Use data dashboards to access data on racial equity gaps / Share results of data in conjunction with best practices / Definitions & data
Differentiate data w/ss who don’t post test

Review of our tasks for the year

SMR 17 / FALL 17 / WTR 18 / SPR 18 / SMR 18 / Fall 18
Heart math / Google doc w/info on navigators / Panel w/navigators
Collate data from google doc – quick digestible doc/PP/graphic
Eisenhour will compile the data from Cascade College / Stress management for deans/directors
Daily self care:
Yoga breathing
Heart math
Out door walking
Self care
Set intentions
Lunch w/colleagues
Give a card
Go for a walk / Productive Persistence
Growth Mindset


Amie Batton - Peninsula

Jill McDonough –South Seattle

Lori Kunkler –Yakima Valley

Erin Holloway – Columbia Basin

Jodi Novotny –Renton Tech

Scott Toscano -SBCTC

Judy Faast - Hopelink

Rebecca Jayasundara –Tacoma Community College

Robin Gashi – Tacoma Rescue Mission

Rod Taylor – Bellingham Technical College

Lyn Eisenhour – Cascadia College

Minutes taken by Jill McDonough